Embarrassing pics... but im desperate for help!!!

I have this SAME issue in the same area of my head and its sore from time to time :( I'm using BT and plan to buy some oils. My hair use to be dry when i air dried so i figured it was the leave in. I stated experimenting and found NTM leave in and my hair loves it. I part big sections of my hair apply detangle and braid. i end up with about 8 - 10 braids. the next day its about 80% dry I take down apply BT to scalp massage then corn row hair. I use different directions each time. Once I braid I try to leave it for 2 weeks.
I also use ORS scalp scrub. So girl we are on this journey together!!

here we go...mission healthy hair....all over
Your hair isn't hopeless. like someone else mentioned, the back of your hair looks healthy so the front definitely has potential. I also agree with not relaxing the front, for a while.

Although its not a popular opinion on this site, I suggested trimming the front of your hair. I think you're going to continue seeing breakage in that area because its too far gone. Because of that, I don't think its worth holding on too. If you're afraid of cutting just do a little bit at a time. Perhaps a 1/4 or 1/2 an inch every month until the damaged hair is gone.

Other than that, the advice that was giving has been great; deep condition, moisturize and use protein as needed. Oh and NO heat on that area.
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Your hair isn't hopeless. like someone else mentioned, the back of your hair looks healthy so the front definitely has potential. I also agree with not relaxing the front, for a while.

Although its not a popular opinion on this site, I suggested trimming the front of your hair. I think you're going to continue seeing breakage in that area because its too far gone. Because of that, I don't think its worth holding on too. If you're afraid of cutting just do a little bit at a time. Perhaps a 1/4 or 1/2 an inch every month until the damaged hair is gone.

Other than that, the advice that was giving has been great; deep condition, moisturize and use protein as needed. Oh and NO heat on that area.
I think you may be right... looks like i headed towards a mullet:perplexed
i would give it a little trim in the front. and just leave it alon(no pulling hair with combing) baby the hair back to health. time is key.
I would not blowdry or flat iron for 6 months to a year. I also would not relax either for atleast 16wks at a time, but going as long as I can doing roller/flexi/and or rodsets.
i would love to see your progress, thats how my hair was at the top, when i decided to go natural.. i would say the "stop relaxing" it would be good. cuz i noticed mines is thcker and fuller after not relaxing since july 09.
Your hair isn't hopeless. like someone else mentioned, the back of your hair looks healthy so the front definitely has potential. I also agree with not relaxing the front, for a while.

Although its not a popular opinion on this site, I suggested trimming the front of your hair. I think you're going to continue seeing breakage in that area because its too far gone. Because of that, I don't think its worth holding on too. If you're afraid of cutting just do a little bit at a time. Perhaps a 1/4 or 1/2 an inch every month until the damaged hair is gone.

Other than that, the advice that was giving has been great; deep condition, moisturize and use protein as needed. Oh and NO heat on that area.

I think Kanadake has a point. A trim might do a world of good, just the bangs though.

Also what do you moisturize with?

When you do relax make sure the next couple of times that that section gets relaxed last.

I am rooting for you girlie.
I had a similair problem early this year no relaxing, megatek, and BT turning it around. I have pictures in my album if your interested. It took about 6 months to completely fill in now 10 months later I have bangs to the tip of my noes were there was no hair before
I'm on my phone so I'll give full replies 2ma but u guys are so sweet and encouraging!!!! I wish I could have u all over 4 dinner. Thanks a whole BUNCH
My hair hates airdrying too....it gets dry and brittle, no matter what leave ins or moisturizers I put on my hair..
OP: You received alot of good advice. IA: The back of your Hair is Wonderfully 'Healthy':grin:

I would restrict the washing/conditioning to once a week instead of multiple times a week.

You didn't say how often you relax, but I would stretch that some. And as Blizzard suggested, I would either skip that section all together or definitely not process it bone-straight.

I would also continue with my DC Treatments, and keep my Protein & Moisture in Balance.

I'd probably let it rest this winter and go under a Wig or Half-Wig like Self-Styled Suggested and just baby that Front until Spring/Summer.:yep:

And rub a little oil either JBCO or some other type of oil on the Thinning areas. Personally, I would mix a little Mega-Tek with some JBCO, but that would be my 'personal preference' :look: to thicken that area up a bit.

I'm sure it will turn around. Stay encouraged.:yep:

Thanx gurl.
ive hard alot about this mega tek stuff. is it a rinse out condish or leave in?