Hair Albums and Hair Typing: Is it really neccesary?

Country gal

Well-Known Member
I was reading an off topic thread with some posts basically stated that members should have hair albums. Some members feel that they have to see the proof which seems to me to be long, healthy hair before you are considered a credible source. I also see folks get really caught up on hair typing. I've been told that knowing someone's hair type is important for similar hair types. They feel they can use a product because said 4a member used it with success. My experience is what works for some don't always work for me. I just try different products out and finally got a good regimen. Do we really need to see if a member has long hair before trying out a product? Adrienne had 4a hair. Her hair was beautiful. I remember her using S-curl activator. I tried it since it worked for her and it damaged my hair. It made it weak and stringy. Adrienne had success with the product (did I say how beautiful her hair looked) even though we have similar hair types the product did not work for me. Knowing that someone is natural is more helpful. I still do things that work for relaxed heads too.

The regimens are more important. I found that the TLC steps really aid in me retaining lenght. The products are helpful too.

What is your take?
I don't think hair albums are 'necessary', but useful, fun and inspirational.

As for hair typing... while a lot of hair tips can be applied to any hair type, some methods may only work for specific ones. For example, detangling 2a and 4a hair is probably quite a different process. But as for products, I don't think two people having the same hair type will guarantee it working for both of them, as there are so many other factors: hair condition, chemically treated or not, water type, type of environment, hair thickness, porosity etc.
although i dont have an album together just yet, nor have i figured out my hair type - for me, both would be important only in being able to track my progress & have an idea of what may work best for my hair.

as for types&albums of others....i LOVE when people have months & years worth of pictures, not that i need proof - but inspiration, if you will. for some, the struggle to obtain healthy hair, and reach their goals is a difficult one. its wonderful to look at someone elses journey and know that anythings possible.

but as an aside...there are a lot of perps & frauds on the net. granted, it won't cause me to lose sleep, but i'd be devasted to find out that my very favorite online personality was a total scam.
PerfectDoak said:
I don't think hair albums are 'necessary', but useful, fun and inspirational.

As for hair typing... while a lot of hair tips can be applied to any hair type, some methods may only work for specific ones. For example, detangling 2a and 4a hair is probably quite a different process. But as for products, I don't think two people having the same hair type will guarantee it working for both of them, as there are so many other factors: hair condition, chemically treated or not, water type, type of environment, hair thickness, porosity etc.

I agree about the underlying factors in making a product work for you. I do enjoy looking at albums. I have seen some members in person who don't have an album but their hair is fabulous. I am not trying to beat down on anyone just curious what everyone's take is.
SummerRain said:
although i dont have an album together just yet, nor have i figured out my hair type - for me, both would be important only in being able to track my progress & have an idea of what may work best for my hair.

as for types&albums of others....i LOVE when people have months & years worth of pictures, not that i need proof - but inspiration, if you will. for some, the struggle to obtain healthy hair, and reach their goals is a difficult one. its wonderful to look at someone elses journey and know that anythings possible.

but as an aside...there are a lot of perps & frauds on the net. granted, it won't cause me to lose sleep, but i'd be devasted to find out that my very favorite online personality was a total scam.

We had that happen here. It was a troll that had a picture of some little girl and pic of another woman. She was trying to pass it off as herself and daughter. Only to do a thread saying how silly we are and she had us fooled.
Country gal said:
We had that happen here. It was a troll that had a picture of some little girl and pic of another woman. She was trying to pass it off as herself and daughter. Only to do a thread saying how silly we are and she had us fooled.

Wow, how did I miss that???:lol:
i think albums are neccesary to help me look for people who's hair looks similar to mine so i can try to use the same thing they used sometimes it works sometimes it does not
Countrygal, great thread! I think you raised very valid points, especially in reference to the hair albums. I dont use hair albums to establish whether a person with longer hair is more credible, but i find my self looking to see "what does this person's 4a look like?" (b/c even within the same "hair type", there are many differences) When Tracy was on the boards.... her album intrigued me because i loved to see her different color results. Adrienne and Sherrylove are inspirations because they have achieved great length and have a similiar hair texture.
I tried Adrienne's scurl tip too and it didn't work for me. I now realize her method didn't "fit" into the way i care for my hair. Nonetheless i'm still encouraged by her progress.

As for hair type... i think its absolutely necessary for me! I cross reference hair type wth everything from product raves to how long people stretch relaxers. I think it gives insight on what has a better chance of being practical on my hair. While there are still variations wirthin one type of hair (4a hair can be, fine, cottony, soft, thick, etc) i still think it helps me narrow down what tips/methods/products will be successful for me.
I don't think there really necessary, maybe good for giving others hope and inspiration that they can achieve their goals, and/or for hair styling techniques for those that may not know how to achieve it. But it doesn't keep me from believing in a member when they give us a heads up on their progress and regimens.
Before I take a member's recommendations for products I feel it's necessary that we have similar hair types. This is not sufficient to gauruntee it will work for me but if I know that a poster has type 2 or 3 hair I sometimes bypass their suggestions just as I'm sure some of them bypass mine. I think this is consistent with coming to a board were many of the posters have black ancestry...I know that going to a different type of board would not yield as many helpful suggestions for my hair type.

As for the hair's inspirational and nice but not necessary. I'm thankful some ladies the work into posting their pictures.
Hair typing when I am looking for a product means nothing to me. For it was a white girl who got me hooked to NTM and my beloved Damaged Remedy!

But I love it when someone has an album with their progress. It keeps me motivated. Even more I love it when the person shares their regimen and what they use.

For me, when I fotki hop, I take bits of information. I try to not to copy someone's regimen completely but I take little information that I think is helpful. And sometimes it is nice to see rags to ritches progress. You guys will probably hate me for this, but I would rather take advice from someone who has been there and moved up then someone who doesn't have my ideal hair or hair that I am striving towards.

I will admit, there are sometimes where I don't take advice from 3 hair types because I know it isn't realistic for me. But some hair care is universal, regarless of hair types.
Country gal said:
I was reading an off topic thread with some posts basically stated that members should have hair albums. Some members feel that they have to see the proof which seems to me to be long, healthy hair before you are considered a credible source. I also see folks get really caught up on hair typing. I've been told that knowing someone's hair type is important for similar hair types. They feel they can use a product because said 4a member used it with success. What is your take?

For me, I take all information with a grain of salt. To me albums aren't necessary, but helpful. They are not a requirement for me to view you as a credible source-- and long hair is not an indication of any level of hair expertise in my opinion, just as shorter hair isn't a result of a lack of hair knowledge. I've seen "longhairs" give out questionable information, too. :yep:

But albums do serve a good purpose, especially on hair forums. I do prefer to compare how your advice measures up with your progress over time. For instance, if you say a particular method has never caused you problems or you're hair likes a certain thing that others would see as hair damaging--and upon viewing your album the opposite seems to be true, then . . . :look: (I haven't seen much of that though).:lol: So albums do help. I always prefer hair progress albums where people have gone from point A, to the point B of their choice (be that short to long, thin to full, relaxed to natural, etc) ...not so much albums where the person has always had "long hair." And just because you don't have "long hair" doesn't mean I'm going to dismiss your advice right off. I'd rather hear advice from someone who went from shoulder to APL in good time than someone who has been stuck at BSL for the last year-- or someone with armpit length hair with a good progress album over someone with brastrap length or waistlength in their signature line with no pictures at all. That is just me.

As far as hair typing goes, I don't really care too much for that. I know what my hair likes and what it doesn't. Just because we have similar hair types does not mean that our hair will respond the same way to the same products. Factors like weather, climate, level of hair trauma already sustained, porosity, etc all effect the way a product will perform and that will always vary from user to user.
Sistaslick said:
For me, I take all information with a grain of salt. To me albums aren't necessary, but helpful. They are not a requirement for me to view you as a credible source-- and long hair is not an indication of any level of hair expertise in my opinion, just as shorter hair isn't a result of a lack of hair knowledge. I've seen "longhairs" give out questionable information, too. :yep:

But albums do serve a good purpose, especially on hair forums. I do prefer to compare how your advice measures up with your progress over time. For instance, if you say a particular method has never caused you problems or you're hair likes a certain thing that others would see as hair damaging--and upon viewing your album the opposite seems to be true, then . . . :look: (I haven't seen much of that though).:lol: So albums do help. I always prefer hair progress albums where people have gone from point A, to the point B of their choice (be that short to long, thin to full, relaxed to natural, etc) ...not so much albums where the person has always had "long hair." And just because you don't have "long hair" doesn't mean I'm going to dismiss your advice right off. I'd rather hear advice from someone who went from shoulder to APL in good time than someone who has been stuck at BSL for the last year-- or someone with armpit length hair with a good progress album over someone with brastrap length or waistlength in their signature line with no pictures at all. That is just me.

As far as hair typing goes, I don't really care too much for that. I know what my hair likes and what it doesn't. Just because we have similar hair types does not mean that our hair will respond the same way to the same products. Factors like weather, climate, level of hair trauma already sustained, porosity, etc all effect the way a product will perform and that will always vary from user to user.

This is exactly how i feel. Although I will admit I'm very reluctant to take advice from a type 2 or 3 b/c as a type 4b my hair is just drier, more prone to split ends and needs more moisture in order to stay healthy. I will also pay more attention to someone with fine-medium hair like me rather than someone with thick thick hair b.c my hair also can't be combed or handled the same way or else it would break.
Honestly they haven't really helped me much, what ends up happening in the past was I tried to implement so many regimens that it was just too much manipulation for my hair. So now I do what works for me, leaving it alone.
Hair albums arent necessary, but they are definitely a fun accessory. My hair album is more for me to track my own progess than it is for anyone else. Hair typing is okay because certain things do work for different types more than others, but that is far from being an absolute rule. Just my two cents. :)
For me hair albums are relevent-Especially when people are giving product recommendations. Especially, ESPECIALLY when people are touting miracle growth products. (It's been a year & I'm still waiting for the knee length hair pics from the Holy Ghost Grease testimonials, but I digress...) I really appreciate the people whose albums document each stage of growing out their hair and adjustments they had to make. When I was transitioning, this was very helpful.

As for hair typing, I'll admit that I jumped on the bandwagon and never jumped off. When I first discovered hairboards everybody put their hair type in their siggy so I did too.

I will say that it's true that two 4A's may use the same product and get a different outcome, but I think technique for applying the product can make a world of difference.
Sistaslick said:
I'd rather hear advice from someone who went from shoulder to APL in good time than someone who has been stuck at BSL for the last year-- or someone with armpit length hair with a good progress album over someone with brastrap length or waistlength in their signature line with no pictures at all. That is just me.


JCoily said:
(It's been a year & I'm still waiting for the knee length hair pics from the Holy Ghost Grease testimonials, but I digress...).

:rofl: :lol: :lachen:

I enjoy the hair albums. Imagine being on a hair site with no pics. The bad thing about them is People just get caught up in too many products because it worked for this girl and her hair is long. I read alot of posts of people using everything under the sun and still don't get progress that they want to see. (MN, Lenzie's request, MTG etc. Give your scalp a break or just use 1 of those growth products) For the most part, people with the albums so them for themselves... I know I do.
I was one of those over in the other thread.... :D I love hair and I love seeing it. Im not here so much for info. But the funny topics and the albums. What I do works for me. But it does bother me when people give out advice and I see they dont have a fotki, no pic, no nothing... Makes me kinda skeptical as to say "why would anyone take your advice?" Ive seen some very funky info beign passed around and when I look into the fotkis Im usually not suprised, the same ones with funky advice have funky looking hair. BUT thats not always the case. I love to see progress and not so much the 'look at all my hair' albums :) Reniece has one of my favorite albums, Sista too. The progress makes thier advice THAT much more valuable.
beana said:
Countrygal, great thread! I think you raised very valid points, especially in reference to the hair albums. I dont use hair albums to establish whether a person with longer hair is more credible, but i find my self looking to see "what does this person's 4a look like?" (b/c even within the same "hair type", there are many differences) When Tracy was on the boards.... her album intrigued me because i loved to see her different color results. Adrienne and Sherrylove are inspirations because they have achieved great length and have a similiar hair texture.
I tried Adrienne's scurl tip too and it didn't work for me. I now realize her method didn't "fit" into the way i care for my hair. Nonetheless i'm still encouraged by her progress.

As for hair type... i think its absolutely necessary for me! I cross reference hair type wth everything from product raves to how long people stretch relaxers. I think it gives insight on what has a better chance of being practical on my hair. While there are still variations wirthin one type of hair (4a hair can be, fine, cottony, soft, thick, etc) i still think it helps me narrow down what tips/methods/products will be successful for me.

Hey, Beana::D

I was just talking about you recently at the DC meeting to Army. Tracy had great color results. I like to look at albums for style ideas and inspiration.

Sistaslick- great points

Clue- I found simple is the better way concerning products. All those different products cause buildups.

Beyondcute- I see your point. I have seen some crazy advice. Jcoily made me laugh with the holy ghost grease. I remember that time on the board.
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I love looking at hair albums, esp. those that track progress that goes from short to long, thin to thick, etc. Its really inspiring.

I dont not believe folks who dont keep an album, but i feel like they're missing out on the fun. :)

Hair typing is cool not because im gonna go run out and buy all the products that someone else has.... but because its encouraging to see someone with your same hair type grow their hair out and reach their goals. It lets you know that all things are possible.
Don't really follow hair types that much. I like to keep an album because it tracks progress and I like seeing other albums because they encourage me to think that one day I'll get there.
I enjoy looking through natural albums for style ideas and for inspiration. I think they are extremely helpful and encouraging to newbies as they are just beginning their journeys. And for old heads, to try new styles and techniques and such. Also, I've found that many natural albums contain a bit more than hair advice. You get a chance to delve into some of their personalities through a few hobby and family pics as well. I know it builds a connection between members, I've seen this particularly on other boards and enjoy it.

I'm sure relaxed and other albums are helpful too, for people to aspire to be like their "hair role models". Inspiration and tips in albums are always a good idea. So hair albums definately get a check in my book.

Hair typing, on the other hand, gets a BIG thumbs down from me. I detest hair typing hierarchies..... I mean techniques. ;)

Hair Albums - Neccesary
Hair Typing - Extremely Unneccesary
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KiniKakes said:
I dont not believe folks who dont keep an album, but i feel like they're missing out on the fun. :)

I know exactly what you mean, b/c that's how I feel. :( I feel like everyone is more inclined to gravitate towards someone with a hair album and 'like' them more and respond to their threads more, etc. I've been here for so long, but I still don't really feel like a part of this place. I still feel like an outsider & like people ignore me sometimes.

It bothers me only to a certain point b/c I like to see hair albums too! :lol: However, when it comes to taking hair advice, a pic of a person with long hair is NOT gonna persuade that much more than someone whose hair I haven't seen. This is b/c I know of people personally with gorgeous THICK long hair who break every single 'rule' there is and still gain length and thickness, leaving me in the dust. And me following them, will only get my hair falling out all over the place. I read hair advice and use my own personal discretion for whether or not I should apply it to my hair.

But I just know I'm too shy, too scared to post my pics on the net for people to scrutinize (I'm paranoid). And I'm also too afraid of someone knowing who I am and finding out all my business on the internet. Hell, I'm even afraid of that now and I don't even have an album! People already make fun of me and look at me like I'm crazy b/c of my hair passion (and one of them is one of those girls who has mid-back thick hair that is STILL growing :ohwell:), so I don't need everyone else I know finding me here to judge me some more.
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i don't think they're necessary especially the hair type classifications. hair albums keep me motivated and help me keep track of my progress.
Country gal said:
I was reading an off topic thread with some posts basically stated that members should have hair albums. Some members feel that they have to see the proof which seems to me to be long, healthy hair before you are considered a credible source. I also see folks get really caught up on hair typing. I've been told that knowing someone's hair type is important for similar hair types. They feel they can use a product because said 4a member used it with success. My experience is what works for some don't always work for me. I just try different products out and finally got a good regimen. Do we really need to see if a member has long hair before trying out a product? Adrienne had 4a hair. Her hair was beautiful. I remember her using S-curl activator. I tried it since it worked for her and it damaged my hair. It made it weak and stringy. Adrienne had success with the product (did I say how beautiful her hair looked) even though we have similar hair types the product did not work for me. Knowing that someone is natural is more helpful. I still do things that work for relaxed heads too.

The regimens are more important. I found that the TLC steps really aid in me retaining lenght. The products are helpful too.

What is your take?
I agree with everything you said!

But I have asked a few people why they don't have albums, not for them to prove anything, but just out of curiosity or wanting to see what their hair looks like. I love looking at albums! Mainly for different style options or to just take a look at people's progress. I myself have an album mainly to track my own progress and I allow others to see it too.

As for hair typing, that's totally useless. Everyone's hair is TOTALLY different. Yes, I've seen some ladies that appear to have the same hair texture as mine but I know our hair is totally different. And like you said, what works for one may not work for you.

secretdiamond said:
I know exactly what you mean, b/c that's how I feel. :( I feel like everyone is more inclined to gravitate towards someone with a hair album and 'like' them more and respond to their threads more, etc. I've been here for so long, but I still don't really feel like a part of this place. I still feel like an outsider & like people ignore me sometimes.

It bothers me only to a certain point b/c I like to see hair albums too! :lol: However, when it comes to taking hair advice, a pic of a person with long hair is NOT gonna persuade that much more than someone whose hair I haven't seen. This is b/c I know of people personally with gorgeous THICK long hair who break every single 'rule' there is and still gain length and thickness, leaving me in the dust. And me following them, will only get my hair falling out all over the place. I read hair advice and use my own personal discretion for whether or not I should apply it to my hair.

But I just know I'm too shy, too scared to post my pics on the net for people to scrutinize (I'm paranoid). And I'm also too afraid of someone knowing who I am and finding out all my business on the internet. Hell, I'm even afraid of that now and I don't even have an album! People already make fun of me and look at me like I'm crazy b/c of my hair passion (and one of them is one of those girls who has mid-back thick hair that is STILL growing :ohwell:), so I don't need everyone else I know finding me here to judge me some more.
Girl, you can have an album and ppl will still ignore you. I will tell you what older members have told me, ITS CALLED BEING PASSIVE AGGRESIVE. I'm sorry ppl make fun of you, that's uncool. Dont use products that others love. Use products that your hair loves.
This is a great thread. I enjoy looking at the albums. I also enjoy the information sharing about product, what works what doesn't. I use hair type as a guide for more reasonable results with my own hair. -it's no bible, just a method. None of its necessary. ;)