Hair Accessories! Are you a junkie?


Well-Known Member
I'm developing a new habit! I used to be a product junkie, but that's calming down thanks to the use it up challenge. Lately I've been eyeing hair toys: hair sticks, clips, hair pins, etc....:look:
Any other hair toy junkies here? fess up. And where do you find your latest fix, er, I mean hair toys?
Hair-toy junkie signing in!:wave:

The Longhaircommunity list and some others are saved in my journal. I have collected a lot of cool sticks, clamps and barrettes from ebay too. There are a few sellers that always have new goodies!

I'm signing in! I am an avid collector of hair accessories. I've always liked wearing my hair up so I have tons. I like headbands, scarves, clips, etc. I really like embellished metal hair clips/"bird" claws. DLewis got me on the Flexi8 clip tip now! I'm plotting which ones I wan to buy next.:grin:
I go any and everywhere to find my hair accessories the grocery store, 99cent store (they have some of the best ones IMHO), Target, Wal-Mart, online, etc.
I'm signing in! I am an avid collector of hair accessories. I've always liked wearing my hair up so I have tons. I like headbands, scarves, clips, etc. I really like embellished metal hair clips/"bird" claws. DLewis got me on the Flexi8 clip tip now! I'm plotting which ones I wan to buy next.:grin:

I love these too :yep:
Oh my, I thought no one would ever ask! I LOVE hair toys and here are some online places that I shop.

****WARNING**** the following websites may trigger PJism and may cause your bank account to deplete. You have been warned . . .

Shoot, I can go on and on with more websites, but Imma give yall a break. I have a whole wardrobe of hairsticks and combs and such to match everything in my closet. It's a shame . . .