
Well-Known Member
So I joined LHCF back in October and officially came up with and started a regimen in Jan with all the info I've learned from ya'll...THANKS!!!! Anyway, my hair is so much healthier and thicker (and reminiscent of my college dayz..yay!) My best friend thought I was losing my mind everytime she'd see me on this site or going broke in Sally's becuz "I waste my time doing all that stuff." :rolleyes: Well I'm happy to say that she and some other non-believers gasped at my hair yesterday and even had the nerve to ask me for advice :lachen::lachen::lachen:Lemme tell you, it felt soooo good to shake my locks at them haters!!!!!!!
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Re: Haha! Oh now you want my advice?!

WTG!!!! Great progress in your siggy and your hair is beautiful in your avi!
Good for you.

Ignorance is not bliss. You have gorgeous hair. Be secretly smug about it and help them out. The more black woman that know that they can get long hair and care for it properly the better.

All the best
Good Job!!! Have you seen the Katt Williams DVD "It's Pimpin' Pimpin"....the part where he says haters always have the "stomach virus" look... i bet that's how they looked....lol
Good going girl, I can't wait for my hair to be so good that I have haters lol. Shouldnt realy call em haters, just the uneducated
Girl, I know the feeling. When I'd try to offer advice before, nobody paid me any attention, but now that my hair has grown thicker and longer, people want all kinds of advice..lol. It's good to share the knowledge though. We can all have long, gorgeous hair with the proper care. Great story lady!
Good for you.

Ignorance is not bliss. You have gorgeous hair. Be secretly smug about it and help them out. The more black woman that know that they can get long hair and care for it properly the better.

All the best

I agree! Results spoke louder than words in this situation...I've been trying to educate every one I know lol
I almost wish I had some haters, just to be able to do that! :D

Girl, You are too funny:lachen: You keep doing what you're doing, you'll no doubt end up with a few:lachen: I can't wait either :lachen: Especially all those that say:
1) You really don't have to do ALL that to your Hair
2) You are Doing waayyy Too Much To Your Hair
3) Are you doing your Hair AGAIN !
4) When are you going back to the Shop
5) Girl, what is wrong with your Hair--what's really going on
6) My Cousins, Sisters, Baby Daddy Girlfriend's -- Neice Do Hair. You should let her do your her:eek:
Girl, You are too funny:lachen: You keep doing what you're doing, you'll no doubt end up with a few:lachen: I can't wait either :lachen: Especially all those that say:
1) You really don't have to do ALL that to your Hair
2) You are Doing waayyy Too Much To Your Hair
3) Are you doing your Hair AGAIN !
4) When are you going back to the Shop
5) Girl, what is wrong with your Hair--what's really going on
6) My Cousins, Sisters, Baby Daddy Girlfriend's -- Neice Do Hair. You should let her do your her:eek:


I have a lady at work who's more than happy to tell people that they're wearing a weave. I'll be ready for her! :lol:
Congratulations on your progress !:clapping:
I was just talking to my friend trying to get her to become a member because she (like my self) has always wanted long healthy hair. I told her that thanks to this site my hair is the longest it has been since I was a little girl. I asked her if she would join the site when I reach BSL ? She then asked me if joining the site would make her have long hair :look: I told her no not if she didn't follow the basics of little to no direct heat, protective styling etc... She told me that she wasn't in to following hair advice of other's so I told her that maybe LHCF wouldn't be for her . When I reach my hair goal maybe then she will see the light like your friends did :grin:
Congratulations on your progress !:clapping:
I was just talking to my friend trying to get her to become a member because she (like my self) has always wanted long healthy hair. I told her that thanks to this site my hair is the longest it has been since I was a little girl. I asked her if she would join the site when I reach BSL ? She then asked me if joining the site would make her have long hair :look: I told her no not if she didn't follow the basics of little to no direct heat, protective styling etc... She told me that she wasn't in to following hair advice of other's so I told her that maybe LHCF wouldn't be for her . When I reach my hair goal maybe then she will see the light like your friends did :grin:

Sorry, I know she's your friend and all, but that's some funny ish right there. :lachen::lachen:
your hair has grown nicely......regime.....please?


*Shampoo twice a week with Redken Amino Pon Extra Gentle Poo (except I use the generic at Sally's:drunk:)

*Condition with GVP Biolage Conditioning Balm w/each wash

*DC every other week with Garnier Penetrating DC or Motions Protein Silk DC

*Clarify once a month with GVP Aloe Rid

*Leave in: NTM or Nexxus Humectress

*Then I pretty much air dry, apply Silk Elements heat protectant, and flat iron (only blowdry when I have a extra special occasion:rolleyes:)

**I also do a protein treatment once a month with all natural mayo and EVOO
Good for you!! :weird:

My best friend is still a hair hater after my 2 years on this board...I don't offer any more advice to her :nono: