HAHA...has anyone ever stopped talking to a guy because of a "hair" comment?!


New Member
This poor young man...he saw a pic of me and was like "Oh you need to go do your hair"...I was like "ummm it's done..it's just back in a puff"...Oh boy he didn't know what he was saying because I've been acting "stank" ever since...HAHA...

I take my hair seriously!

Now keep in mind we weren't anything serious, so I didn't throw a relationship down the drain or anything, but all I could think was, gosh I wonder what he'd think about my morning hair?!?!?! :lachen:

Any other stories?
The guy I'm with now actually LOVES the idea of crazy/wild hair and morning hair, which is...awesome lmao

Now that I think about it, none of the guys I know cares about hair. Probably because everyone's hair looks about the same. Straight ponies lol

You have my dream hair btw haha
One time I was hanging out with one of my friends and I were at the bus stop waiting so we could go to amin campus and catch a movie. One of my Asian guy friends was there and he was like, "Which movie are you guys going to see?" Then I was like, "Hairspray", and Then he was like, "YOU need hairspray!" :rolleyes: (of course he muttered it under his breath and he really shouldn't be talkin' bc he actually got someone to cornrow his hair and they even used those little neon rubber bands! :lachen:)
you've gotta be kidding...you have like the best puff ever.

i haven't STOPPED talking to a guy but i have given my SO the cold shoulder for some things he's said in the past. namely, "wtf did you do? i hate it." :lachen:
Well no guy has said anything YET... one guy I had a little crush on did try to touch my Senegalese Twists... I threatened to cut him... but thats nothing.. he's not black so a little naive he gets away with it. I know though if I have a black guy telling me to 'fix my hair' if I rocking a natural style (meaning he wants me to straighten it in any way or form), I'm a tell him where to go and my opinion of him will be forever changed.
My ex-bf said one time, while I was letting him comb my hair, "I thought you said you got a perm." It was my first self-relax attempt, but it was straightened so it wasn't that bad. Just cuz it wasn't all stuck to my head, flat and greasy like the other girls .. I was so peeved.
My ex would say stuff like, "Why is your hair frizz free, you know you ain't got no nice hair for that?" and ish.

ETA: But he had braids and looked like Chopper from Making the Band so....
An ex of mine was supposedly all "pro natural" and he had shoulder-length locs. When I did the BC one day he was staring at my hair in the car and he said I needed to do something with my hair....

Me: "What do you mean?"
Him: "It looks like a dried out Jheri curl. You just need to lock that ish. Take it from someone like me...I've been natural 30 years and you've been natural about 30 days."
Me: "And how long have you been a natural-haired black WOMAN?"

End of conversation. He knew I was already sensitive about my hair and still learning so his negative comments were uncalled for. I haven't talked to him in years....
This poor young man...he saw a pic of me and was like "Oh you need to go do your hair"...I was like "ummm it's done..it's just back in a puff"...Oh boy he didn't know what he was saying because I've been acting "stank" ever since...HAHA...

I take my hair seriously!

Now keep in mind we weren't anything serious, so I didn't throw a relationship down the drain or anything, but all I could think was, gosh I wonder what he'd think about my morning hair?!?!?! :lachen:

Any other stories?
Your hair is so beautiful though. That guy must be blind or suffering from some other severe sensory affliction. Glad it wasn't serious between the two of you.

I've never stopped talking to a guy because of hair, but would if he made disparaging remarks about natural black hair.
This poor young man...he saw a pic of me and was like "Oh you need to go do your hair"...I was like "ummm it's done..it's just back in a puff...
Can we see the pic in question? :grin: ETA: Your hair looks absolutely beautiful in all the pics I've seen!
Well..its too late to stop talking to the guy cuz we're engaged now lol. When my fiancee met me I had just done a 2nd big chop (cut off my dredlocs). I was frustrated with my hair and had slapped in a texturizer and a relaxer in the same week. My hair has always been at least shoulder length, so I was having a hard time adjusting to the ear lenth hair. I managed to put it in a teeeny tiny bun and went out on a date with him. Mind you, this was in our early stages of dating. Can y'all tell me why this man still brings up that ponytail and says how much he didn't like it. That was 4 freakin years ago...ugh. Each time he brings it up, I tell him about himself. lol. So rude...geez. lol.
An ex of mine was supposedly all "pro natural" and he had shoulder-length locs. When I did the BC one day he was staring at my hair in the car and he said I needed to do something with my hair....

Me: "What do you mean?"
Him: "It looks like a dried out Jheri curl. You just need to lock that ish. Take it from someone like me...I've been natural 30 years and you've been natural about 30 days."
Me: "And how long have you been a natural-haired black WOMAN?"

End of conversation. He knew I was already sensitive about my hair and still learning so his negative comments were uncalled for. I haven't talked to him in years....

my ex did the SAME thing smh..
I'm am serious about my hair too. It's my form of expression and I don't care if guys really like it or not. They don't get an opinion in it. Well I was dating this guy and I made a comment that he had really long eyelashes(which I meant as a compliment) and he said," Why do black girls always talk about my long lashes? I can't help I have nice hair. I didn't say anything about your wig." And then went on to talk about Rhianna's wig being lopsided on stage like it had something to do with me. Needless to say he was dropped. He had a lot more issues than that, but that was just the last straw.
I have never had a guy make a comment like that. My SO doesn't care, he actually wants me to go natural.
In the future though, I would stop talking to someone if they kept making ignorant comments. It would just be a preview of things to come in more aspects in life:rolleyes:
This is fun!!! Keep it coming! I don't have the pic anymore :ohwell: Sorry! I promise it was just a simple puff though like in my fotki pics
i agree that your hair is beautiful and whoever said that comment obviously did not know what he was talking about! i would be offended too! i know when he said that you were like "oh hell no, i gotta tell my girls on LHCF!" :grin:
Yes when a guy especially a black guy says something negative about my natural hair I take personal offense and notice the self hate that they have inside for themselves and that totally turns me off and I just stop answering their phone calls or just give them the cold shoulder whenever possible!