I might get mad, but I don't fight anymore. Now I've had my share of negative comments and I used to get really mad but now, I just laughand keep it moving. I love being nappy, the word doesn't bother me at all. People use the nappy to insults naturals, I tell them" Thanks for noticing my beautiful nappy hair"
Do they even know what their real texture looks like? If they're black chances are, it's nappy too, there's nothing wrong with having nappy hair!
And why I did hear some other black women calling us nappy headed ho*s and laughing. I politely told them, I rather be a nappyhead than to wear that jacked up sorry looking weave you have. I told her if you gonna wear a weave at least it should look nice not like a bird's nest. Then I walked away and left her and her buddies looking like this.
How you gon hate something that's apart of you too? shameful .
And I doubt they have seen their natural texture--most of the time I have heard someone say something nasty about natural 4a/b hair they've been the type to get anxious at the first sign of new growth. (disclaimer--I am relaxed--so this is not to offend relaxed heads).
Girl that's messed up....your hair is beautiful.....I do be seeing some messed up weaves....I feel you though, it's funny how so many of our own kind hate on each other.......this lady in my eng class, has natural hair....and she keeps it jacked up.....I guess she thinks since she don't have chemicals she's ok, but I'm like NOOOO....you have to take care of your regardless if it's natural or relaxed....I just wanted to hand her a bottle of moisturizer......
It's makes me sad how we treat each other, I mean I check out hair all the time but I keep my comments to myself and I always compliment a lovely head of hair.
That's right! Why do people who know that underneath that five pound weave they're wearing lies severely damaged, chewed off hair always have something to say about sistahs who rock their natural do'? Haters.
Didn't you slap that one woman for coming at you wrong and putting her hands in your hair? I'd love to be your friend, keeping heff@s in check like it's your job
I'm glad you set them ignorant, self-hating hoes straight!