Had a girl's night out last night

:shocked: Do they even know what their real texture looks like? If they're black chances are, it's nappy too, there's nothing wrong with having nappy hair! You are one sophisticated lady OP, you responded in a cool and calm way:up:

I just don't like the word nappy. My hair ain't nappy lol.

I woulda went off too but that was not polite what you said nor was it classy, IMO. But classy wasn't necessary. You did REAL GOOD to check them and I would have done the exact same thing. I'm just surprised they didn't start a fight with you after that. Had that been somewhere in FL or Brooklyn and. . .allllllllll she wrote :lachen:

You get props from me though :yep:
:clap:Good for you OP! You handled them weave-wearing skanks just as I would have. Except I would have told everyone in ear shot that these ignorant women are wearing fake hair from Harry Wong's weave emporium!
I hate ignorance!:nono:
I might get mad, but I don't fight anymore. Now I've had my share of negative comments and I used to get really mad but now, I just laughand keep it moving. I love being nappy, the word doesn't bother me at all. People use the nappy to insults naturals, I tell them" Thanks for noticing my beautiful nappy hair":grin:
I might get mad, but I don't fight anymore. Now I've had my share of negative comments and I used to get really mad but now, I just laughand keep it moving. I love being nappy, the word doesn't bother me at all. People use the nappy to insults naturals, I tell them" Thanks for noticing my beautiful nappy hair":grin:

Same here. Nappy, cottony, wiry,...that describes my hair very well.
:shocked: Do they even know what their real texture looks like? If they're black chances are, it's nappy too, there's nothing wrong with having nappy hair!

How you gon hate something that's apart of you too? shameful :nono:.

And I doubt they have seen their natural texture--most of the time I have heard someone say something nasty about natural 4a/b hair they've been the type to get anxious at the first sign of new growth. (disclaimer--I am relaxed--so this is not to offend relaxed heads).
And why I did hear some other black women calling us nappy headed ho*s and laughing. I politely told them, I rather be a nappyhead than to wear that jacked up sorry looking weave you have. I told her if you gonna wear a weave at least it should look nice not like a bird's nest. Then I walked away and left her and her buddies looking like this.:dizzy::lachen::lachen:

Didn't you slap that one woman for coming at you wrong and putting her hands in your hair:lachen:? I'd love to be your friend, keeping heff@s in check like it's your job :lachen::lachen:
How you gon hate something that's apart of you too? shameful :nono:.

And I doubt they have seen their natural texture--most of the time I have heard someone say something nasty about natural 4a/b hair they've been the type to get anxious at the first sign of new growth. (disclaimer--I am relaxed--so this is not to offend relaxed heads).

I never understood this either:nono: but it's pretty common on this board and even worse IRL. Shameful indeed.
Girl that's messed up:nono:....your hair is beautiful:yep:.....I do be seeing some messed up weaves....I feel you though, it's funny how so many of our own kind hate on each other:nono:.......this lady in my eng class, has natural hair....and she keeps it jacked up.....I guess she thinks since she don't have chemicals she's ok, but I'm like NOOOO....you have to take care of your regardless if it's natural or relaxed....I just wanted to hand her a bottle of moisturizer......:lachen:

I've seen those too, but MJ's fro looks cute.

It's makes me sad how we treat each other, I mean I check out hair all the time but I keep my comments to myself and I always compliment a lovely head of hair.

Same here! I give compliments if the chick doesn't look she think she's all that already; but humble regular chicks, I will let them know.

I would keep my comments to myself as well. Even if someone's hair "actually" looks better than someone else's, they should still keep their negative comments to themselves!! :wallbash:

That's right! Why do people who know that underneath that five pound weave they're wearing lies severely damaged, chewed off hair always have something to say about sistahs who rock their natural do'? Haters.

Yeah, they're usually the type!

Sorry this happened to you MJ. Just plain ignorance and disrespect...one day they'll do that to the wrong chick who'll whoop their butts.
Didn't you slap that one woman for coming at you wrong and putting her hands in your hair:lachen:? I'd love to be your friend, keeping heff@s in check like it's your job :lachen::lachen:

Yes I did and like you said that heff@ was told no she couldn't touch my hair. However these chicks didn't pt their hands on me and I felt sorry for them because believe me those weaves were totally jacked up.:lachen:Now if you make the mistake of putting your hands in my hair and called me a nappyheaded ho* at the same,then you'd get the crap kicked outta ya:bat::bat:
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I always get surprised when people say things like that about natural hair. It is a shame.

When I see women out with natural hair, I always admire it.

I went to a restaurant recently and there were 3 ladies there together with natural hair, all big and out and so pretty.

I would have never said anything like that to them.

I don't get it.

I would not have said anything to them though. I never even get into anything with dumb people.
Wow, how nasty. OP, your hair is beautiful; I'm sure they were just jealous.
I don't understand people who can't enjoy themselves without badmouthing others.
HATERS......women can be so catty and jealous. Ignore them, like another poster said, underneath their weave I'm sure they have .00000001 inches of chewed up hair that they glue/sew their tracks into LOL!!
i think they've been wearing their weaves for sooo long they forgot it wasnt their own hair! trust some black girls forget what their natural hair looks like .. you sure reminded them!
I've never understood how people with weaves in their hair could seriously think they're better or more attractive than people who rock their natural hair or their real relaxed hair. It seems like 90% of dudes hate weave anyway, they all admire natural beauty...inside AND out. I'm glad you called them out OP, your hair is stunning. :yep:
I'm glad you set them ignorant, self-hating hoes straight!


I just don't understand. All the girls at my school...they're just so proud of being black, yet they deny their hair, something that's a part of their history and heritage.

This is why I want to go natural before my senior year in hs, so I can show them just how BEAUTIFUL our hair can be :yep:
What I don't understand is that how can you make fun of someone who is natural ,that wears their natural texture, nappy-headed....when you have hair that is just like or similar to theirs? Only you use relaxers and hide your true texture behind weaves.