GVP Detangler: Who Uses It?

Miss Monae

I am 4 months post relaxer, trying to stretch for 6 months. All of my staple conditioners were not giving me the slip they usually do when I have newgrowth and I was thinking maybe because I was using too much protein. But not so. I am very careful on how much I use. I was also making sure my porousity levels were good. So I took a trip to Sally's and had my eye on the GVP Detangler. I have been lookng at it for a while, but haven't heard much people buzzing about it. Well, I broke down and decided to give it a try.Can I tell you that I am in love right now? This gave me much more slip than my Pantene RN DPM! I had no issues combing through and I lost no more than 15 hairs! I have about 3 inches of newgrowth so this was definitely a surprise. Has anyone had similar results with this?
Well, I'm natural, but I use it to detangle as well. I find that it allows the comb to glide through the hair more quickly, and I spend less time doing it. I can also use it on wet or dry hair and get good results, so I really like it.
Ohhh thank you so much for this recommendation. I'm at that dreaded 6 month post transition. I'm soo close to BC'ing because I loose a sink ftull of straight hair each time I detangle. I will be buying some of this soon!
Ohhh thank you so much for this recommendation. I'm at that dreaded 6 month post transition. I'm soo close to BC'ing because I loose a sink ftull of straight hair each time I detangle. I will be buying some of this soon!

I feel you - the back of my hair was getting pretty matted before I sumbled across this. Glad to give the recommendation!
One question I forgot to ask. Who uses the Paul Mitchell The Detangler instead of the GVP brand. Is there a difference in product?

Did you use it on wet or dry hair? Just curious...

On wet hair, it detangled a bit but it felt like I was coating my hair and I didn't like it. I used it twice btw and returned it. I was 11 weeks posts and my hair was just refusing to cooperate with me so I twisted up.
i havent used it but i love the paul mitchell detaingler. i am planning on buying this since my hair is getting longer and i need a good one.
I bought it but haven't used it as yet so thank you Miss Monae for the review. I may need to pull that out for my next wash because I am also 6 months post and need all the diffferent detangling recommendations as possible.
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On wet hair, it detangled a bit but it felt like I was coating my hair and I didn't like it. I used it twice btw and returned it. I was 11 weeks posts and my hair was just refusing to cooperate with me so I twisted up.

I see. I think it has cones in it so that might explain why it felt coated to you.

My hair doesn't respond badly to cones so I guess that's why it worked out for me.
I bought it but haven't used it as yet so thank you Miss Monae for the review. I amy need to pull that out for my next wash because I am also 6 months post and need all the diffferent detangling recommendations as possible.

No problem. It's amazing how some products work well for some and horrible for others.
I have some, but I havent used it yet. I was having some issues with combing my new growth when I bought it, but I solved it by dc'ing longer. How are ya'll using it? As a rinse out?
Loved it. It's one of my staples. I stray from time to time, but always go back to it.

I'm transitioning and it really helps me to detangle without needing a sedative afterwards.
Loved it. It's one of my staples. I stray from time to time, but always go back to it.

I'm transitioning and it really helps me to detangle without needing a sedative afterwards.

I feel you on that. I make sure I get it all through my newgrowth so that it softens my curls.
Thanks for this review. I am 15 months post and still having detangling problems.
I was using another leave-in that worked pretty well but was quite expensive. I have to re-stock on a couple staples anyway.
I will try this detangler and post my results as well.
Not impressed with this as a normal conditioner.
Can I use it as a leave-in? If so should I dilute it?

it is not a normal conditioner, it is a detangler only and no I would not suggest you use it as a leave-in either. It worked well on my 6 months of new growth when I couldn't seem to comb it using any other conditioner. When I add it to my hair, I simply grab my detangling shower comb and start detangling while wet, and it detangles like a breeze. AFter detangling, I wash it out as stated on the bottle.
I'I use it on DS's hair before washing and it glids right through his hair but for some reason I have to put the conditioner on first then add a lil bit of water to my head for it to work for me.
I used it on my last two washes for detangling only while under the shower stream. It worked on my 6 mth post hair but on the last wash I used it on the right side of my hair and my hello hydration (my normal detangler) on my left side to compare and I didn't notice any significant differences between the two other than the fact that hello hydration smells fantastic while gvp detangler doesn't have any distinct smell. I am wondering if the real thing is alot better than gvp version. I know they may have the same ingredients but if they don't have the same proportion of the ingredients they are not going to work the same. Next wash, I am going to try qhemet's cocoa detangling ghee.
it is not a normal conditioner, it is a detangler only and no I would not suggest you use it as a leave-in either. It worked well on my 6 months of new growth when I couldn't seem to comb it using any other conditioner. When I add it to my hair, I simply grab my detangling shower comb and start detangling while wet, and it detangles like a breeze. AFter detangling, I wash it out as stated on the bottle.

This is exactly the way I used it. It sort of leaves a coating on your hair if you are using it as your primary conditioner. I get best results when I wet hair, shampoo (if necessary), then detangle by slapping this on my hair making sure it is saturated. Comb through in small sections then rinse. I use this time to either do a ACV rinse or I use PC. After which, I condition again (Not using the Detangler) and then rinse and I am done.
I have the Paul Mitchell detangler , the first time I used it I wasn't impressed. It doesn't seem to work if you have major tangle and knot issues like I had.
I used it again today as a rinse out conditioner on my 9 week post hair after I shampooed. It was good, I was able to comb through it, and it was pretty tangled and unmanageable I lost hair, but not a whole bunch. I also hardly comb from wash to wash so I'm hoping it was mostly shed.
Anyway I rinsed my hair got out of the shower then applied my DC.
I don't know if I will repurchase Paul Mitchell when my detangler is up. It hasn't impressed me to the point of hairgasm but I'll give it a couple of more chances.
Maybe I'll give the GVP a spin after. Anybody use both and know how they compare?