Guys and Phone Calls


Active Member
I just recently got back in the dating game after being in a 5 year relationship. Is it me or do guys do not call females anymore or initiate dates. What ever happened to courting????
I think Im done with dating....
Has dating changed?
They do it if, a, they really like you and want to be with you or b, they just want the booty. It is on you to figure out a or b. When they don't call, for the most part, they are not into you. Be grateful they didn't waste your time and KIM.
I hate to say this but the act of courtship is slowly dying and an art the majority of men are clueless as to how it should be done.
Believe me OP...If a man wants to go out with you, he will call (not text) and ask you out.
I think some men are getting lazy due to the fact that so many women are running up behind them. They are made to feel like they are the prize, believe it or not.

This in turn causes them not to try as hard, because with so many women they can do little and get far / in their minds, why put up the effort?

I do agree with others though, if a guy is really into you, he will make it happen!
They do it if, a, they really like you and want to be with you or b, they just want the booty. It is on you to figure out a or b. When they don't call, for the most part, they are not into you. Be grateful they didn't waste your time and KIM.

I feel you on this one. I refuse to chase after a man. But it is depressing when you really liked someone that you though connected with but they don't like you back enough to call.
I feel you on this one. I refuse to chase after a man. But it is depressing when you really liked someone that you though connected with but they don't like you back enough to call.

Unfortunatley that is just a part of dating. I would not over analyze anything about what you did or didn't do to deserve a call back. Just invest your time in getting to know other people.
I just recently got back in the dating game after being in a 5 year relationship. Is it me or do guys do not call females anymore or initiate dates. What ever happened to courting????
I think Im done with dating....
Has dating changed?

So the last time you were in the dating game was 2005? It hasn't changed that drastically since then, imo. That was only 5 years ago. Now if you said 1995 or 1985 then I would agree with you. lol.