GurlTalkkTV - Guy Answers Girls Relationship Questions on YouTube


New Member
I don't know if this has been posted on the board yet but this guy, Temple Christian, has videos on YouTube answering relationship questions.

What do men really want?
What do men think of women that have sex on the 1st date?
The other woman.
The ex factor.
Make a man see you for more than sex.
Interracial dating.
Long Distance Relationships.

He is hella funny but speaking the truth :grin:

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I like GurlTalkTV. I skipped the dating outside the race series. I just didnt need to deal with repetitive bull-ish.

But outside all of that, he's hella funny and I love a guy's opinion. Though sometimes his stuff is already common-sense material :rolleyes:

He's aight. :lol: