Guess Who Has A Hair Album!!!!!!!!....Phytorelaxer Touch Up


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

After being on the board for more that a year, I officially have an album :D . Please come see pictures of my before and after Phytorelaxer pictures and my Caruso Roller set. Please post comment!!

P.S.- I am really busy at work these days but I promise that I will get around to answer any questions :)
password: morehair
Your hair looks beautiful. :) Please keep us updated on how you like the Phytorelaxer. Keep up the good work! :clap:
From a :newbie:
Absolutely georgous!!! :) I can't wait to try the phyto for myself. I'm assuming you were pleased with the results. Did you use Index 2? Did you self relax?
Awesome :up:

Was that the Mr. on the couch, why'd you banish him from the rest of the pics :lol:

Your hair looks great, those Caruso curls were awesome! I see my next hair purchase! :)
Your rollerset looks absolutely fabulous. The style really suits you! Keep up the great progress, happy growing, your definately one your way!
Your hair looks great! Did you self relax or go to Salon804. You're tempting me to break my pledge and get a Caruso steam roller system.
Looking Good Nice!

That pic #22 is working! Lawd...I gotta break down and get my ends hurts to do...but it must be You have inspired me.

Isn't Phyto just the best?!!
*I hear KAddy whispering in my ear...*