Guardian Angels


New Member
Does anyone believe in Guardian Angels, or believe we each have one that is with us all the time. Anyone ever seen what they believe to be an angel?
I do. I believe that in addition to Jesus watching over me, all of my dead relatives/child are watching over me, looking out for me & protecting me...
LondonDiva said:
Does anyone believe in Guardian Angels, or believe we each have one that is with us all the time. Anyone ever seen what they believe to be an angel?

I don't know if we have "Guardian Angels". I mean I guess everyone could have a specific angle that God assigns for our protection. In general though, I think their are angels around us, I don't pay particular attention to it though.

I don't want to say that I've never "seen" an angel. I've probably seen one, just never RECOGNIZED that it was an angel. :lol: After all the Bible does say "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." hehehehe :) Which leads me to believe that they don't exactly swoop down in heavely glory. They're probably walkin all over this earth!
JuJuBoo said:
I don't know if we have "Guardian Angels". I mean I guess everyone could have a specific angle that God assigns for our protection. In general though, I think their are angels around us, I don't pay particular attention to it though.

I don't want to say that I've never "seen" an angel. I've probably seen one, just never RECOGNIZED that it was an angel. :lol: After all the Bible does say "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." hehehehe :) Which leads me to believe that they don't exactly swoop down in heavely glory. They're probably walkin all over this earth![/QUOTE]

ITA, I've been "rescued" by many a stranger....
I'm not one to frequent the Christian Forum but I saw the title and had to give my 2 cents.
Yes, I KNOW we do and yes, I have seen.
LondonDiva said:
Does anyone believe in Guardian Angels, or believe we each have one that is with us all the time. Anyone ever seen what they believe to be an angel?

Yes, I believe in guardian angels. When I was younger, my cousins and I were playing on my great aunts porch and the older cousins were giving us little ones piggy back rides. Well, I went over my cousins shoulders and hit my head on the porch edge which were bricks. My great aunt made us all come in the house and I remember I kept falling asleep (really I was blacking out) on her couch. When my parents came to pick us up, I was really out of it and they took me home to give me some medicine because I was complaining that my head was hurting. Well, after they gave me the medicine I started vomitting and it just got worse and worse and they rushed me to the emergency room where they did x-rays and I had a hairline fracture. I went home and I remember my parents waking me up because some people from our church had come to pray for me and after they left I went back to sleep.
Well I woke up to go to the bathroom and there was an angel standing beside my bedroom door. I wasn't scared, I just looked at it and it was just standing there with it's arms folded. There was a peace in the room and I remember getting back in bed and going back to sleep. The next day I told my parents and my grandmother about it and my grandmother told me that I should feel really special because everyone don't get to see their guardian angel. She told me that God felt I needed to be reassured that I was going to be okay. To this day, I can sit here and remember that scene and how the angel stood there just like someone being in the room.
I do believe that we have people that are sent as Angels. My experience happened last November when I was in the hospital for Surgery to remove my Fibroids.

As you know after surgery the doctors have a button beside your bed for you to push when you have pain. And the dosage is based on your "body". The doctor had not realized that my body was sensitive to morphine. Therefore the dosage prescribed to me was too much. So as I had family in the room after the surgery, I was dozing in and out of sleep (which is normal after surgery) and all of a sudden the nurse came in the room, woke me up, started putting everybody out and took my husband out in the hallway. Apparently I was overdosing on the morphine. I started getting really sick and remembered looking over at my niece and saw her crying........This nurse did not normally work in the area and just happened to be monitoring me from the nurses station while I slept and noticed that I was losing my pulse. She didn't let me sleep and my mother had to stay with me the rest of the night.

I truly believe that God had sent an Angel to save me that night. She normally didn't work in the area and I remember talking to her that night and her telling me that she would be back. I stayed in the hospital for a few more days and she never returned so that I could Thank her when I was in my right mind because if she hadn't been in that particular place for whatever reason doing whatever she was doing....there is no telling what would have happened to me.
myoung said:
I do believe that we have people that are sent as Angels. My experience happened last November when I was in the hospital for Surgery to remove my Fibroids.

As you know after surgery the doctors have a button beside your bed for you to push when you have pain. And the dosage is based on your "body". The doctor had not realized that my body was sensitive to morphine. Therefore the dosage prescribed to me was too much. So as I had family in the room after the surgery, I was dozing in and out of sleep (which is normal after surgery) and all of a sudden the nurse came in the room, woke me up, started putting everybody out and took my husband out in the hallway. Apparently I was overdosing on the morphine. I started getting really sick and remembered looking over at my niece and saw her crying........This nurse did not normally work in the area and just happened to be monitoring me from the nurses station while I slept and noticed that I was losing my pulse. She didn't let me sleep and my mother had to stay with me the rest of the night.

I truly believe that God had sent an Angel to save me that night. She normally didn't work in the area and I remember talking to her that night and her telling me that she would be back. I stayed in the hospital for a few more days and she never returned so that I could Thank her when I was in my right mind because if she hadn't been in that particular place for whatever reason doing whatever she was doing....there is no telling what would have happened to me.

Wow, that's beautiful!

I definitely believe in angels and have encountered at least one that I know of at a time where I really needed some assistance.
"For he will command his angels concerning you to guide you in all your ways,"
Psalm 91:11

This is a promise made by God to those who live in Him. So yes, I believe in the existence of angels.
Margerita said:
Yes, I believe in guardian angels. When I was younger, my cousins and I were playing on my great aunts porch and the older cousins were giving us little ones piggy back rides. Well, I went over my cousins shoulders and hit my head on the porch edge which were bricks. My great aunt made us all come in the house and I remember I kept falling asleep (really I was blacking out) on her couch. When my parents came to pick us up, I was really out of it and they took me home to give me some medicine because I was complaining that my head was hurting. Well, after they gave me the medicine I started vomitting and it just got worse and worse and they rushed me to the emergency room where they did x-rays and I had a hairline fracture. I went home and I remember my parents waking me up because some people from our church had come to pray for me and after they left I went back to sleep.
Well I woke up to go to the bathroom and there was an angel standing beside my bedroom door. I wasn't scared, I just looked at it and it was just standing there with it's arms folded. There was a peace in the room and I remember getting back in bed and going back to sleep. The next day I told my parents and my grandmother about it and my grandmother told me that I should feel really special because everyone don't get to see their guardian angel. She told me that God felt I needed to be reassured that I was going to be okay. To this day, I can sit here and remember that scene and how the angel stood there just like someone being in the room.
WOW, what an inspiring story. What did the :angel: look like? I've never seen one before.
sithembile said:
"For he will command his angels concerning you to guide you in all your ways,"
Psalm 91:11

This is a promise made by God to those who live in Him. So yes, I believe in the existence of angels.

GREAT! God bless you for posting this sithembile. :kiss: I've always wondered where this scripture was.
sugaplum said:
WOW, what an inspiring story. What did the :angel: look like? I've never seen one before.

Well, to me it didn't look like a man or a woman, just a human being standing there watching over me. I know that sounds strange, but it really didn't have any feminine features and it really didn't have any manly features. I remember it was dressed in white and it had a gentleness in the face and I do remember seeing wings, not overpowering and not itsy-bitsy like you see in the movies. I don't know how I remember this after all these years, but that is the one moment that is seared in my memory.
Why can't we all see our guardian angels? I know there have been times when I've wanted to talk with mine.
I turly believe that we have Guardian Angels and then there are also people here on Earth that God uses to be our Angels to help us when we need it and he rescues us through them, and i do have an experience that i remeber.

It was this year during a time in my life when i felt so broken, so sad and just flat flat out like a broken person, my heart, everything. Things weren't going right and i was so caught up in my thoughts of what was going on in my life at the time that i locked my keys in may car, and i thought "great, i completly expected that to happen to me" then out of no where this guy pulls up and i say to him "what do you do when you lock your keys in your car, and who should i call" then he says i may be able to help you I use to be a Lock Smith and I thought "Jesus, you love me so much". So he comes over to my car and gets to work and as i was talking to him he could tell i was hurt becuase i was choked up by my tears and my eyes were getting watery and i started to tell him a little about why I was so hurt and he began to say all these encouraging things. And i know it may sound simple but it was so weird he had this energy that is almost indescribable and i said " you know you came here for a reason tonight", i kept telling he was my angel and he was looking at me like i was nuts, but i meant it.
When he finnally got the door open i drove off and i statrted crying because i thought, wow, i am so undeserving, but God saw that i needed him in someway and he chose to show himself to me that night, and i was so thankful. And no, things weren't peaches and cream from then on out, i was still dealing with the difficult situation in my life but i NO LONGER felt heart broken i honestly felt like my heart was healed by God. Because i knew he was watching me and i feel he wanted to tell me that everything would be ok, even though i was so emotionally distraught. So, yes i beleive we have Angels all around us.
Yes, I believe in Guardian Angels! :yep: I think we are all assigned angels to look after us. I know my Mommy is watching over me too. :angel: