Angels and Demons..Christian oriented?

But it's not a religious movie
that's not in it?
I said "they are pandering to a religious market"

and the reason they titled this is?
for box office draw..

maybe yes...demons..indeed

They named it that... because the author named it that.

whether its origin is of the author rather than movie studio
or marketing arm of his publishers ..or its publicity dept or the decision...of his editors
..the premise is the's extrapolating/exploiting biblical reference
I dunno maybe the title was meant as literary and esoteric...but obviously, I'm skeptical.

If you went to maybe Yahoo movies or Movie Mom or Movietickets and read the description of the movie, you'd know that.

and you'd know that...if a question is asked on Christian's to get
a non-secular viewpoint /synopsis,an informed spiritual perspective
rather than
the movie mommies or yahoo..
I read your post with the yahoo description seemed silly, juvenile to, I mean.
Very satisfied after skimming over it..that it was not my original point of reference of the movie..

More importantly, do I really need to justify posting a question to open discussion on CF...about a movie that uses biblical references in its title especially when it's not even religious
asking specifically to get the CF members viewpoints and ideas and feedback on the movie rather
than relying on a generic online descrip?

how many of us..might note a movie trailer or poster or such but before we spend money
and time on a movie.. will STILL ask a friend who went
..was it any it worth seeing

This is more important seems
I appreciate the helpful insights from CFmembers,including yours,:yep:
hopefully...maybe other members benefitted also.
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