GRRR!! My DD: "Mom, you do my hair too much!"


New Member
So my 11 Y.O. daughter complains to me that I do her hair too much. Mind you, her hair hasn't been as healthy as it has been in years. I usually do her hair every two weeks, but I had to repeat the washing/styling process twice this week because she begged me to trust her to wash and condition her own hair. Well, not surprisingly she didn't rinse all the product out, but I couldn't tell until after I started to flat iron. I was P.O.'ed because I had gone that all that trouble and her hair was dirty and full of dandruff. I gave her the head's up that I would have to do it again because if I didn't, the product buildup would cause her hair to break all over the place, especially the way she combs it. She said that she thinks I do her hair too much, and that I had never done it this much before. (pre LHCF)

She has her nerve! A year ago her hair looked chewed up and spit out! She was sour grapes that her little sister (who is biracial) had longer hair than her! I've been working so hard to get her hair long and healthy and it is working. What an ingrate! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Okay. I'm done. Whew. There is something to this whole venting thing.
Tell her your training her early on proper hair care and that when she's older she'll thank you :naughty:... a LHCF mommy knows best :grin:
My DD is 10 and hates getting her hair done. She has classic length curly hair and doesn't understand that all the fussin, pulling, brushing is for her own good. She always tells me that when she turns 18 she's going to cut it all off, as if I'll care by then LOL
My DD say the same thing to me and she is only 4. But she wants what she calls "mermaid" hair. So I explain to her that mommy has to do her hair so she can grow it out to " mermaid" hair.
My little girl doesnt complain about how much I do her hair becuase I am ALWAYS talking to her about how her hair is improving since I've started doing more to it.

It is to the point that she will ask, "now is this so that such and such won't/will happen?"

It's nice. That's not to say that she doesn't appreciate it if I skip a step when I don't feel well or am in a rush!
So my 11 Y.O. daughter complains to me that I do her hair too much. Mind you, her hair hasn't been as healthy as it has been in years. I usually do her hair every two weeks, but I had to repeat the washing/styling process twice this week because she begged me to trust her to wash and condition her own hair. Well, not surprisingly she didn't rinse all the product out, but I couldn't tell until after I started to flat iron. I was P.O.'ed because I had gone that all that trouble and her hair was dirty and full of dandruff. I gave her the head's up that I would have to do it again because if I didn't, the product buildup would cause her hair to break all over the place, especially the way she combs it. She said that she thinks I do her hair too much, and that I had never done it this much before. (pre LHCF)

She has her nerve! A year ago her hair looked chewed up and spit out! She was sour grapes that her little sister (who is biracial) had longer hair than her! I've been working so hard to get her hair long and healthy and it is working. What an ingrate! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Okay. I'm done. Whew. There is something to this whole venting thing.

LOl. 11-year-olds have 30+ mouths and 3- brains :lachen:
Well Ladies, I have a son! I big son -- he is 21y.o. His hair is APL, and I am the one who got it that way! I do his hair as much as I do my own, and after he went to college and came home with damaged hair, only for me to nurse it back to health in 3months time (and growing), he does NOT complain 1 bit. He also, tells the lil girls...NO ONE TOUCHES MY HAIR BUT MY MOM!!!!!.... <Proud mother standing here>

After a while...THEY LEARN...if you want it, and want to keep it...then we must take certain actions to maintain it!
Just started my teenaged daughter on a Healthy hair regimen and she is sick of me!!!:lachen:

I am nicknamed " cosmetologist" by her and her friends...:rolleyes:

But I tell them, just wait...when she comes back to school with thick, luscious hair, dont come knocking on my door....:yep:

NOW...I just hope and pray that my transitioning regimen will work...:ohwell: