Growth update *NEW PICS*


New Member
Okay here goes...I'm not terribly impressed with my progress (or lack thereof). My hair seems to have reached a plateau and is now growing at a snails pace
. I'm tempted to cut it all off once I reach my goal weight...I'm talking like 1/2 an inch. At the 2 month mark, I have only about an inch of new growth, which is average....BOOOO! I weaned my daughter last Thursday (YAAAAAY ME!!! I have sole custody of the twins again, WOO HOO!) so I'll keep you all posted on the whole hormone change and shedding if there is any. My ends are very healthy and moisturized, I may not even need a trim next touch up. I bought Tigi Bed Head Ego Boost Split End Mender (what can I say, it was on sale, lol) I haven't been flat ironing my hair on a weekly basis due to laziness, lol...with all the running around I do between the gym and trying to keep up with my daughter it would be a waste of time anyway. That's all folks. check me out
Girl you are the queen of multi-tasking!

Not to worry - don't forget the hair sometimes grows in "spurts" and you may just not be in the middle of one right now.

Enjoy all of the other successes (!!!!!!) that you are achieving right now. Your hair will catch up soon enough.
Even though you are not seeing progress lengthwise your hair looks incredibly healthy and thick anyway.Do you take vits?Vits,exercise and scalp massage have really helped me up my growth rate.
Thanks Tracy...being a single stay-at-home-mom and mutitasking go hand in hand, lol. Let's hope my hair catches up soon...I think I may have to detox or get some digestive enzymes, cause the vitamins don't seem to be working anymore.
Katie...I do all of the things you just mentioned, I'm just not seeing the progress I'm use to...I'm thinking of tweeking my vitamin regimen, I hate taking all these damn pills. I think I can dump the Amino 1500 since I'm doing the Atkins diet...I'll continue with the biotin, msm, silica, a multi vit, my calcium supplement and flaxseed oil. I'm gonna finish what I have and only restock a few.
Oh ok.A detox sounds like a good idea then.I just bought one(one that lasts for 1 month) from the health food store and can't wait to start doing it.
My hair grows pretty slowly, about a half an inch a month. So from one month to the next, it's hard to SEE growth. But after a while, it's like, hey, look! It's grown.

So if your hair is the same way, maybe you shouldn't worry so much about seeing the growth from one month to the next. Just keep your hair healthy, and I'm sure before long you will really see a difference in length!
Thanks for the encouragment ladies...time will tell I guess
Thanks for the info Katie, I think I'll pick some up, now that I'm not breastfeeding anymore.
I concur with the other ladies. Your hair looks beautiful and very healthy. Whatever you are doing is working! Growth will soon follow
Your hair looks very thick & healthy!! Don't cut it!! Can you just imagine what your hair would look like at brastrap length with that thickness??!!
Thanks for all the kind words ladies... I needed some encouragement today...although I'd be lying if I said that I don't flirt with the idea of shaving my head in the 3rd hour of my weekly washing process
Don't fret about your lack of growth. I haven't posted any progress pics lately, 'cause I keep thinking I haven't had any PROGRESS! Nonetheless, people keep commenting on my "growth", so something must be happening!

Sometimes the changes are so small that you don't notice them when you watch your hair every day. Then, one day you look back and think, "Golly Gee! My hair has grown!


I'll be interested to know if you experience any hair changes due to hormonal changes now that you are no longer breast feeding. Did you notice hair changes when you were pregnant? After your daughter's birth?
your hair is totally thick , lovely and healthy...and as long as its healthy that means growth shall folllow....sometimes i wanna cut my hair just to have thick ends like you have
When I was pregnant my hair grew 10 inches. It was soooo unmanagable....2 weeks post relaxer I'd have to get cornrows or a strawset cause I couln't deal with it. It looked thicker cause it grew so fast, but it was thinner (I think this was from me trying to comb it causing it to shed more from all the new growth) I had to get a touch up every 4 weeks, no exceptions. After I had her it didn't shed, and my rapid growth continued. I cut it into a short bob when my daughter was 3 1/2 months cause it was just waaay to much work and I didn't have the time. It seems to have slowed down to an average rate now (0.5" a month...BOOOO!) but at least it's still growing. I'll keep you all posted on my hormone changes and let you know it postpardum shedding sets in.
You hair looks so full and healthy that something must be working!!! Keep fighting and know that a change will come!!!
Irresistible said:
your hair is totally thick , lovely and healthy...and as long as its healthy that means growth shall folllow....sometimes i wanna cut my hair just to have thick ends like you have

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I agree 100 percent. I think your hair is lovely, Ms. Cat Eyed Cutie.....