
Active Member
I told a friend of mine that I thought I was having a growth spurt, and the only thing I was doing different was exercising. I had new growth 1-week post relaxer. She laughed and the next day she brought this book that she had highlighted an acticle that says that there is nothing you can do to make your hair grow faster. It will grow at a pre-determined rate and vitamins, products, and other things could not make it grow faster. The acticle said you make retain more length (by lessening breakage) but your hair will still grow at the same rate.

What do you ladies think?
Hair growth fluctuates from month to month. You may get 1/4 of an inch one month and 3/4 of an inch the next month.
I also believe hair growth slows down if your health is below par, be it because you're not getting sufficient nutrients or because your metabolism is low. So when you start exercising, your metabolism improves and your body functions better. Due to this the assimilation of nutrients you receive (whether as supplements or in food) improves meaning your hair gets better nourishment. That leads to your growth rate and overall hair health going up to its optimum...which may just be the "pre-determined rate" she's talking about. But if it's an improvement from what you're used to, hey, it's a growth spurt.

Again...shshsh...unless she's an LHCF member (we love to rejoice with the successes of others here) don't even whisper your achievement to her. Let "outsiders"
notice it on their own and ask you first. It's a lot less stressful.
HeHeHe. I had to respond to this even though it's not about me. Before I signed up to this board, I was a regular (lurker) on the other board. The brown one with the pop-up ads on every page. But by following the advice of the ladies on these hair care boards I had a 3 inch growth spurt hair in two months. I think that when you start taking care of your'll notice little spurts of improvement. Hair included.
i disagree with your friend as well. my hair growth also fluctuates from month to month. i get more when my diet is on point along with the vitamins (lately, unfortunately, that's kinda rare).

i love how folks try to salt in your game when you start having some success! people also say that dirt causes hair to grow so don't wash... washing regularly will make you go bald... and the list goes on. tune it out, girl...
nonie said:
I also believe hair growth slows down if your health is below par, be it because you're not getting sufficient nutrients or because your metabolism is low. So when you start exercising, your metabolism improves and your body functions better. Due to this the assimilation of nutrients you receive (whether as supplements or in food) improves meaning your hair gets better nourishment. That leads to your growth rate and overall hair health going up to its optimum...which may just be the "pre-determined rate" she's talking about. But if it's an improvement from what you're used to, hey, it's a growth spurt.

Again...shshsh...unless she's an LHCF member (we love to rejoice with the successes of others here) don't even whisper your achievement to her. Let "outsiders"
notice it on their own and ask you first. It's a lot less stressful.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. I think proper hair care and diet will allow the hair to reach its maximum growth rate that it would normally be on.
nonie said:
I also believe hair growth slows down if your health is below par, be it because you're not getting sufficient nutrients or because your metabolism is low. So when you start exercising, your metabolism improves and your body functions better. Due to this the assimilation of nutrients you receive (whether as supplements or in food) improves meaning your hair gets better nourishment. That leads to your growth rate and overall hair health going up to its optimum...which may just be the "pre-determined rate" she's talking about. But if it's an improvement from what you're used to, hey, it's a growth spurt.

Again...shshsh...unless she's an LHCF member (we love to rejoice with the successes of others here) don't even whisper your achievement to her. Let "outsiders"
notice it on their own and ask you first. It's a lot less stressful.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's about the best explanation I have ever heard (or read) That explanation could make both me and the book right, and it's so logical.

And on the second part of your reply
That is just too cute. And more & more I agree on keeping others (not a LHCF member) out of the loop. They act like we're nuts or something. Even when they see results (and they ASK), they expect some quick easy answer in a bottle to cure all their hair care ailments. When you start telling them the truth, they quickly become dis-interested or start looking at you like you're crazy.
Some will go out of their way to discredit our successes, even when they can see it with their own eyes! It challenges their belief systems and rather than learn something new, they try to make it wrong.
I also disagree with your friend, since I started taking MSM I have a whole lot of new growth for only 9 weeks post relaxer. Even my hating a$$ mom had to comment last night when I rinsed my hair. My hair is ususally not like this until a good 14 weeks post relaxer.
I agree with everyone here...

And if SHE wants to be "pre-determined", then let her.

We're all about undetermining predeterminations here at LHCF...

YOU keep growing at article defying rate and watch how fast she stops reading those articles...

When my hair was shoulder length and I began coloring it EVERYone told me (with the exception of the ladies on the board) that my hair would fall out. Everyone said "you can't relax and color - EVERYone knows that"....

Girl, they brought me magazines, called their hairdressers on the phone at work and put me on the phone with them - it's amazing the lengths people will go to to be "right".

You should have seen their faces as, inch by inch, my hair slipped down my back. Then they wanted advice. And color help. And to know HOW I was getting my hair to grow so long and so healthy....

I am so tired of my bald mom telling me to stop washing my hair b/c its going to fall out. Her hair gets thinner and thinner by the day and I have all this nice wavy new growth. I am shocked, every minute I keep looking in the mirror at work and saying DAMN
, whatever Im doing or taking must be doing something right
I love all you lady for staying true ! So many of you do extending research and you are willing to share, help out everyone and answer the same questions over and over again.

Seeing is believing, nothing I've seen works over night.
A product or supplement will generally do what is says if it's natural and pure. Yet, don't expect it to work if you are not doing your part. All things work together in time. It's finding the balance and not over doing it. Take vitamins with food, not with just a ton of water or they will be flushed right out. Don't press or curl a dirty head full of products and blame the product for not working. Follow the directions! And exercise, it works !
I've heard of people being on medication for illness and from the medication they experience increased or decreased hair growth. I think there is definately a secret out there to increase hair growth it's just that if the secret gets out, many companies will go out of business!