Growth Mode Challenge (Maca • Fenugreek) [July 31 - Dec 31]


Active Member

Welcome to the Growth Mode Challenge—Maca/Fenugreek Edition—let the growing begin! :eyebrows2

You are not required to check-in daily, or even weekly, BUT it is highly recommended that you give a monthly update and/or mark changes as they occur. While checking in allows one to be more accountable, the most beneficial aspect of such a system is the ability to applaud, assist, and motivate each other. Active participants must post both beginning and ending results.

***Join at ANY time (Preferably by Sept 1). Your start post marks the first day of your participation in the challenge. So only start after you've bought herbs or received orders.

***Pictures are NOT required. However, it is advised that you keep a photo journal (seeing is believing) and update at least monthly. This journal can be public or private and in your fotki/blog or on your personal computer.

Please post the following information to commit as an active participant. For those of you who would like to watch from the sidelines simply thank this post or the subsequent Useful Information post.

  • Herb(s): You may join the challenge if you are taking Maca, Fenugreek, or Both
  • Starting Measurements: (M/D—Bust/Hips—Measurement {either inches or both cm/in})
  • Starting Dose: mg/g/ml/tsp/tbs
  • Goal: (Bust and/or Hip Measurements)(Aim high, but within reason)
  • Herb(s):Nature's Way Maca 525mg capsules
  • Starting M: July 31, 30" Hips
  • Starting D: 1050mg
  • Goal: 36" Hips (+6" is probably an unreasonable goal but may be possible for someone who begins to see an inch gain a month.)
  • Starting Measurements: July 31, 30" Hips
  • Final Measurements: Dec 31, 32" Hips

Recommended Daily Doses

§ Varies from person to person, goal to goal. As with biotin and other frequently mentioned supplements, just be cautious and aware of YOUR body's needs.
§ Maca is a superfood and Fenugreek is a spice, so no real toxicity level. Just listen to your body
§ Increase or decrease beyond the recommended doses cautiously

  • Maca: 1-3tsp = 2-6 capsules = ~1g - 3g
  • Fenugreek: .5-3 tsp = ~2-8 capsules = ~1.2g - 5g | no more than 1.5K in a day

§ Take time off...1 week on 1 day off | 1 month on 1 week off
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Useful Information
Source: Home Remedies Web
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What is Fenugreek?
Fenugreek (also known as Greek Hay and Fenigreek), is an herb that is commonly found growing in the Mediterranean region of the world. While the seeds and leaves are primarily used as a culinary spice, it is also used to treat a variety of health problems in Egypt, Greece, Italy, and South Asia.

Fenugreek seeds have been found to contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and diosgenin (which is a compound that has properties similar to estrogen). Other active constituents in fenugreek are alkaloids, lysine and L-tryptophan, as well as steroidal saponins (diosgenin, yamogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogenin).

What are the Benefits of Fenugreek?
Due to its estrogen-like properties, fenugreek has been found to help increase libido and lessen the effect of hot flashes and mood fluctuations that are common symptoms of menopause and PMS. In India and China it has also been used to treat arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, improve digestion, maintain a healthy metabolism, increase libido and male potency, cure skin problems (wounds, rashes and boils), treat sore throat, and cure acid reflux. Fenugreek also has a long history of use for the treatment of reproductive disorders, to induce labor, to treat hormonal disorders, to help with breast enlargement, and to reduce menstrual pain. Recent studies have shown that Fenugreek helps lower blood glucose and cholestrol levels, and may be an effective treatment for both type 1 and 2 diabetes. Fenugreek is also being studied for its cardiovascular benefits.

Uses of Fenugreek:
  • Balancing Cholesterol
  • Treating Diabetes and Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
  • Cure for Skin Inflammation
  • Cure for Heartburn and Acid Reflux
  • Remedy for Fever
  • Breast Enlargement
  • Ease Child Birth for Pregnant Women
  • Aid Milk Production in Lactating Women

What are the Side Effects of Fenugreek?
While Fenugreek is generally considered to be safe when used moderately, there have been reports of a few minor side-effects. Nausea is one common side effect, while other people have reported gastrointestinal discomfort (diarrhea and/or gas).

Fenugreek use during pregnancy is not recommended, since it has the potential to induce labor. If you are currently taking any oral medications, you should always use Fenugreek at least 2 hours before or after these drugs. This is important since Fenugreek fiber has the potential to interfere with the absorption of oral medications due to its mucilaginous fiber (which gives it a moist and sticky texture).

Where and How to Buy Fenugreek
Fenugreek is often available in capsules, seed, and powder form at many health food stores.

Source: Vitamin Stuff

Maca root (Lepidium meyenii [Latin]) is native to the mountain regions of Peru, where it has had a reputation as a powerful sex-enhancer since the times of the ancient Incas. Maca has been called Peruvian Viagara® and Peruvian ginseng because of its legendary ability to promote mental and physical vitality and increase libido in both men and women. Maca is often referred to as a natural hormone balancer, an adaptagen that can treat symptoms of menopause and sexual dysfunction in both men and women. Maca root may also help treat other conditions associated with hormone imbalance, such as depression, insomnia, fatigue, and acne.

Maca root actually provides the body with many healthful nutrients, including potassium and calcium (it actually has higher levels of calcium than milk). It also contains protein, carbohydrates, and fatty acids. However, it is the presence of two recently discovered compounds, macamides and macaenes, that are thought to give maca its powerful aphrodisiac effects. In the April 2000 issue of the medical journal Urology, researchers reported that rodents fed a concentration of macamides and macaenes developed a striking increase in energy, sex drive, and stamina.

Maca is recommended for treatment of a host of hormone-related disorders, including low sex drive in men and women, infertility, low sperm count, impotence, and menopausal and premenstrual symptoms. Research indicates that hormone-balancing maca also supports adrenal gland function, which is very important in times of stress when the adrenal glands produce large amounts of adrenaline.

Athletes sometimes use maca to boost energy and stamina, and there are reports that this root can increase mental function as well.

In Peru, maca roots are dried and ground into a flour-like consistency. It is considered a food, and may be added to blender drinks, cookies, cakes, and chips. You can purchase maca root powder from some health food stores and from online distributorships. Try adding it to your own recipes; use ½ tsp. of maca for each cookie, or 1 tsp. for each slice of bread (make sure to subtract out an equal amount of flour). You can also add maca powder to your own smoothie or health drink.

The recommended dosage for powder is about 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon each day, but much higher doses of maca have been well-tolerated, and there have been no toxic effects associated with this substance. In toxicity studies conducted in the United States, maca showed absolutely no adverse pharmacologic effects. Maca root is also available in capsule and extract forms.
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*shrug* I guess ill start.

Herbs: Vitamin Shoppe Fenugreek 610mg capsules; Nature's Way Maca 525mg capsules
Start M:. July 31, 34" Bust/ 35" Hips
Dose: Maca: 4 capsules/day (2.1g) Fenugreek: 4capsules/day (2.44g)
Goal: 36" Bust, 36" Hips
Do you know how much maca and fenufreek is a good amount to take? I have the powder forms of both
Do you know how much maca and fenufreek is a good amount to take? I have the powder forms of both

Because these are foods, more or less, the dosage varies from person to person. However, I believe the recommended dose for full benefits with maca is 3-5g. Although some people take much more (ex: a Peruvian raised with Maca probably laughs at that dose). But one should listen to their bodies. With women, Maca dose is too high when breast tenderness (which may occur) becomes uncomfortable.

With fenugreek, the maximum intake is 1500g (1.5K). I've heard it gives sweat a maple syrup smell, so I'm going to slowly increase my dose until I find that magic number for my body...and avoid it lol :nono: I prefer NOT to smell like breakfast.

I will add a recommended dose section, but HTH! :)
I will join the challenge once I find a tape measurer but would like to say that I took Fenugreek for a day and a half and it made my lady parts smell like maple syrup.:perplexed

I took one last night (625mg) before bed and two when I woke. Tonight I was using the bathroom peeing. And you know when you're really tired and you kind of lean forward and rest your elbows on you knees and hold your head....well I was doing that and all of a sudden I smelled syrup:lachen: Big surprise.

So I think I'm going to start off with just one pill a day. Two seemed to have been overkill. I really don't want my SO telling me I remind him of IHOP. Actually on second thought, he loves pancakes so he might love it. LMAO

Anyways HHG =)
I drink 3L-4L+ of water a day....I found my groove and realised how thirsty I am I think this is what is keeping the syrup sweat from my life. And perhaps the 2xdaily dry brushing and regular exfoliating. But that's just a guess. Because I am seriously tense in anticipation for this....this....ihop pores type reaction. Lol

Try more water :) I'm not sure you'll see any real results In the upper regions w/ less than 1300mg a day. But I may be wrong. I will read up and edit when I am certain. Welcome to this silly challenge :giggle: and LHCF in general!
Wanji does maca cause weight gain? I don't mind extra booty or bust but I'm actually trying to lose a little weight.
Unfortunately I'd be the wrong person to ask...I'm constantly trying to gain weight but my metabolism won't have any of that. I do feel as though my weight has been redistributed. I'm going to keep working out though because although I complain about my weight I'm not looking to beg for it back :ohwell:

But I'm assuming maca can cause some weight gain though probably not anything drastic unless you are sensitive to slight body changes. Its just a matter of how your body decides to react. Ill keep my eyes glued to the scale and let u know after I've been on it for more time. Hopefully weight gain isn't a necessary.

Anyone else have more experience w/ maca?
I will join the challenge once I find a tape measurer but would like to say that I took Fenugreek for a day and a half and it made my lady parts smell like maple syrup.:perplexed

I took one last night (625mg) before bed and two when I woke. Tonight I was using the bathroom peeing. And you know when you're really tired and you kind of lean forward and rest your elbows on you knees and hold your head....well I was doing that and all of a sudden I smelled syrup:lachen: Big surprise.

So I think I'm going to start off with just one pill a day. Two seemed to have been overkill. I really don't want my SO telling me I remind him of IHOP. Actually on second thought, he loves pancakes so he might love it. LMAO

Anyways HHG =)

Yes, you are going to smell like syrup. I took fenugreek to increase my milk supply when I was nursing. I smelled like IHOP for months.
Sigh, so I have these a stubborn 2lbs that have come from nowhere, I'm assuming its the maca since the fenugreek hadn't done anything to my weight in the time I had been using it in powder form. Its nothing drastic but I will be working out with this change in mind, perhaps more toning/cardio and less building since my body doesn't seem to be as it was when I could lift gain muscle and lose weight as well.

Today my measurements: 33.5" Bust • 25" Waist • 35.75" Hips

Where my weight was previously being redistributed, it seems to be adding. I suppose I need to stop being a bottomless pit now. :blush: I want to get back to the 23-24" I've had since forever. While keeping the new assets....I will workout and post the results of the modified workout. I suppose Maca does indeed add a little more junk not just direct existing poundage. :/

OT: hope maca and/or fenu users begin to chime in. I'd love to hear other experiences.
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0hey, I just bought some maca and fenugreek today. I don't want to regain any of the weight I lost, but I'm hoping my poor boobies can increase in size. :nono: I lost over a cup size in the process of losing 15lbs :ohwell:

My measurements are 32-24.5-35.5 and I'm a small b :nono: trying to lose that stubborn half inch on my waist and go back to a C cup, where I was since I was 16 :sad:

Starting off with nature's way maca 1050 twice a day and fenugreek 1220mg twice a day, as well as a nightly massage of the tissue with wild yam. Will be watching my weight closely, if I start to gain I am out and off to the plastic surgeon :look:

Are we the only ones that are interested?
Lol yea, I think the few that hav posted are the only brave ones....mabes lots of closet challengers *shrug*

No running for plasticity!! Lol ur pretty much my bod twin so if u run, I hav no alternative. But uppers grew 2" (then shrank .5") but that's probs my fault lol and my tum tum that I overfeed can no longer handle it so I did find a nasty inch. Still no maple syrup sweat but that 25" isn't making me happy...probs temporary I hope...result of being w/ fam and all that coOking :lick: and sleeping lol

But I'm not gonna sweat it...this one week I was eating like a pregers....quite distinct from the usual linebacker hunger and I definitely went from 23" to 27"....NO jaw did the extra meal I was about to pack away. 3 day food baby is scary business. But alas, weight comes and goes but no reason to rush under the knife hahaha I'm sure ur kidding....:look:

Let's do it for the knockerz! :D welcome to our small circle.
I would like to join as am taking fenugreek seeds for controlling my blood sugar and it seem to be working very well for that purpose.

I did not know fenugreek also helps to grow hair. Does it have to be used internaly or on the scalp alone?

I have no proof/knowledge of it affecting hair growth unfortunately, it mainly boosts "curves". The uses for fenu that I am aware of are listed in the second post, I would love for you to use this to check in for the purpose of your blood sugar though. :yep: "growth mode" was meant to imply taking it to the next level. :giggle: oh how I wish this fenu did something for :hair:
I want to chime in here with some of my experiences with these supplements. I have been taking Maca and Spirulina powder for several months now. I started taking Fenugreek a little over a month ago. I have seen some improvement in body shape (more curves) with the Maca alone but I've also been doing Yoga consistently for several months so I'm sure that's the largest contributing factor. The maca for sure has increased my libido BBBBBBIIIIIGGGGG time! My SO is very happy lol.

I was pleasantly surprised that after taking Fenugreek (along with the Maca and Spirulina) for just over a month I noticed my breast are plumper. I'm only a 34b and they used to look more deflated. Now they are filling up my bras better lol. And from the side there appears to be more volume (looking more like a teardrop than a deflated balloon lol).

My dosages are 1 teaspoon Maca and Spirulina per day and 2 Fenugreek capsule 3x a day. I think I may need to increase the Maca dosage.

Question: What is the purpose of taking time off? I had an issue with the Maca causing spotting when I stopped taking it for two days. I had gone out of town and forgot to bring my powders with me.
I think the breaks or a cleanse are recommended more as a refresher than anything so as not to overload your organs. I believe a cleanse/break sounds reasonable for any supplement, but that's just me. I simply added the disclaimer based on the info I had collected. Better safe than sorry lol

Yea, the fullness is def what I like, even if I don't gain size...fullness/firmness makes me feel more proud of my chest for some reason, like I feel more feminine when they're so perky haha :blush:
I have no proof/knowledge of it affecting hair growth unfortunately, it mainly boosts "curves". The uses for fenu that I am aware of are listed in the second post, I would love for you to use this to check in for the purpose of your blood sugar though. :yep: "growth mode" was meant to imply taking it to the next level. :giggle: oh how I wish this fenu did something for :hair:

Hi Sis,
Oh, I got it now...silly me. Well, I just stoped breastfeeding so I guess a few inches in my bust wont hurt. I would like to join. Thanks for explainning:)
I think the breaks or a cleanse are recommended more as a refresher than anything so as not to overload your organs. I believe a cleanse/break sounds reasonable for any supplement, but that's just me. I simply added the disclaimer based on the info I had collected. Better safe than sorry lol

Yea, the fullness is def what I like, even if I don't gain size...fullness/firmness makes me feel more proud of my chest for some reason, like I feel more feminine when they're so perky haha :blush:

Ok I was just wondering where the recommendation came from. I'm going to continue as is because both fenugreek and maca can cause hormorne fluctuations (if you stop them) and I need to keep my hormone levels on an even keel or all hell will break loose lol.
I'm on a diet currently loosing weight slowly but surely and I noticed last week that my chest seemed bigger. But I didn't measure till Saturday. All in all I gained a half inch in my chest and a whole inch in my hips. I believe I have been taking them both for about a month and half.

My period is rock solid as in it comes without fail, and I usually have pretty bad cramps but not this month. I'm pretty pleased right now. Just need to keep losing weight!
I want to chime in here with some of my experiences with these supplements. I have been taking Maca and Spirulina powder for several months now. I started taking Fenugreek a little over a month ago. I have seen some improvement in body shape (more curves) with the Maca alone but I've also been doing Yoga consistently for several months so I'm sure that's the largest contributing factor. The maca for sure has increased my libido BBBBBBIIIIIGGGGG time! My SO is very happy lol.

I was pleasantly surprised that after taking Fenugreek (along with the Maca and Spirulina) for just over a month I noticed my breast are plumper. I'm only a 34b and they used to look more deflated. Now they are filling up my bras better lol. And from the side there appears to be more volume (looking more like a teardrop than a deflated balloon lol).

My dosages are 1 teaspoon Maca and Spirulina per day and 2 Fenugreek capsule 3x a day. I think I may need to increase the Maca dosage.

Question: What is the purpose of taking time off? I had an issue with the Maca causing spotting when I stopped taking it for two days. I had gone out of town and forgot to bring my powders with me.

LOLLLLLLLLL! You know what, until I read your post I forgot about that effect!

I've been taking Maca for nearly a month for hormone balancing reasons but I've also gotten so much hornier but didn't register the maca may be doing it:lachen:
i'm mad this maca isn't giving me that heat boost....maybe being on BC for so long has legit killed my frisk.

but....maca + fenugreek still have me of my girls commented on my lady lumps...i'm very petite so any change is noticeable. and yummmmyyyy love the curves lately I'm almost back to pre-BC...well most days.

I'm 34.5/24/35.5 right now. I'm not consistent though, I've gotten so busy, so I flip between 34/35 in the chest. smh. i know. u'd think i'd be consistent because of the results....but it's easier said than done...ive fallen off all my supps lately, just no motivation. :/ SO is pmsing HARDCORE so that's probs why i don't care...not that it was ever abt him, but he's got me so disheartened in general.
I will join the challenge once I find a tape measurer but would like to say that I took Fenugreek for a day and a half and it made my lady parts smell like maple syrup.:perplexed

I took one last night (625mg) before bed and two when I woke. Tonight I was using the bathroom peeing. And you know when you're really tired and you kind of lean forward and rest your elbows on you knees and hold your head....well I was doing that and all of a sudden I smelled syrup:lachen: Big surprise.

So I think I'm going to start off with just one pill a day. Two seemed to have been overkill. I really don't want my SO telling me I remind him of IHOP. Actually on second thought, he loves pancakes so he might love it. LMAO
Anyways HHG =)

Exactly!! my dh loves Ihop and syrup so I prefer him to tell me I smell like that then to tell me I smell like something else!!!!