growth at the back. why sooo slow?


Well-Known Member
I feel like screaming cause when i did my big chop in nov 2008 and seeing it now i don't feel like iv'e made SUCH progress even if it grows. But the front grows faster !!! so like if i have 20 cm in the front the back won't have all that (only between 10 and 15) and in some middle parts its even shorter! i trimmed already but if i continnue trimming i won't see growth. and i won't make it to apl in december.

im sayong to mysled if the back was 20 cm like the front i'd be at apl soon, or done already...its makes me upset .

maybe cause at first i wanted to rock my hair and all so protective styles were not in my regimen at all! until i came here! thanks ladies !!!

but can i catch up or am i gonna have to live with this difference of lenght for long??
I'm not fully natural yet, but I've heard a lot of people say that the back of their hair is more tightly coiled than the front. Mine is that way too and it shrinks A LOT. Did you try stretching it to see if it's really growing slow or if it's the tightness of the coil?
I understand your trauma and drama. My back is the slowest growing on my head which is one of the main reasons I stopped doing length checks. They can be frustrating.

Hang in there. I would recommend stopping the trimming so much particularly in the back. Just light dusting when needed.
I am going through the same thing. As soon as the back gets close to the 7"-mark, it stalls and everywhere else continues. Makes me wonder if my hair wants to grow into a layered bob or something.
I have the same issue. I've trimmed to meet up with the back up my hair twice, but I'm not doing that again. I'm going to Mega Tek (or Mane and Tail, I have both) my scalp back there and see if it makes a difference. Good luck!
I don't have this problem at all. In fact, I was telling my stylist just yesterday how much faster my hair grows in the back than the front. I think it's because I keep my hair up off my neck most times to prevent the ends breaking off on my clothes or it's in some sort of protective style about 95% of the time.

My hair in the back is very soft and more loosely curled than the top so I think that my natural scalp oil travel down the length of them a lot better as well. That could be another reason why it's longer, I don't know:ohwell:. Chicoro said that my lead hairs are at the back and the front hairs have to fight to catch them up.

In essence, I have to trim the back hairs so that the front can catch them up almost all the time. I am hoping to get the front to grow faster and catch them up. My last trim, I had to cut more hair off the back just to get the front to catch up. I truly hope it does this time around:yep:.
thanks ladies!
the thing is; im almost wearing protective styles all the time, lets say i do 95% too and even with twists i never let my hair down in order not to touch my shoulders.

ps, a stupid question: WHAT IS DUSTING HAIR? HOW?