Grown but still scared to introduce him to my parents

:wavey:Hi! I am a long-time lurker in need of advice. So, I've been dating my boyfriend for nine months now and we're really happy and everything is going great. I met his parents in March and now I've decided its time he meet my parents. The problem is that although I'm 25 years old, Ive never introduced my parents to anyone. We have never discussed dating and they are pretty clueless as to that part of my life. My desire to introduce him speaks immensely about how I feel about him because I'm willing to venture previously uncharted territory to get their perspective. The problem: I'm totally NERVOUS! I told my dad this morning that I wanted to introduce him and he changed the subject as his eyes welled up. My mother just stays silent. The whole situation has me thinking that this will be a very awkward situation. Another thing is that he referred to him as "my friend" - I'm inclined to believe that this is just his way to avoid saying "boyfriend" since he did nearly have a breakdown when I mentioned introducing him - obviously this is not just a friend. Should I clear this up to make sure we're on the same page?

Does anyone else have experience with introducing someone to your parents for the first time? How did you handle it? I really need some support and advice from you ladies :-)
This is how I use to be and my parents always reffered to guys I dating as "my friend" as well. Just talk to your parents about him and let them know how you feel about him. Wish you luck sweetie​
^ Thanks! I guess I just have to get over my discomfort and bite the bullet. I'm just soooo nervous. I also don't have a plan. My parents are hardly home at the same time unless its the middle of the night so it'll probably just be my dad who he meets. I'm wondering if I should bring him by for a quick hello/chat or if it should be more extensive than that? Whew, I wish I had an older sibling that could've broken them in.
You said his eyes welled up? Like he cried? :giggle:
Just go for it! You can do it! (I'm being a cheerleader lol) If it gets really awkward, you can just politely say yall have somewhere to be :lol:
Oh, and I think alot of older folks call SOs/bfs/dates 'friends' That's just their lingo :lol:
You said his eyes welled up? Like he cried? :giggle:
Just go for it! You can do it! (I'm being a cheerleader lol) If it gets really awkward, you can just politely say yall have somewhere to be :lol:
Oh, and I think alot of older folks call SOs/bfs/dates 'friends' That's just their lingo :lol:

Omg, yes! I thought I accidentally said I was pregnant not that I wanted him to meet my totally-normal, highly-educated, gainfully employed boyfriend. I guess this is just one of those things where I have to put my big girl dress on and do it. wooosah
My advice is just introduce him to them and it will make you feel a lot better. I've been through something similar, but my attitude about the whole thing was my parents need to get over it because this is who I was dating at the time. Like someone said in an earlier post, if it gets uncomfortable just say you half to go somewhere, that's what did.
I doubt it'll be as "big" of an event as you think. Relax, take a deep breath and introduce old boy!! Good luck and YAY for you having a great relationship and doing something new!
It will not go as badly as you think. On the other hand, I caution you to listen and take your parents opinion into consideration - if your Dad meets him and says hey, I know you like him but there is something funny don't just blow that off but don't just say well too bad I like him - KWIM?
Omg, yes! I thought I accidentally said I was pregnant not that I wanted him to meet my totally-normal, highly-educated, gainfully employed boyfriend. I guess this is just one of those things where I have to put my big girl dress on and do it. wooosah

That is tooo funny! :lol:
But good luck girl! It'll be fine :yep::grin:
It will not go as badly as you think. On the other hand, I caution you to listen and take your parents opinion into consideration - if your Dad meets him and says hey, I know you like him but there is something funny don't just blow that off but don't just say well too bad I like him - KWIM?

Yep, that's part of why I want them to meet him. I know how I feel about him but I want to get input for peace of mind.
Your so lucky you got a good man to bring home to your parents,so take advantage of it....My ex broke my heart and my parents when he hurt me, he played us all.


P.S. my thread on my ex says it all

so he didn't end up meeting them until yesterday and it all went well. I think they were pretty impressed. Thanks for the confidence everyone! :-)
I may let the boyfriend know that you are nervous as well. My friend had parents that had no idea about her relationship (she ended up getting married) and her parents weren't even very nice to her female friends. At the wedding they didn't even talk to people.

Just let your boyfriend know that it may be a bit awkward.
Glad you went through with it. Im going on month 6 and I still have yet to introduce him to my family. Not necessarily scared but its not the right time.