Growing your hair to WL and Beyond with Weaves. Why now it works?


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of threads from people who grew their hair to WL and beyond with weaves. While I think that's great, It's still hard to believe, since a lot of us have worn weaves/braids/wigs from the beginning of time but didn't retain anything until after we joined hair boards.

What do you think is the major reason why we all of sudden retained length with the same protective styles we have used all along?

I think people just have better hair practices along with their weaves/protective styles. I no longer let stylists get away with things on my hair and I take care of it while its in weaves.

Some people... just don't listen to their hair. I have a friend who STAYS in braids, but her hair is NL compared to my BSL/MBL. She lets her stylist use rat tail combs, she is overly concerned with how her braids look vs. how her hair feels. She doesn't do protein treatments or moisturize. Now obviously, her hair doesn't thrive in that kind of style... but thats not her main concern. Those that are looking for protective styles want to know how their hair reacts and thats the most important part of a "protective" style.
Generally some have adopted better haircare practices plus the low manipulation does help to retain length. I will agree that it is very important to listen to your hair. After my second back to back weave, my hair needed some attention which I decided to take a 4 week break to treat my hair every week.
I think a lot of it also has to do with how we handle our hair. People are more aware of how we comb and detangle hair.

Before my hair care journey I would lose my progress in the rough combing, blow dry and press session that would follow.

I think the greatest credit to my retention with weaves is not braking off what I retain
Well, I'm a braid wearer and I will admit that in all the years I've been wearing them (off and on) since the 90s, it wasn't until LAST YEAR that I finally saw some real progress AND retained what I grew.

What I did wrong: In the past my hair would grow some, then I would either let my stylist cut it when she claimed I had split ends, or I stopped being diligent in my hair practices. And I'm a slow grower after my hair reaches a certain point. So, I need to retain every inch of growth.

Now what I'm doing right: Last year I simply did back-to-back styles consistently with no heat. I didn't need nearly as many trims as before. I've gone back to that now too.
Taken care of hair while in weaves is critical to growth..moisture...

also i use to detangle my hair when it was dry..i would literally comb out all of my progress and growth...smdhh i had length but it was damaged due to the way i was handling my hair...

patience and the right products changed that...
The goal changed so the hair care practices changes. For a lot of people, weaves and braids are for style, not to grow out their hair.

I was a weave wearer and my hair did grow well; however, I was in the salon every two weeks getting it washed and having it redone every 12 weeks. If I had to take care of my weave on my own, I probably wouldn't have retained because growing out my hair wasn't the goal. I reached bra strap length hair when relaxed and in the salon every 2 weeks. It took me much longer to get there while natural with no stylist to help with the transition.
Agreed healthy hair practices.

I've alternated between staying just braided up and weaved up for a change to get to my goals fast through protective styling.

By healthy hair practices coupled with things like: Taking out my own weave (I don't trust those ladies to rip through my hair taking it out no way), taking my braids out and deep conditioning, etc etc my hair stayed on track.
I know way too many people who live in weaves and I have been struggling myself with a few clients who insist on extremely unhealthy hair practices when I install weaves for them.

It all has to do with proper hair care. Protecting your hair will help retain the length for the time you have the weave in, but once you take out that weave and go back to ripping out and overprocessing your hair your back to that little 2" of hair you started with.
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