Growing Long Healthy RELAXED hair?


New Member
Now i have no problem with the whole going natural been there done that but i was just curious to know if the only way a African American female can grow her hair is through being natural. Is it possible to go about it the relaxed way and achieve long heathy hair as well. If so how do you achieve this.???:ohwell:
Now i have no problem with the whole going natural been there done that but i was just curious to know if the only way a African American female can grow her hair is through being natural. Is it possible to go about it the relaxed way and achieve long heathy hair as well. If so how do you achieve this.???:ohwell:

No, its not the only way. There are many women on this board who are apl, bsl, mbl and even wl who have relaxers. I am texlaxed, meaning I underprocess my relaxers on purpose. I even think that you can also be color treated and grow long hair. My hair is kind of long...

I think the important thing is to not abuse chemicals and heat. Make sure you fully neutralize the relaxer. Use a mild relaxer. I stretch my relaxer touchups for months, to avoid overlap. I deep condition my hair 1-2 times a week. I do not put direct heat on my hair. These are the things that help me keep hair on my head.

I am sure other ladies will chime in. :grin:
Wow, you guys must be brand new, lol.
Welcome to longhaircareforum you will learn alot.
Wow, you guys must be brand new, lol.
Welcome to longhaircareforum you will learn alot.

I promise you OP I mean this in the nicest way but the search button will be your best friend on this site.

There are long haird relaxed beauties all over this site. :yep:

There are other sites as well that will help you grow your relaxed hair to long lengths also.

The blogger from grow afro hair long
Cathy Howse (use to be relaxed) should have some older information online showing how she grew her relaxed hair.

There are others also. Happy searching and welcome aboard :yep:
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Word, ever since Ive put down the flat iron my hair has flourished, I think the DC's and some kind of protein no matter how light, are really important to retian length for relaxed hair
I believe anyone could have long healthy hair relaxed and natural. I have seen beautiful relaxed hair on this board and in real life. There is two women at my job that have healthy relaxed hair one has past apl colored relaxed hair and the other has waist length hair. I noticed that both women don't manipulate their hair at all and I think that is key into growing hair long and healthy.
If you're just starting, I would say get rid of damaged ends, moisturize your ends daily, deep condition with every wash and go 8 weeks or longer between relaxers. Try to avoid flat-ironing and blow-drying by air-drying and rollersetting. Good luck.
Yep, for me the key to having long relaxed hair was to stay away from heat and to keep my hair moisturized. After alot of heat damage and breakage, I had to cut my hair to a little below shoulder length in May. I discovered LHCF ad KISS in June and I am currently mbl. There is a ton of info on here as well as other sites but you have to do your research and search for what you want.
You can most definitely grow long hair as a relaxed head. The testimonials are all over the place on this site.
Now i have no problem with the whole going natural been there done that but i was just curious to know if the only way a African American female can grow her hair is through being natural. Is it possible to go about it the relaxed way and achieve long heathy hair as well. If so how do you achieve this.???:ohwell:

I didn't go natural to gain length. When I was relaxed my hair was BSB in under a year when I started taking care of it. So I think any healthy hair will grow no matter what.
If you're just starting, I would say get rid of damaged ends, moisturize your ends daily, deep condition with every wash and go 8 weeks or longer between relaxers. Try to avoid flat-ironing and blow-drying by air-drying and rollersetting. Good luck.

thnx thnx and thnx....imma stick to it!:yep:
I love my relaxed hair. I use heat 1 to 2 times a month and bun a lot.... I keep my head super moisturized and balance with protein. I used protective styles to get to my length. I agree with the others, I am no different from anyone, anyone can grow their hair!! P.S I am 4 a relaxed...
For more visual inspiration ensure you check out youtube too. There are a lot of long haired relaxed ladies on there.
just cosigning with the other ladies you can have healthy and long relaxed hair moisture is the key and moderate heat it can be done.
If you're just starting, I would say get rid of damaged ends, moisturize your ends daily, deep condition with every wash and go 8 weeks or longer between relaxers. Try to avoid flat-ironing and blow-drying by air-drying and rollersetting. Good luck.
I was relaxed when I joined LHCF and this is pretty much what I did (already stretched touch ups). I went from shoulder length to BSL in just over 6 months.
Yes it is possible.:yep: Prayer and patience. Moisture and protein balance. I use protective styles (daily). Comb, wash, deep conditioning and rollerset (weekly). I trim myself as needed.
If you're just starting, I would say get rid of damaged ends, moisturize your ends daily, deep condition with every wash and go 8 weeks or longer between relaxers. Try to avoid flat-ironing and blow-drying by air-drying and rollersetting. Good luck.

everything she said:grin:

ever since i started doing the above listed regi, my hair has been great. when i was bone-laxed, my hair was healthiest when i did the above, and now that i am texlaxed i follow the same principles.

i would still be bone-laxed if pregnancy hadn't weakened my hair so much, texlax was a gentler milder option for my hormone stressed strands after not being relaxed for about a year while i was a "host".:rolleyes: