Growing Long Healthy RELAXED hair?

I think people assume that because your hair is relaxed it can't be healthy....
You can have healthy relaxed hair just as you can have damaged natural hair.
Always thought there HAD to be a way for relaxed hair to be long and healthy. It wasn't until I came across this place, that the way was shown.
Happiness is....LCHF and all it's helpful members!
I think people assume that because your hair is relaxed it can't be healthy....
You can have healthy relaxed hair just as you can have damaged natural hair.

Kami is also my hairspiration, besides my Mommy lol. :luv2::love4: Love it perfect length, thickness and shine. I can't wait !
Thanks so much for this thread. I know it's possible to grow long, relaxed hair. I've seen quite a few ladies do so. But, as a relaxed head, I cannot wait for my personal head of hair to surpass BSL :grin:. With my fine/protein sensitive strands it's hard for me to find ways of combating breakage successfully. I can't seem to do conventional protein treatments without my hair feeling crunchy and leading to breakage, yet I can't rely on just moisture treatments for long either. I'm going to be trying yogurt as my next protein treatment. I've read that some protein-sensitive heads respond well to it. The AOGPB conditiner also seems to work pretty well at strengthening, but I don't particularly like the way it makes my hair feel all the time.
Thanks so much for this thread. I know it's possible to grow long, relaxed hair. I've seen quite a few ladies do so. But, as a relaxed head, I cannot wait for my personal head of hair to surpass BSL :grin:. With my fine/protein sensitive strands it's hard for me to find ways of combating breakage successfully. I can't seem to do conventional protein treatments without my hair feeling crunchy and leading to breakage, yet I can't rely on just moisture treatments for long either. I'm going to be trying yogurt as my next protein treatment. I've read that some protein-sensitive heads respond well to it. The AOGPB conditiner also seems to work pretty well at strengthening, but I don't particularly like the way it makes my hair feel all the time.

Yogurt is awesome :lick:. I usually mix mine with another dc (like ors pak), and I add a little coconut oil and castor oil. Perfect balance, my hair was like silk yet strengthened. I sat under the dryer for an hour on medium, and when I rinsed it out, my detangling was pretty easy and my curls were nice and defined.
well your hair's gonna grow regardless of whether your natural or permed/relaxed. They key is keeping your relaxed hair from breaking off. Condition a couple times a week or more, and do monthly protein treatments.
While it is highly possible for ladies with relaxer to grow and retain long healthy hair, relaxers are not for everyone and you just have to learn as an individual when enough is enough...
I never had a problem with length retention until I got my first relaxer at 13. I had a standing appt. at the salon every Tuesday, yet my hair broke off to about 2 inches in the crown area. When I stopped relaxing in college it grew back. When I decided to start relaxing again in 2007 so that I can wear some of my hair out with extensions, that same area broke to less than 2 inches again...I tried once more to get a relaxer in 2008 and my hair just did not look full and healthy...I just dont think they are for me...

Its very tempting to relax with so many beautiful heads of bone straight hair on this board but I am just not willing to risk it.

Either way, whether relaxed or natural, maintaining healthy hair is not for the lazy lol (i.e. its hard work!!!)
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While it is highly possible for ladies with relaxer to grow and retain long healthy hair, relaxers are not for everyone and you just have to learn as an individual when enough is enough...
I never had a problem with length retention until I got my first relaxer at 13. I had a standing appt. at the salon every Tuesday, yet my hair broke off to about 2 inches in the crown area. When I stopped relaxing in college it grew back. When I decided to start relaxing again in 2007 so that I can wear some of my hair out with extensions, that same area broke to less than 2 inches again...I tried once more to get a relaxer in 2008 and my hair just did not look full and healthy...I just dont think they are for me...

Its very tempting to relax with so many beautiful heads of bone straight hair on this board but I am just not willing to risk it.

Either way, whether relaxed or natural, maintaining healthy hair is not for the lazy lol (i.e. its hard work!!!)

Ain't that the truth!!!
I agree with a previous poster about knowing your limits and your own personal hair tolerance. There are alot of long healthy relaxed heads on here. So its definitely possible. Read everything you can on this site, and give it a try. You could definitely end up being someone who can have long healthy relaxed hair. Going natural isn't always the only solution.

However, I definitely know people who have tried everything to make a relaxer work for their head and it just wasn't for them. My aunt has always had a very sensitive scalp and very dry hair, and every relaxer she tried just tore her scalp and hair up. She finally just realized relaxers were not for her.

I've had the same experience, most of my hair did fine with relaxers, but I just have certain sensitive and fine spots of my hair that just broke off no matter what i did, stretching, no heat, baggying, etc. So now I'm transitioning.
Welcome newbies :hiya: Of course your hair can grow as a relaxed head. I went from SL to MBL in just under 2 years. The ladies already gave you great tips, stretch your relaxers and moisturize to keep dryness at bay.

I decided to transition because my edges were getting thinner with every touch up and I've gotten tired of relaxing actually. Also I want to know what my texture looks like. Well happy journey!!