"Growing Hands"


Active Member
When I was younger my older cousin used to do my hair. She is actually the first person to put a perm into my hair. But she used to say that she had growing hands. I used to imagine her praying over her hands everyday and doing some magical spell:lachen:. (oh the imagination of a child) Now that I'm older I wonder what that means and if you believe that some people just have a special touch that can bring extra life to hair.

I ask because I'm currently discouraged with my hair and I need desperately to believe that there are stylist reasonably priced that actually WANT to see your hair grow...
Well...they used to say that about my grandmother. But now looking back what she did was really just moisturizing, sealing and protective styling. I do think that there are stylist that are concerned about that, if not they should be your clients head is representative of what they do. It takes a lot of "auditioning" sometimes to find the right one.
I remember my mom sending my sister and I to a woman who had "Growing Hands" when we were younger. We were naturals, but that woman felt like she was killing me! I wanted her to keep those hands to herself ;0)
I've found that the best "growing" hands for my hair are mine. Why don't you try doing it yourself? Why should someone else "learn" or "practice" on your hair? You can learn/practice on your own hair and never be dependent on anyone else.
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I've found that the best "growing" hands for my hair are mine. Why don't you try doing it yourself? Why should someone else "learn" or "practice" on your hair? You can learn/practice on your own hair and never be dependent on anyone else.

trust me I've tried and I did more DAMAGE than help. When I was transitioning I would baggy for some reason my hair BROKE OFF! So I didn't even need to really BIG CHOP. then when I was 100% natural I tried to wet style yea I lost about 2" when I finally decided to straighten. ANd then there was the time I tried to straighten myself.... FIASCO. I do plan to try again eventually but at this point I realize that I need someone that is going to "hold my hand" help me grow it and show me what I need to do. So that My hands can become growing hands (for my OWN hair). unfortunately most stylist want you to become TOTALLY dependent on them and thats NOT what I'm looking for.
trust me I've tried and I did more DAMAGE than help. When I was transitioning I would baggy for some reason my hair BROKE OFF! So I didn't even need to really BIG CHOP. then when I was 100% natural I tried to wet style yea I lost about 2" when I finally decided to straighten. ANd then there was the time I tried to straighten myself.... FIASCO. I do plan to try again eventually but at this point I realize that I need someone that is going to "hold my hand" help me grow it and show me what I need to do. So that My hands can become growing hands (for my OWN hair). unfortunately most stylist want you to become TOTALLY dependent on them and thats NOT what I'm looking for.

Sounds like your hair doesn't like being "wet", but I can understand wanting help. Sorry, I have no suggestions on finding a stylist, but there is lots of help here for when you development the confidence to try DIY again.

One woman in the movie "Good Hair" said the white guy had "them growing hands" and i was like WTF (the F stands for fudge :look:)
We're Creole, and everyone said this about my grandmother. She had hair past her waist, and when she cared for your hair, it grew. Her hands were so soothing and relaxing, I loved having her comb my hair... gosh, i miss those days.

Luv ya, Mame'!!!
We're Creole, and everyone said this about my grandmother. She had hair past her waist, and when she cared for your hair, it grew. Her hands were so soothing and relaxing, I loved having her comb my hair... gosh, i miss those days.

Luv ya, Mame'!!!

awwww. see We need the old fashioned back.
i know what you mean OP, but maybe a friend who was good with hair will be better than a stylist. someone to guide you.just be patient with your hair, and do only what youre confident with, and what feels right. Good luck