Growing hair WITHOUT protective styling?

Did you grow your hair using COMPLETELY protective styles?

  • Yes, I used ONLY completely protective styles where my hair was not exposed or touching fabrics.

    Votes: 60 26.1%
  • Kinda, I did protective styles, but not consistantly and/or I relied on roller sets more than buns.

    Votes: 88 38.3%
  • No. I grew my hair just fine and I wore my hair how ever I felt like wearing it.

    Votes: 82 35.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
How many have grown their hair without consistant protective styling. I'm not counting roller sets, I'm more specifically asking about buns, phonies, weaves, etc. You know the notion that your hair can't touch anything, then it's considered a protective style.

Who has done this?


ETA: This is my first poll! LOL!
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I am still in the air about it. I use to wear braids, but my ends thinned out. I use to wear wigs, but my scalp could not breathe. The I tried the bun for a while, but I heard that can cause thinning of the hair line. So now it is a twa (due to texlax mishap) and I do nothing to it. I do sometimes where a wrap on it, but am afaird in the long run will cause my hairline to rub off and scalp suffication.
I have done it, and will continue to do so. Protective styles and my hair don't mix. I like wearing it out and I want to enjoy it while it gets to my goal length. I wear my hair down almost everyday and my hair is thriving. No manipulation works for me.
I've been growing my hair without protective styling. I started out with baggying while wearing my phony ponies but that failed. My ends started thinning out. Even though I changed products, it still didn't change anything. My hair has been thriving since I stopped. Like they say...what works for some may not work for others. And let me tell you... I can testify on that one :lol: .
Well I have to say, I couldn't vote because alot of ways grew my hair. After a damanger year in 1999, the year I got married, I cut my APL hair off to a very very short inverted bob, by hair in the front was chin length and layer length in the back cut very close.

After I got pregnant in 2000 with my daughter, I was trying to decide how to do my hair in Hawaii, pregnant, tired and working. So I wore corn rows, basically for 3 years, when I left Hawaii, while my husband was deployed and I was deadly sick. So when I was back at home, I did a mixture of protectives updo's and roller wraps.

Since my husband been back from deployment 3 years, just how I feel. Roller wraps, blow drys, updo's or just a low pony.

Still Growing!!!
My hair is down most of the time; the bun for me is simply more a matter of convenience than a necessity (when I'm washing my face, showering, or sleeping). My hair grows regardless of protective styling or not. I think sometimes we become too dependent on things, though. If you can't retain or grow long hair without protective styling or doing a zillion other things, then how effective is it really in the long run?
navsegda said:
My hair is down most of the time; the bun for me is simply more a matter of convenience than a necessity (when I'm washing my face, showering, or sleeping). My hair grows regardless of protective styling or not. I think sometimes we become too dependent on things, though. If you can't retain or grow long hair without protective styling or doing a zillion other things, then how effective is it really in the long run?

Good point!
I wear buns as a matter of convenience. What has really grown my hair was when I used to get it wet wrapped at the salon weekly. I used to have a stylist that was really into hair care and I faithfully wrapped nightly after getting a wet wrap at the salon once a week. Now my main stay is rollersetting.
I just texlaxed after a year of being natural and Im really liking my hair again for the first time in forever. Im trying to keep my regimen simple this time (Im all for the KISS method). Right now Im just washing or cowashing, DC'ing, and air drying with some homemade curl pudding I have left over or fantasia IC sparkelites gel(the blue one). Its working fabulous! Im definitely sticking with this for a while. I usually leave the bottom part down wavy/crinkly and put the top in a clip. I live in FL so Im usually wearing clothing that my hair wont rub against. Sometimes Ill wear an updo, but Im really feelin the little manipulation thing. I barely comb it at all now. Time will tell if my hair will thrive with this method.
I don't rely on protective styles... I usually do roller sets. On occasion I may clip the back of my hair up like when I wear sweaters that can pull it... but usually I just wear it down. I also am not a bun wearer!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that gave up protective styles. I did buns faithfully from the start of my regimen July 06, up until November. I hated that I couldn't enjoy my hair without thinking I was causing damage. But after I wore my hait out for Thanksgiving, I gave up on all bunning for means of retaining length. I occasionally wear buns or clip it up, but just for fashion:) Most of the time my hair is down, and I think my hair's condition has never been better.
I just started putting my hair up every now and then, but I've never thought of myself as a protective styler. I like to enjoy my hair.

No protective styling for me. when I started my hair was too short to do the protective style that I liked (buns) and I was not going to do the baggy, phony pony or any type of weave except for braids. And I can't wear cornrows for more than 3 days anyway.

So as my hair has grown longer, I haven't put it up or anything. The best thing I think I've done to retain length is to trim my ends, and go easy on the heat. My hair is reaching each goal so I see no reason to put it up.

Besides, I love having my hair down and swinging. Sometimes when I'm just chillin in the house, I'll wrap it up just to get it out of the dry indoor heat.
Thats about as protective as I'm gonna get!
Since I BC'd in July my hair was too short for protective styling, so I rely on daily morning CWs and weekly DCs. I find that low manipulation and combing my hair when damp and a new creamy leave-in that I am testing, has thickened my hair loads. Also I have learn that my hair does not like an abundance of oils, so less is more and has changed my hair texture.

I haven't wore protective styles since I have been natural. But, when I was relaxed they did amazing things for my hair.
I wear my hair in a pony everyday not for protective styling but because I am too lazy to do anything else. My hair will grow no matter what style it's in. It just a matter of keeping it mosturized so it will not break off. I make sure I sleep with silk or satin scarf at night and wear a silk scarf under my hats.
I'll tell you something - I'm in the 'Hide you hair until April Fools' challenge and I am finding it SO HARD! I don't like constantly putting my hair away at all. I have obtained an inch of growth from when I started (last week in Dec until now) but I believe that is down to my regime rather than wearing my hair back. I really am hating it and can't wait for the challenge to end.
i gave up on the protective styling. I hate buns/ ponytails. They make my head look big and i don't do them well... For me i think getting rid of the direct heat is enough. It is just hair, and while i want it to grow, i refuse to look like crap while doing it.
My hair has to have protective styles in the winter because I wear a lot of wool coats and scarves. If I did wear my hair out a day, then I wouldn't worry about it, but as an everyday thing in the winter is a no-no. Once the April Fools challenge is over, I'll probably wear my hair out one day during the week, and on Saturdays. But once I leave at the end of May for my trip, then I'm gonna weave it up for those three weeks, and then take it out once I get back. I'll probably jump into the 4th of July challenge from there...
navsegda said:
the bun for me is simply more a matter of convenience than a necessity

Ditto. I did not know I was "protecting" anything other than my time. ;) I still feel weird and extra hot with hair on my neck/back. I think it is a consequence of wearing my hair tapered for so many years. I still feel weird and extra hot with hair on my neck/back. But from personal experience, buns can be damaging and you have to switch it up sometimes.
I have grown my hair without protective stlyes. I just don't like my hair back being pulled into a ponytail or by tight braids or a bun...or whatever the style may be. I have instead converted to rollersets, braidouts and airdrying. It's more work but it has helped my hair stay healthy and grow. I finally got over my hump and reached BSL, I am looking forward to getting to MBL without haivng to hide my hair in the process.
FAMUDva said:
How many have grown their hair without consistant protective styling. I'm not counting roller sets, I'm more specifically asking about buns, phonies, weaves, etc. You know the notion that your hair can't touch anything, then it's considered a protective style.

Who has done this?


ETA: This is my first poll! LOL!

well, I have been trying to grow out my hair past shoulder length for a couple years now, it's finally about 2 inches below my shoulders. I think protective styling is probably benificial to stop the ends from rubbing the shoulders. I think once you get past the shoulders, you have a better chance at growing the hair much longer without protective styling...

it seems like the shoulder region is where the ends get the most ragged from rubbing against shoulders.
I have never done protective styles and still don't. I wear my hair however I want. However when I'm at home and when I go to bed I do keep my hair protected at all times.
Im starting to think protective styles didnt do any more than if I have my hair in rollersets. My sides got thinner from the buns,ponies and braids.:perplexed
aprilj said:
I've been growing my hair without protective styling. I started out with baggying while wearing my phony ponies but that failed. My ends started thinning out. Even though I changed products, it still didn't change anything. My hair has been thriving since I stopped. Like they say...what works for some may not work for others. And let me tell you... I can testify on that one :lol: .

I never even thought about this. My ends have been looking anorexic lately and maybe this is why!!!!!
I am finally giving up protective styling so I guess I'm out of the Bootcamp Challenge :(. I also noticed that it was thinning my ends. I just put my hair in a ponytail with the ends tucked under most of the time. When I get a fresh relaxer (after I take my braids out), I'm going to get a good trim, roller wrap and wear it down the first 4 weeks like I used to and put it up for the next 4 weeks until it's time to relax again. I'm going to stay on the HYH challenge, because I'm not posting pictures until after April Fools. Hopefully I'll be 2 inches away from BSL by then. We'll see!
When I first started I was obsessed with it so I guess the answer is yes. I had that Wanakee mentality and wasn't budging for a minute. After a few years on the board I discovered that you can grow out your hair without protective styling if that is your preference...lots of examples here. Nowadays I do both (with and without) because I am lazy and it's easier to do the bun/updo thing. I will admit that I do not wear my hair down during the winter months.

For those of you that noticed thinning of the ends. What do you think contributed to it. Some people "bun" differently it seems.
I haven't grown my hair out yet, but I don't plan to do protective styling because it seems like too much of a hassle, and it also seems like it would be boring for me to have the same one or two styles all of the time.
lovegan said:
well, I have been trying to grow out my hair past shoulder length for a couple years now, it's finally about 2 inches below my shoulders. I think protective styling is probably benificial to stop the ends from rubbing the shoulders. I think once you get past the shoulders, you have a better chance at growing the hair much longer without protective styling...

it seems like the shoulder region is where the ends get the most ragged from rubbing against shoulders.

I agree. Once it's past the shoulders, it seems to be less vulnerable. I have loosed up on rigidity of any kind when it comes to my hair. It is good to live in the moment rather than the distant future. Just staying balanced works for me. I put it up at night, and when I go out in the cold and just protect the very ends. bonjour
I wear my hair in tensionless protective styles 75% of the time. I use sticks and hair safe clamps. I think this has helped my hair retention a lot.