Growing Hair After Chemotherapy And Hair Loss

Congrats on finishing chemo, trust me I know chemo is no joke! When I finished chemo, I did nothing special with my hair. I was natural before chemo and continued to be natural afterwards. My hair return just the same as when it left. PM me if you want or need to talk. I hate to talk about what I went through but will if it will help someone else.
Congrats on completing chemo!!!:grin: My mom had a super simple routine when she started growing her hair back after chemo. Co-washes all the way. And she had the cutest little pageboy for awhile. Soooooo soft :yep: Happy hair growing!
I'm glad that you are on the grow! How wonderful!:yep:

Two cautions: Rosemary essential oil is dangerous to those with high blood pressure. :ohwell:

Also, some baby shampoos contain SLS (Sodium Laryl (sp?) and/or laureth Sulfate). Your scalp and hair would benefit from an all natural non-SLS shampoo during this delicate time.

I've reviews for such poos in my drugstore album (See my fotki link in my signature below) and I know the ladies here at LHCF will have many wonderful suggestions as well!

Happy Hair Growing! :grin:

Are there any other essential oils you shouldn't use if you have high blood pressure? I know you shouldn't use horsetail........
Congratulations on getting through chemotherapy!!! I hope that you have Rapunzel hair in no time. As soon as your appetite is good, try to eat proteins. Whenever I eat more proteins, my hair and nails seem to grow more (I am not a cancer survivor, but I was just sharing what works for me). Moreover, when your strength returns, start exercising. Hair seems to grow more quickly when you exercise.

Off topic: I didn't know so many women here had been affected by cancer. I guess the stats may be right for once. I'll be glad when they find cures for this.
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Congrats to are a fighter and a survivor!!!!!!! Best of luck with you hair growing. It will be better than ever.
congrats on your successful completion of chemo. God is Good. My suggestion would be to addapt a K.I.S.S regimen, Try to use products that dont have SLS MINERAL OIL ..and so on. Poo, a conditionner and a leave in and your good to go, from there you'll see if youll need a DC or not.

Hope I helped,

Congrats on finishing your chemo!!!

Just want you to know. my hair grew like wild fire after my BC about 6 years ago. Before I had come to hair boards or knew anything about anything. I did what you are doing. Cowash (which I did not have terminology for...I was just doing what made sense), DC here or there, slept on a satin pillowcase, used water based products and ate healthfully.

Enjoy it.
Congrats on finishing your chemo!!!

Just want you to know. my hair grew like wild fire after my BC about 6 years ago. Before I had come to hair boards or knew anything about anything. I did what you are doing. Cowash (which I did not have terminology for...I was just doing what made sense), DC here or there, slept on a satin pillowcase, used water based products and ate healthfully.

Enjoy it.

Congrat on your 6 years!! It's been 6 years for me as well.
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Update My ct scans report are all good, So I feel good. I started on the flat belly diet. This is such a cool plan to get your belly flat. My hair is very soft and curly. I read about shampoos and conditioners from Aubrey natural hair care. Anyone one on here ever use Aubreys?
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Update My ct scans report are all good, So I feel good. I started on the flat belly diet. This is such a cool plan to get your belly flat. My hair is very soft and curly. I read about shampoos and conditioners from Aubrey natural hair care. Anyone one on here ever use Aubreys?
Aubruey's Organics is one of the favs on this board.

That is wonderful news about your CT Scan its time for us to get your hair growing back healthy. It sound nice already, curly and soft.

You going to get your bikini look going early, I need to join you!! I just bought the Body Type Diet book... I guess I should read it :lol:
So happy to hear about your progress. My husband finishes his round (chemo and radiation) next Monday and we are praying for excellent results as well. He did not lose any hair but it did go stick straight like he has a perm or something so we crew cut it and it is super extra dry. Aubreys is good stuff - very gentle :-)
Congratulations on completeing your chemo! :yay: I wish you contiued health. I am sure the ladies here will be of great help on your hair growing jouney.
I can't make it through all of the other posts, but I want to say congratulations to you on your survivorship.

I actually work for a cancer non-profit and survivors have an extra, extra special place in my heart. It is amazing to read some of the previous posts and learn that many ladies are also survivors and some of their children. That is such a blessing!

Know that your hair will grow back. It may come in a different texture, as many have indicated, but it will grow back.

Most importantly, celebrate and enjoy life!!!!!

That's all I have to say.

Big hugs...carry on! :)