Nubian Girl
Hey ladies,
I would like to be nosy and get everyone's answers on how they styled their hair during the hair growing journey at shoulder-length hair (but they are now brastrap or close to it), what they thought contributed to healthiness/thickness, and what their most important hair ritual is for them that is done on a regular basis.As one's hair grows the new hair is thicker and less managable than the rest of the do you deal with that and keep your tresses in tip top shape.
At alittle past shoulder length myself, I have a hard time trying to keep or put my hair in a hairstyle for the day. I'm either to busy, don't want to be bothered, or too lazy. Snap me out of it ladies!! I need your help. I want long,silky, thick hair too.
I would like to be nosy and get everyone's answers on how they styled their hair during the hair growing journey at shoulder-length hair (but they are now brastrap or close to it), what they thought contributed to healthiness/thickness, and what their most important hair ritual is for them that is done on a regular basis.As one's hair grows the new hair is thicker and less managable than the rest of the do you deal with that and keep your tresses in tip top shape.
At alittle past shoulder length myself, I have a hard time trying to keep or put my hair in a hairstyle for the day. I'm either to busy, don't want to be bothered, or too lazy. Snap me out of it ladies!! I need your help. I want long,silky, thick hair too.