Growing and Maintaining kinky-curly hair textures -Website


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Hello (Big Wave) - still trying to figure out these icons.

I have been a lurker for sometime. Like many of you I am obsessed with natural hair and for the past 2 years have spent hours scouring the internet for knowledge and hairinspiration. So has my sister who has also been natural for about the same time. There are a few things we noticed. First, there aren't that many websites with the content that keeps me coming back. I love bglh, natural haven and this website(which is a forum and not the same). Curlynikki is great as well. There is also the coil review. However, these websites are few and far between. I noticed that essence does try sometimes but their content is somewhat superficial. Second, there aren't that many websites that stay true to the kinky-curly hair model. Third, the layout of many of these websites tend to be a bit basic. We decided to take matters in our own hands and are developing a website which will also provide a database with links to sites likes these, to onlines sellers of the, styles and tips for growing and maintaining hair, daily hair inspiration etc. We thought it would be good to have a website where much of the content online like vloggers, tumblrs and popular blogs can be access from a central point but also somewhere we can find wonderful looking naturals both at work and play. It will be called CottonandCurls and we intend to invest our own money in this since we strongly believe that you need to be the change you want to see. So if mainstream media won't cater to our ideals and perceptions of beauty we will create our own. Period. Now, I know that the LHCF family is perhaps the best resource for any hair care questions so I want to know from you guys, what do you want to see in your website? what makes you return and what makes you leave?

You guys are soooo great and I can't wait to get your feedback - (Happy dance)
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Kinky-cotton haired women achieving goals.--- and with styles-- not just protective/hide your hair styles, but real, wear your hair out in all its glory styles. Innovative product use, and thinking outside the box. Techniques that are non-judgmental and not afraid of heat. I've said my piece!
Totally agree. Styles that showcase our natural texture. Wild and glorious. What about more corporate style ideas? I am a litigator and find that I don't see enough corporate styles. Do you find that of content appealling. I am sure there are many professionals on this site as well.
What about product reviews? I am getting a mixed impression from the natural community about those. I have NO intention of flogging anybody's product for a backhander but do you guys find those useful?
Totally agree. Styles that showcase our natural texture. Wild and glorious. What about more corporate style ideas? I am a litigator and find that I don't see enough corporate styles. Do you find that of content appealling. I am sure there are many professionals on this site as well.

I'm a litigator as well. It would be nice to see more corporate functional styles
I would like to see more hair styles and fashion. Like...i wanna see twists...but on another know what i mean? And more POSITIVE news happening within the Black community...i can read about our negative statistics elsewhere....Just something overall positive and NON-depressing.
This sounds like a great idea. I look forward to the launch of the site. If I think of some ideas I will post again in this thread.
How about real life hair makeovers or before and after pics of the different treatments/services available.
@ hair4romheaven. I have started an index of youtubers according to hair types and length. Fotki a great idea as well. Any suggestions welcomed. I have about 20 tubers.

@similingelephant. Absolutely with you. Only positive vibrations on this website. We really want to be specific with the content and its all about sexy, classic, beautiful natural hair.

@Umm Ebraheem - Can't wait to hear your suggestions.

Thank you so much guys, I am taking this all down so keep them coming!
When they go natural alot of ppl worry about the response of SOs and potential candidates. Maybe u could have a segment where ppl tell antidotes about the reactions. Only positive/funny ones we don't want to discourage anyone lol

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I know this may take a whole lot of research but I think it would be nice to have a salon (ones specializing in natural hair) directory. Though most naturals I know are DIYers, I think every woman wants to sit back & be pampered every once in a while. I've been eyeing Khamit Khinks but their prices are sooo high.
@ transitioning. The thing is we naturals taught ourselves by exposure to beautiful naturals and blogs/media forms which encourage self acceptance to love our thick luscious mane. The men have not gone through the same process. So, its almost too much to expect them to suddenly love our natural hair when throughout their lives they've just been exposed to straight hair. They have to be reindoctrinated as well and that is not easy in world where there is very little representation of naturals as beautiful.

nakialovesshoes - I agree. The problem is there simply isn't that many of them but we will definately do the research. While I tend to go the diy route it would be nice to go to salon and have my hair pampered and not worry about some trained professional insisting that a "fine tooth comb is for styling and wide tooth comb for conditioning". She told me point blank that they way they are trained the only knowledge they have of natural hair is before its relaxed i.e virgin hair.
Another idea is a panel of "experts" that represent the different textures. A lot of times we hear from hair gurus but because their hair type may be different from ours, the advice doesn't necessarily apply.
How about "Seven Ways to Rock...A Style" Similar how some fashion and beauty mags show multiple ways to use the same pieces. Some people state they they get bored with twist outs, twists, braids, blah blah blah. But if they can see multiple ways to rock a style method they may be more likely to feel good about what their natural hair can do.
Bublin - I am so sorry. I really didn't and had a response in my mind but simply forgot. lol! I can tell you this though, its a fantastic idea. The sort of transformation that bglh/curlynikki had featured but I think at a higher level and maybe with some professional input.

nakialovesshoes - were you thinking of something along the lines of the naturally curly panel. The difficulty I have with those professionals is that they don't update often. I would like to get people onboard who regularly update their comments/advice, to keep it fresh and interesting. Let's face it natural hair care is evolving.

PinkGirlFluff. I agree. I loved what Naptural85 did about a week ago and there are a few other people. I just think that if we could have a central place that looked elegant and professionally done, with regularly updated information. It would really help naturals on their journey. I know that it took me many months to find the staple sites.

We are planning to launch in November 2011 and there is alot of work to be done but these comments have really helped us to focus on mind on what our users would like to see.

Do you guys like alot of content on the first page or very little content with instant visible appeal but the ability to click into various resources? I have to say I prefer the latter.
A haircare product receipe section for those of us that like to make our own concoctions rather than purchase store bought.
Perhaps even dedicate a section on growth aides.... I know , I know very controversial but let's face it many of us are aiming for long healthy hair.
@nakialovesshoes - were you thinking of something along the lines of the naturally curly panel. The difficulty I have with those professionals is that they don't update often. I would like to get people onboard who regularly update their comments/advice, to keep it fresh and interesting. Let's face it natural hair care is evolving.

I'm not familiar with the naturally curly panel but I guess I was thinking more about the LHCF elders, as I call them. These are people who have consistent healthy heads of hair and have had a pretty solid routine for some time now.

It's always nice to hear from them but sometimes I look at their hair & wonder will their advice truly work for me since I have a different hair type.
Thanks so much ladies for your responses. I know this topic is not as alluring as "grow 7 of hair inches in 7 days" but the content you provide will help us to create a really great website. In the meantime, to wet your appetite and as a prelude to our lauch we've created a facebook page. Please like us (;-) and comment. The key search terms are "Cotton and Curls a natural hair journey." or you can try this link.