Growing and cutting the never-ending cycle: Why my hair never gains length!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anybody else is going through this but I just hacked 3 inches of my head. One side of my hair was 2 inches longer than the other. It gave me see-thru ends and just didn't look good. So I just spent the last 15 minutes even my hair up and trying to make it look decent and thick (okay it still doesn't look thick).

Everytime my hair grows, it seems like the amount that grew needs to be cut for aesthetic reasons, splits or whatever. I feel like I hit brastrap every few months just to have to lop it off again.I really want waistlength hair and I can't get there with see-thru ends so its especially important I keep my hair thick!!! But it seems I have to choose, length or thickness.
Maybe you are growing out all the thin hair and eventually all of your hair will be thick. I got a hair cut and it made my hair look thicker and healthier but I still have some thin ends because I didn't have her cut all my hair off. Once my hair grows out some more, I'll get another trim to take off some more of the thin damage ends that grows out (maybe in 3 months or so). As you start taking care of your hair, it will start to grow in healthier and stronger. I tried hanging on to thin ends but I hate the see-thru ends look. I'm sure trimming your hair regularly will keep your hair looking thicker and healthier.
ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
I don't know if anybody else is going through this but I just hacked 3 inches of my head. One side of my hair was 2 inches longer than the other. It gave me see-thru ends and just didn't look good. So I just spent the last 15 minutes even my hair up and trying to make it look decent and thick (okay it still doesn't look thick).

Everytime my hair grows, it seems like the amount that grew needs to be cut for aesthetic reasons, splits or whatever. I feel like I hit brastrap every few months just to have to lop it off again.I really want waistlength hair and I can't get there with see-thru ends so its especially important I keep my hair thick!!! But it seems I have to choose, length or thickness.

I had the same issue, my problem was too much heat not enough moisture. I have cut back on the heat use significantly, and now I have incorporated the baggie method into my regimen to keep my ends moisturized overnight.
I can really relate to this. I used to trim every 6 weeks unecessarily, and my stylist used to trim without asking...needless to say, I had been at brastrap for like 6 months. I saw a few ragged ends and had just those taken off staight across in a blunt cut. I stopped with layers in like April 2003. Anywho, I was cutting off what length I had gained at each touch up. I'm going to learn to trim my hair, but until I do I have a lady from Spain at work dust the ends. If I say 1/4" or less, she does exactly that...her hair grazes her waist.

People say not to let "just anyone" in your hair...I don't, but even my mother trims way too much...a lady at work does exactly what I want. If I give my mom a ruler and show how much i want cut, its always 1/2" more. If your ends are thin, maybe its heat. I stopped heat 1 year and 3 mos ago(and counting), and I used to flatiron once a week. I used to do rollersets, but I found that my ends were still very dry. Try nixing some of the heat and really applying a good moisturizer to the ends (you may want to start fresh with a trim). Profectiv has a really thick one, but it works (Healthy Ends). Now I use that and Nexxus Botanic Oil. Sorry this is so long! :p
I just wanted to add that who ever is cutting your hair, make sure that the scissors that they are using are sharp. Dull scissors actually help create split ends. Just wanted to put that out there.
hey girl ! have you considered doing some braids? maybe some box braids? I know for me braids are the only way to go. Maybe trimming on one side only til the other side grows out to catch up? I HOPE THAT DOESN'T SOUND STUPID.....MY FEVER HAS ME KINDA LOOPY. :ill:
Hi thanks for all the suggestions...everytime I cut my hair even one side just overtakes the other. I thought I would just let it grow this time and maybe, just maybe it would even out way back when it was only about a half inch difference...well that half inch quickly grew to an inch....

I trim my own hair...could that be a problem? I do use sharp scissors and I look for split ends in between trims. But maybe my techniques is wrong...I don't know...i just cut straight across, lol.

I'm not quite sure if I can grow out my thin hair since my hair is just inherently thin. I've been doing this for two years now, so I'm sure most if not all my original hair is gone gone gone...I do try my best to keep it from being see-thru though. Which is one of the reason my hair growing so fast on one side bothers me so! I need even ends to give the illusion of thickness.

I can't do braids because they take my hair out but I can try to incorporate more moisture. I have just recently started using heat again and my hair wasn't growing at all when I wasn't using heat or doing much of anything...I have been conditioner washing more often (working out more often) you all think that mught help? I just got a texturizer so I lose way less hair during washes than I used to...Maybe my combout was the problem? I don't know...I am just ready to get to waist and it will prolly be another 8 months before I even hit brastrap again!!!!
I feel ya too! That's exactly what it seems like i'm doing, going through a cycle of growing and cutting. Except now i realize what i am doing to cause my breakage and split ends. So maybe next time aroung i can get some growth and not cut. What do you think could be the reason for your thin ends?
I think part of the reason is that my hair is just naturally fine and thin so when I lose hair even just a normal amount its more noticeable...I'm going to try to baby my strands more though...

MsP....I hadn't used heat in months! I was on your wig challenge, lol! But really, I ended up texturizing about a week and a half ago and do the tried and true or what really worked for me in high school which was wash and flat iron every couple weeks, use kemi oyl every night and wear my hair down everyday. I hope it is still the magic formula!!!!
ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
what really worked for me in high school which was wash and flat iron every couple weeks, use kemi oyl every night and wear my hair down everyday. I hope it is still the magic formula!!!!

im thinking about doing this once i get my Maxiglide, except i dont have kemi oyl, i'll use a different oil. :yep: