I love eating Eggs (eating them everyday)But the Craziest Thing happend this morning Idk What Happend lol but um i did not think it was possible to Burn eggs??
YES they were Burnt!!!!:lachen::lachen:
Idk What i was Doing oh i forgot about them as i was on lhcf:look:

Note To self NEVER Cook and Be on LHCF Big NONO for Readers Like me:blush:

I love eating Eggs (eating them everyday)But the Craziest Thing happend this morning Idk What Happend lol but um i did not think it was possible to Burn eggs??
YES they were Burnt!!!!:lachen::lachen:
Idk What i was Doing oh i forgot about them as i was on lhcf:look:

Note To self NEVER Cook and Be on LHCF Big NONO for Readers Like me:blush:


:lachen: Yeah the yolks turn grey right? I need to do my eggs right now! Before I forget!
Do some ladies worry about cholesterol from eating eggs w/ yolk daily?

I eat eggs, but I remove the yolk and only eat 2-3x a week at most just for a protien source. I take a daily vitamin + b-complex + biotin (5000 mcg).
Do some ladies worry about cholesterol from eating eggs w/ yolk daily?

I eat eggs, but I remove the yolk and only eat 2-3x a week at most just for a protien source. I take a daily vitamin + b-complex + biotin (5000 mcg).

no because they already proved that eggs got a bad rap with that and its not true about the Cholesterol , Neroli posted about it a few posts back, Ive read the same things on it too

kinda like the same thing they did with some oils and the butter/margerine thing, they had us thinking eating something that cant even do anything in the body but stick somewhere like plastic was better than butter
I just can't do the boiled eggs. I have to mask the taste with other stuff, thats why I do omelettes. The only way I can eat boiled eggs is in a salad. Are you guys eating them plain?
I just can't do the boiled eggs. I have to mask the taste with other stuff, thats why I do omelettes. The only way I can eat boiled eggs is in a salad. Are you guys eating them plain?

just with a little Lawry's , I do love them on salads like you though, cant even eat a salad without em , yum!
I will try. I'm not sure I can stomach 2 eggs/day. I can definitely do one.

How long is this challenge supposed to last?

I already take both L-Cysteine and L-Cystine!
I will try. I'm not sure I can stomach 2 eggs/day. I can definitely do one.

How long is this challenge supposed to last?

I already take both L-Cysteine and L-Cystine!

It can go on a while, with progress checks at 8 week intervals

are you taking them with Vitamin C and B Complex?

you can do one egg a day if you like-thats fine too
Quick update:

Not in favor of what I was trying to accomplish w/ the challenge. But i trimmed my ends, I couldn't take the ratty look. I didn't do too much, but I love a more healthier look than an long ratty look. Not that my hair is anywhere near long, but would rather grow it healthy (looking) rather than damaged long.

I took the before pics of this challenge, so on my date to deliver the results, which will be around Sept 5 (8wks since start) I hope to have gained a little length.

In the meantime I am eatin those eggs, I eat one whole egg, then about 4 w/ just the egg whites. On a weight loss journey so that extra protein is a plus on both sides.
Quick update:

Not in favor of what I was trying to accomplish w/ the challenge. But i trimmed my ends, I couldn't take the ratty look. I didn't do too much, but I love a more healthier look than an long ratty look. Not that my hair is anywhere near long, but would rather grow it healthy (looking) rather than damaged long.

I took the before pics of this challenge, so on my date to deliver the results, which will be around Sept 5 (8wks since start) I hope to have gained a little length.

In the meantime I am eatin those eggs, I eat one whole egg, then about 4 w/ just the egg whites. On a weight loss journey so that extra protein is a plus on both sides.
Girl I am one that believes in trimming the ends so I am with you on your decision! :yep:
interesting thread. when my hair was the longest, thickest and healthiest as a relaxed head, i was eating two eggs for breakfast nearly everyday for a few weeks. i wasn't into supplements for then so i didn't use any. i have the supplement now but don't really take it and i don't eat eggs as much. i think i'll try this unofficially.
interesting thread. when my hair was the longest, thickest and healthiest as a relaxed head, i was eating two eggs for breakfast nearly everyday for a few weeks. i wasn't into supplements for then so i didn't use any. i have the supplement now but don't really take it and i don't eat eggs as much. i think i'll try this unofficially.

well it for sure works, welcome to the challenge! :yep:

get them eggs eatin up girl! :grin:
Still eating 2 boiled eggs a day:lick:. I just have to make myself take the extra vitamins:look::rolleyes:. I am still waiting on my L-cysteine to get here.

Hoping to see spectacular results!!!:yep:
Quick Update!!!

I've been eating my 2-3 egg whites per day.

I finally got my L-cysteine! The Vitamin Shoppe was out and when I finally got over there yesterday it was only one bottle left. (I'll order online next time)

So today offically made my first day doing everything and I'm so excited!!! (eggs, l-cysteine, viatmin c, b-complex + my daily multi, biotin & flaxseed oil)

Monday I did my first egg & olive oil treatment and I can't believe how my hair feels. I had less shedding and my hair feels stronger. I let it sit on my hair for 10 minutes and then I followed up with a deep condition with Elasta Qp Dpr-11, olive oil, honey and castor oil for 20 minutes.

I really believe this is what has been wrong with my hair. I assumed protein was bad but with all of those co-washes I believe my protein/moisture balance was off.

Iris, the challenge says that we can do this once a week, do you think this is to much protein for a natural with fine and thin hair like mine?

Overall I'm really excited about this challenge because it's working on the inside and outside. I also have more energy and I think the B-complex has something to do with that. I really want to give myself a solid month of doing everything consistently to see results with my hair.
Hi everyone,

Just checking in. I have been doing good on my vits. I am still slacking on the eating eggs part. I haven't eaten any this week, but I went the store and bought a fresh carton. So I will be already to go from this point:yep:
Quick Update!!!

I've been eating my 2-3 egg whites per day.

I finally got my L-cysteine! The Vitamin Shoppe was out and when I finally got over there yesterday it was only one bottle left. (I'll order online next time)

So today offically made my first day doing everything and I'm so excited!!! (eggs, l-cysteine, viatmin c, b-complex + my daily multi, biotin & flaxseed oil)

Monday I did my first egg & olive oil treatment and I can't believe how my hair feels. I had less shedding and my hair feels stronger. I let it sit on my hair for 10 minutes and then I followed up with a deep condition with Elasta Qp Dpr-11, olive oil, honey and castor oil for 20 minutes.

I really believe this is what has been wrong with my hair. I assumed protein was bad but with all of those co-washes I believe my protein/moisture balance was off.

Iris, the challenge says that we can do this once a week, do you think this is to much protein for a natural with fine and thin hair like mine?

Overall I'm really excited about this challenge because it's working on the inside and outside. I also have more energy and I think the B-complex has something to do with that. I really want to give myself a solid month of doing everything consistently to see results with my hair.
This is really good to hear and yes the B Vitamins are the energy Vitamins but they are also so good for your hair and so much more. I think the egg treatments every week only left on for 10-15 minutes should be fine, follow up with deep moisturizing and it should work out perfectly , if you like you can also just do it every other week if you feel it would be too much for your hair, but if doing this weekly or bi monthly I think its best to drop all other heavy protein treatments/products and use.
Last edited:
Hi everyone,

Just checking in. I have been doing good on my vits. I am still slacking on the eating eggs part. I haven't eaten any this week, but I went the store and bought a fresh carton. So I will be already to go from this point:yep:

eat those eggs mama :poke:
I'm taking this eating eggs so seriously , especially after everything I have read, I aint stopping!

I did a post about how my hair was feeling called 'so soft so sexy' because of a combo of products I used, including VS So Sexy, I have to admit it was the bomb! But the sheen I am seeing in my hair, after reading up more on l-cysteine and eggs, I think might have come from eating up these eggs! it provides a natural sheen , like a gloss, so I have read!

yay for eggs! I just had two :lick:
Oh Irresistible, I'm going to eat my eggs this morning. Shoot I want Butt Length soft shiny hair! LOL! I was gonna make a full breakfast this morning but my son only wanted cereal. No use of making all that for just my self.
Quick Update!!!

I've been eating my 2-3 egg whites per day.

I finally got my L-cysteine! The Vitamin Shoppe was out and when I finally got over there yesterday it was only one bottle left. (I'll order online next time)

So today offically made my first day doing everything and I'm so excited!!! (eggs, l-cysteine, viatmin c, b-complex + my daily multi, biotin & flaxseed oil)

Monday I did my first egg & olive oil treatment and I can't believe how my hair feels. I had less shedding and my hair feels stronger. I let it sit on my hair for 10 minutes and then I followed up with a deep condition with Elasta Qp Dpr-11, olive oil, honey and castor oil for 20 minutes.

I really believe this is what has been wrong with my hair. I assumed protein was bad but with all of those co-washes I believe my protein/moisture balance was off.

Iris, the challenge says that we can do this once a week, do you think this is to much protein for a natural with fine and thin hair like mine?

Overall I'm really excited about this challenge because it's working on the inside and outside. I also have more energy and I think the B-complex has something to do with that. I really want to give myself a solid month of doing everything consistently to see results with my hair.

Yeah Puritans Pride still has there 3 for 1 sale going on until September. So try them out if you wish.
Oh Irresistible, I'm going to eat my eggs this morning. Shoot I want Butt Length soft shiny hair! LOL! I was gonna make a full breakfast this morning but my son only wanted cereal. No use of making all that for just my self.

eat em up girl! :eat:

Eggs are one of the best 'hair foods'