

New Member
Hello, all!

My name is Lucky, I'm 18 and I live in Seattle, Washington. I am a junior at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire and here's something else: I'm a male!

Here's my story: When I was doing a work-based learning project in 9th grade (students who excel in classes can take the last period off to work at some retailers to gain work experience for pay) I was at Target (pronounced tar-ZHJAY, it's French, LOL) on my third day as a cashier with a rather unruly afro.

I was playing with this cute little kid whose mother came through my line and just having a good time putting Target stickers on his nose and my nose and the mother paid me for her items and she'd left. I wished her a nice day and that was that.

The next person in line was a modeling agent! She said that I had a really positive attitude and a unique look (most guys have much shorter hair) and she'd like me to give her a call. I thought she was trying to pick up on me and told her I was "statch," short for statutory rape because I was 14, but I decided to call her anyhow to see if she was legit.

The woman was for real! She is a scout for Elite and now I have been with them for several years, doing editorial and runway modeling for many popular companies. My first shoot with them was the next day and I never returned to Target (to work, at least) since. Ironically the co-workers I had begun to befriend before I disappeared were the first to notice (as we get the Sunday newspaper ads a week early) that my second photo shoot featured me on the cover of a Target circular!

I've been growing my hair since I was about 15 1/2 and heard about this board from a friend of mine. I have been lurking here for a little while and was afraid of the public perception of me since I'm male and this is a largely female community, but you all seem so nice that I'm willing to take the risk.

In conclusion, hello and I hope to read and post more of my information soon!
Welcome to the board.
Hi Lucky

U've found a wonderful community here

BTW, can u post some pics? I'd love to see "look" that got u noticed

God Bless
Welcome, Lucky
, We are so glad to have you! There
is NO gender dicrimination here, (I presonaly find guys with long hair, sexy. I try to convince my hubby to let his hair grow long
),so enjoy the forum, and grow your hair long
Re: Photos

I am posting some pictures to my photo album online right now. I'll post the URL once I'm sure they are there. I will also take some photos after I wash today and post them later. I have a shoot this weekend so when I am flat-ironed (I request that they don't do it often because I don't want damage) I will have them take several photos of me so you can see the length better.

Best wishes,

I have some pictures posted from a photo shoot from a few months ago. They were taken on a really great apartment-like set, complete with a faux outdoor background in the window behind me, but of course most of the shots that they sent me to preview were of me in the bedroom, pretending to act "sexy," LOL!

Some of them are pretty decent and they show the length, but the curly ones of me in the turtleneck make my length look like NOTHING because of shrinkage; it was wash and go. The one in the white T with the tangerine-scented candle shows me with flat-ironed hair "neatly rumpled" to give it the "sexy bedhead" look. I'll look around in my files to see if I still have any of me without the "neatly rumpled" look. These pictures have so much innuendo! There's a bed in the background too! *gasp*

Let me know what you think!

Best wishes,

Well ain't you a little cutie?! Gorgeous, gorgeous hair!! I can see why you were picked to model. You really deserve to be doing so. Best wishes to you!

Wow, Lucky, you have very nice hair. It is so shinny! Wow, congratulations!

Thank you so much Pebbles! That's really nice of you to say, both about me and my hair.

you gotta tell us your regimen! what, how and when of your hair? what products? how often do you wash it etc etc, do you trim?
Re: Modeling

Yes, I'm still in school (but I'm taking a term off because of a family health emergency) and it pays pretty well, most definitely.
I really love what I do, and although I don't plan on making it a career [especially since I don't think I'm all that anyway] it's fun to do while I'm studying to be a psychiatrist for the Deaf. Both of my parents were born Deaf and my siblings and I were not. I've always been interested in language acquisition, and have also been studying the relationship between parents and children in Deaf versus Hearing society.

Your hair looks great! My hair is nothing like yours, but I'd still love to know your regime.

Welcome to the board!

Ooh, fun. I get to share all my "deep dark secrets!"

Since I started lurking around here, I read up on conditioner washes and now that's all I do instead of washing with shampoo. My hair is just as clean as it ever was back when I used those "moisturizing" shampoo products. Pshhh, please. Anyway since I started modeling I have received a lot of products from my agency that they suggest I try which is great because I'm already a PJ (I've picked up on the lingo, LOL) but some of the things they provide are unnecessarily expensive when I've found stuff on my own that works just as well if not better.

Here we go!

Some days they (or I; it's not always their fault) put a lot of product in my hair for any given reason, but one great tip I can offer is $1 Store facial astringent. I just massage it in, equal parts astringent and conditioner and let it set under a plastic cap for five minutes while I shower. The mixture washes all the gunk away, cleans and tingles the scalp (because of the eucalyptus oil in the astringent) and the conditioner part of it counteracts the alcohol from the face wash, leaving hair clean and soft. When massaging, I use a shampoo brush (a small circular brush with plastic bristles and a handle on top under which you can slip two fingers) both to loosen the grime and massage the scalp. It's functional and really relaxing!

For conditioner, again a rather inexpensive alternative to those high-falutin brands out there, I use Clairol Renewal 5X Replenishing Conditioner for Dry/Damaged Hair. My hair generally keeps moisture really well but I don't want to risk getting frayed ends so I use this every three days in place of a wash. If I'm out of Renewal 5X, I always have the urge to Herbal, so Herbal Essences Conditioner for Normal Hair is great; it smells like a garden and is so inexpensive!

I use a deep conditioner whenever I feel the need, and I generally schedule that for once a week, twice if I've been flat-ironed. My deep conditioner of choice is Origins Rich Rewards. An 8.2 ounce jar is something like $20 but since I use it rather infrequently (and yes, even on my head, a little goes a long way) one jar lasts a good three or four months. I apply it in place of the regular conditioner, put a plastic cap on over it, and sometimes sleep in it overnight. Most of the time though, I apply it right after getting in the shower and leave it on for 20-25 minutes, then take the cap off and rinse it out under lukewarm to cold water shortly before I extricate myself from the shower.

Before I apply any product, I spritz on a fine layer of Sebastian Titanium Protector, focusing on the ends and the "kitchen" because although it's the same length as the rest of my hair, I know that I'm fortunate to have it that way so I take good care of it.

My products of choice on a given real world day (this means at school or home, not at work) are John Frieda Frizz-Ease Wind-Down Relaxing Creme Extra Strength because I have the option of going straight or curly, and if I let my hair air dry like I do 99% of the time, the curls separate into really awesome ringlets like in the turtleneck pictures on my photo site. I apply a 50/50 mixture of Vaseline (you know who you are, thanks for posting that on the board!) and Blue Magic Coconut Oil to my ends. I also use the Blue Magic throughout my hair to control frizzies if any exist but after this process, few do.

I take a One-A-Day Men's Vitamin... Once a day, I suppose is the right answer
to supplement my vegan diet and workout routine of about an hour a day five days a week. I love to drink water and natural juices (orange, apple and grape are my favorites), and at 6' tall and 145 pounds, I need all the moisture I can get, external and internal, to keep my body and my hair healthy.
Re: Professional Shots

I will try to find some soon enough and post them on my album. The ones that are on there already are some of the ones that have been published in a few magazines (YM, Rolling Stone, Teen People, places like that since I have and am a very youthful look); those are just the samples that I was mailed to ensure that there weren't any that I didn't approve of. I have more of those though, and will be posting them as soon as I can fiddle through my documents and find them. Thanks for the interest, Crysdon!
Re: Professional Shots

hey statch... i mean lucky!
i cracked up when i read that one! LOL!

welcome to the board. it's so nice to have you here. thanks for sharing your pics. man, you have some beautiful hair! and i see you have that regime down. i never thought to use astringent WITH a conditioner (nessa, that might work for you with the Sea Breeze that you wanted to try).

hmmm... Vaseline, eh?

because of a scalp condition, i also use one of those scalp brushes. i really don't find it relaxing though since it's required, but i'm glad it works for you.

i look forward to seeing more pics and future posts!
Re: Regimen

Welcome to the board Lucky!

Your hair is very nice and so are your pictures! I was just wondering, how do you get your protein since you're a vegetarian?
