Greetings Hair Divas


New Member
I have been haunting this board for months and due to advice here, have implemented new techniques into my regime that is making my hair just awesome. I have 4b relaxed hair that is just past my shoulders. My last touchup was April 7th 2004. Based on all the wonderful information here, I did a protein treatment using nexxus kearphix and found a dominician salon in the Atlanta area and the lady did a fabulous job on my touchup using affirm lye. I haven't purchased any new products yet (I USE TO BE a product junkie and have a cabinet full of stuff!) but I am finding new ways to use what I already have and the results are great. The last time I used shampoo was 5 days after my touchup and I used nexxus therappe/emergencee/humectress for a good protein boost. I now do condition washes 2 times a week and intend to only use shampoo before and after touchup (what do yall think?) I would appreciate any input you ladies can provide based on my current routine. Every 3 to 4 days I do the following:

1. Message and comb dry hair using wide comb to detangle.

2. Condition wash using suave tropical coconut or aubrey GPB. I add 1 teaspoon castor oil and 1 teaspoon jojoba to about 3/4 cup conditioner, mix and put on dry hair until saturated.

3. Cover with plastic cap for at least 10 minutes or more. Rinse thoroughly with cool to cold water.

4. Final ACV rinse (2 tablespoons ACV to 1 quart cold water -- if I have my act together I use distilled, if not, then just cold tap). Towel dry.

5. Mixture of nexxus headdress, giovanni direct leave in and rosemary essential oil to towel dryed hair and rollerset.

6. Dry under hard bonnet dryer on cool setting (drying time is directly dependent on the amount of leave-in I use -- if I put tons than it takes at least 3 hours, if I use sparingly, about half that time - I just figured this out, duh!) So, I now put just enough leavein to coat hair, particular, ends. I haven't used heat since touchup at the salon.

Ladies, my hair is awesome! Full of body, bounce and always smells fabulous. My entire routine now takes about 2 1/2 hours from start to finish (about 1/2 hour to condition wash, another 1/2 to rollerset and 1 1/2 hours to dry). In a time crunch, I still do my hair late at night and still get to bed at a reasonable time!

In between washes: I don't like oils on my hair, really don't like ANYTHING on my hair in between washes but have started using pure aloe gelly by lilly of the dessert to moisturize my ends only -- I rub a drop or two in palms and apply to ends at night before wrapping. That is it.

Once I use up the stuff I already have (it's a lot!) I intend to try salerm, particularly the leave-in (any 4bs using this with good result?)

I would appreciate any comments, suggestions, input ANYTHING yall like to add, subtract, multiply or divide on my routine. I would also like to thank you all, and I thank God I found this board -- it's been a Blessing to me! Thank you. Thank you. Bless yall!
welcome to the forum
Welcome, Neroli.....
You seem to have a good hair care regime....You can learn a lot here. I, too, occasionally use the Lily of the Desert aloe vera gelly as a leave in before rollersetting my hair......
Bump again. Disappointed that few have commented on my regimen -- perhaps is so good that doesn't need improvement?!. Was so excited and greatly anticipated your input and am now kinda bummed out that so few responses. Thanks Alliyah & Sherry for acknowledging my post.
Nice regime! Do you have any pics of your hair??? Pics might increase the comments you get.
Thanks for the responses. I didn't realize that photos were the key to this board -- I've never viewed the photos -- the advice is always so excellent and makes complete sense that I never needed more than that. Well, don't know when photos will be forthcoming because I'm camera shy (I just don't want my image on the web, creeps me out!) plus have to get someone to hang around and take, THEN figure out how to post it, yikes! Can you tell I'm a bit old fashioned and a bit electronically challenged. Oh well, I'll try to muddle thru and bug you guys until you respond OR until I can get photos . . .
Welcome and your hair regimine sounds great.
Pictures are an added bonus but you don't have to rush them....They can even be just for you to track your progress.
LOL! Don't be discouraged by slow responses. It's not a reflection on you...

Welcome! Your hair regimen looks fine. Hey, if it ain't broke...
Welcome from one ATL newbie to another.

Your hair-tine sounds great. I think it's wonderful that you can dry your hair on a low setting. I have to fight with all the heat so it will dry in a timely manner.

Also, which dominican salon did you go to and who did your hair?
so nice to "meet" you! Isn't this a wonderful place? I am so happy that you have found what works for u! i love your regimen