Great New Products


Natural Beauty
I just got samples of CURLS Milkshake - a leave-in & CURLS Curl Euphoria Elixir

Both products are great.....I tried them immeditaely on my twisted hair...and the euphoria did give me sheen and moisture...

Last night I retwisted my twists w/ the milkshake....I love this leave made my twists very silky...and I didsn't take them out until later today...looks very nice, has shine, moisture, defintieon....and best of all it lengthened my twist out more...

I already ordered the full sizes of both

also...just got

Curl Junkie Hibiscus & Banana Honey Butta Leave in...will test this weekend
Curl Junkie Curl Fuel Spray...good refresher..need to test more
Curl Junkie Coffee Coco Creme...haven't tried yet
MyHoneychild Honey Hair Mask..

I will try these this weekend and give reviews on Monday

But so far I do know that my 4a/b hair loves products from these lines

Curl Junkie
Kinky Curly
Jane carter -revitalizing mist
Jessicurl - conditioners

Just a heads up for other naturals who twist often...or just
Thanks for the review. I wanted to try some of these. I just can't buy another thing right now! lol. Glad you love them.
Glad you liked your stuff!!

I gotta stay outta these product review threads...'I will NOT shop!'