Great Hair On Other Ladies (kinda long)


Healthy Hair Quest..
I ride a commuter bus to and from work into downtown Atlanta. I've been noticing a lady that has such fantastic hair. She's relaxed with full lush lockes! It apears as if she's growing out some layers and her hair is almost at armpit length. She's probably Peachtree's hair twin.

This morning I had the chance to stand behind her in line(that's how I was able to get the scoop on her hair!) and admire that gorgeous head of hair!...:sekret: I kept wanting to reach out, tap her on the shoulder and tell her how absolutely gaw-jus I thought her hair was, but I didn't want to seem weird....:nuts:

Since joining the boards I've gained a keen eye for hair! I can tell when someone is stretching a relaxer, transitioning, wearing a weave or wig(still working on this one...) natural, text'd you name(not saying I'm always right but pretty close). In fact, I sat with a lady I generally chat with from time to time who is a natural. She was wearing a floppy hat and I could see a few curls peeking from underneath and I notice she did something different to her hair. I said, "What did you do to your hair?" she answered, rolling her neck, "I put a perm in it!" I just laughed. She said she used the liquid relaxer Vigorol. I just love, love love hair!

How do you ladies handle giving compliments and such? I never give advice unless asked; I've learned my lesson on that one.
Yes, I do notice other people's hair much more since joining LHCF. I haven't been brave enough to actually compliment or ask questions about someone's hair that I don't know, unless I'm in close enough quarters where they won't think I'm some weirdo with a hair fetish.
I've always loved hair, but my love has taken on a new level since finding this and other hair boards. I love a beautiful head of hair, be it natural or relaxed. Sometimes, I'll compliment someone's hair and leave it at that. If they elaborate, then that's fine.
I'm always telling people I love their hair...but I'm shy to ask what their regiment is...but don't worry, if I see them on the regular I WILL FIND OUT! :lol:

I find that they appreciate the compliment and will always say something in addition to the "thank you" response that give you an idea of how they care for their hair. Some responses I've gotten are:

Thanks girl...I don't even wash this stuff often
Thanks hun, I just keep this mess in a pony tail
Thanks, I just added don't think it's too light do you?
Thanks, I need to get my ends trimmed though
Thanks...I just got it done
Thanks's bout time to get it done

The list goes on and on, but you get the point
I remember complimenting a lady that had thick, blunt cut chin length hair, and boy was that akward... I wanted to find out if she was going to a salon that I could check out in the area but it turned out that she did her hair herself. :eek:
Now that I think of it her hair was always in a bun,and a protective style, hmm I wonder if she's member here ??? :sekret:
onepraying said:
:sekret: I kept wanting to reach out, tap her on the shoulder and tell her how absolutely gaw-jus I thought her hair was, but I didn't want to seem weird....:nuts:

I know what you mean. I don't want to give the wrong idea, like having a woman think that I am interested in her. :perplexed: (I'm into men. :lol: ) If I have the opportunity, I will give a quick and simple "I like your hair" or "Your hair looks nice" and keep stepping.
I'm pretty much the same way. If I see a good healthy head of hair, whether natural or relaxed, I will make a comment like "Your hair looks nice" or "I really like your hair". I haven't had a bad experience yet with someone being mean just because I complimented them b/c I would hope that they would be like the ladies here and give a sweet "thank you." I would hope that a person wouldn't live up to that stereotype that all people have about people with nice hair (mostly long) just because you compliment them on their hair. And you know the stereotype I am talking about "Oh she thinks she is all that, just b/c she has nice/long hair!"

Heck, I have even commented on people's hair before (to them) and my girlfriend had to tell me "Girl that aint even real!". Pretty hair is pretty hair to me!
Sometimes I can't help myself and especially if they are really rockin' that puff or the hair is swingin' like nobody's business!:grin: Now if I'm facing them and they are walking toward me or sitting w/ me or whateve, I'll do it...but just reaching out, tapping them on the shoulder.......well......nah...I'll wait for my window of opportunity....:lol:
I'm in love with hair too...sometimes I'll just sit and stare at people's hair (I'm a people watcher anyway). It's true that black women can do more with their hair than any other creature on the face of the planet...I think that makes observing our hair that much more interesting.

I like giving hair compliments. I've run into a few ladies who didn't know how to take them, but I continue to give them anyway b/c I mean it. I was in the airport Tuesday, and I saw 2 or 3 heads that made me wanna transition right then. lol