Grease Monkey :| Help!


First, I want to thank all of you ladies again for giving my hair a second chance at life:] You guys are geniuses
. So, hopefully you will be able to help me with my moisturizing situation. I have been doing the daily CW/rinsing thing for about a month now and love the results. Usually I will put a mixture of oils and shea butter in it afterwards, and then do the baggie technique.

I am happy with this routine because it is quick and easy, which is what I need now that school has started again. My only complaint is the GREASINESS!! I have never been a fan of greasing, and although the switch I have made to oils from greases is remarkably better... it is still... yah:/ I am on the track team and sun + heat + oils = sweaty oil running down my face and neck = bad. And when I am in the lab.... ugh... just bad. Just smoothing some hair out of my face leaves me with annoying, oil-coated hands. And don't even get me started on my s.o.!! He loves to stroke and play with my "african" hair (haha... forgive the poor little white boy... I've been trying to explain to him for years that I am black and thus, have black hair. But he just stares at me blankly). I did not moisturize on a daily basis until I found this board a few months ago, so now he is going crazy! He'll ruffle my hair and then snatch his hand back in shock and awe, as if a snake bit him... "It's so greasy! And you put this stuff in purposely?? Doesn't hair already have natural oils in it?!" Haha:D He used to hate when I wrapped my hair and put a scarf on at night. Now he loves it, because he hates my "grease monkey" hair in his face:]

Anywho, I have been experimenting lately and trying to find a happy medium for us both. I have found that my best bet for now is to CW, put in some Salerm, and then a mixture of glycerine and water. My hair is moist all day, and then I hold off on the oils til night time, so I'm not a "grease monkey" all day. So I guess the question is... does this sound good? Or should I be moisturizing my hair more during the day? And if so, does anyone know of any products that will keep my hair moisturized all day without the "grease monkey" effect? Thanks in advance! And my s.o. will thank you like WHOA!!
If your hair is bothering you then that is the first sign that you need to cut down on the grease.
DISCLAIMER: I never use any products on my hair after my conditioner, so I might not be the one to take advise from.

But I would think that when it is running down your face or coming off in your hands excessively, its too much. I'm not sure what you sould do other than cut down on the amount of product you use tho. Maybe just stick to the ends as yuour roots might be getting oily enought naturally?
Or maybe a water based moisturizer would be better? ll that oil might start clogging up your pores and lead to acne.
How often do you shampoo your hair? You might want to try shampooing, conditioning, and deep conditioning once a week. Also, try a pre-shampoo treatment with the oils. If you can, you might want to cut down on the CW. It could contribute to the dryness of your hair. Or, it could be that you don't need the oils and shea butter. Try just the shea butter and see what kind of results you get.

Have you tried Sta-so-fro! I've heard nothing but good things about it. You may want to try it if you haven't already.

Thanks for the quick response guys:]

Abainaa: I know it must sound like I put a ton of oil on my hair, but I really don't. Sometimes I do just spray the ends:] I have something called Raynaud's Phenomena, which is a strange little thing, though not too major till the winter time. Basically, my body is very sensitive to any sort of temperature change. I get cold very quickly, and my body temperature rises even faster than it lowers. Here's some info if you're interested:
Anywho, in the summer, my head and my legs are the first to radiate extreme amounts of heat once I step outside, and it takes quite awhile for my body to reach equilibrium again. Weird, huh? I know:/ Thanks for the suggestions though! Do you know of any water-based moisturizers that do the job well??

TigerLily: I shampoo and deep condition once a week, but CW every day. I think I will give the pre-shampoo treatments another shot. They did not seem to do much for me before... but maybe I wasn't doing it right:/ Thanks for the shea butter suggestion. I will try that for awhile. And I think I am going to run out to the store right now to buy a certain spray...
Skydancer said:
Anywho, I have been experimenting lately and trying to find a happy medium for us both. I have found that my best bet for now is to CW, put in some Salerm, and then a mixture of glycerine and water. My hair is moist all day, and then I hold off on the oils til night time, so I'm not a "grease monkey" all day. So I guess the question is... does this sound good? Or should I be moisturizing my hair more during the day? And if so, does anyone know of any products that will keep my hair moisturized all day without the "grease monkey" effect? Thanks in advance! And my s.o. will thank you like WHOA!!

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So this has been working? If so, I'd say just stick with it. I don't think it's necessary to moisturize more than 2 times a day unless your hair is really dry/damaged and you're trying to nurse it back to health so to speak.

I hate for my hair to be greasy. I moisturize in the morning and before bed. I very rarely use oil as a "moisturizer." I like it as a preshampoo, as someone else mentioned. My moisturizer is glycerine based (although it does contain some oil) and it works great. So I imagine using a glycerine/water mix would work just as well
How about moisturizing at night? If you wrap your hair up at night and sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase your hair should still be moisturized in the morning minus the greasiness.
How about going a completely different route?

Why don't you spray your hair in the am with a leave in conditioner (pantene for example, but there a million to chose from, or another one that's pretty good is daily hair doctor from african royale or something like that). You can spray this all over your hair and then apply the shea butter to your ends only.

I would just try different products.

Good luck:)
i think the culprit is glycerin...i had mad grease and my daughter using it in a mix spray daily...i quit using it all together unless i was making a conditioner concoction...shea butter i dont like (i also dont like mango butter by elastqp....havent tried the real kind) both were mad greasy when added with other products...i didnt want ot use them alone because they didnt keep my hair softened all they bit the dust too...

i'm with tigerlily on sta-sof-fro...i put in once a day since im doing conditioner washes daily now as opposed to 2x a week..they have a rub on i juss part my hair and squeeze some on scalp and then smear on palms and spread over hair all over when im very well and is not grease monkey type stuff....i have my first spray bottle of it (only package i could find of it) so i dont know if it will be spraying all over ur face and clothes but drape a towel up there or something or ur hand up there as guard...this product really penetrates my hair shaft and doesnt juss sit there..soft hair without the soul-glo
All of the ladies here have made really good suggestions. However, "moist" and "moisturized" hair are not neccessarily the same thing.

I like Tracy's definition of moist hair:
Constant moisture to me doesn't mean my hair is soaked in moisturizer. It means my hair is soft, feels smooth to the touch and does not snap when I run my fingers or a comb through it (provided it wasn't airdried)...

To achieve "constant mositure" on my hair I have to keep my hair very clean, use a good deep conditioner and leave in and a serum.

My hair stays "moisturized" using these products alone as long as I wash often...

I rarely use oils, greases, or any additional product to retain moisture.

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Here's a thread which also might help:
Define constant moisture

Thanks Everyone:D I still have a ways to go and a lot to learn:] I wish I had known about Tracy's definition and that thread months ago
Oh well. Better late, than never:]