Grease Is The Word!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have been reading all the post about the stinky challenge and how people were using Sulfur 8 and Glovers to grow their hair. They had used it as children or knew people who used it and their hair grew. So I decided since I already had these products I should give the challenge a try. Well I have been greasing my scalp daily with Sulfur 8, Glovers and sometimes BB Super Gro to combat the smell. Well I did this Mon-Fri and Saturday I washed my hair. As I washing I noticed something I havent seen in a LOOOOOONNNNG TIME!!! NO HAIRS CAME OUT!!!!! :love: I was so shocked I even combed through it to make sure and no hair came out!!! :weird: And as I was rinsing the hair with shampoo it was really soft. I couldnt believe this. All the time I was running away from grease because I thought it was bad for my hair and lo and behold it is saving my hair. I added a bit of BB Super Gro to my hair and twisted it after I washed it and it is now dry and soft. It never felt like even after I used Lacio Lacio and serum. I am shocked....

Anyone else in love with grease as I am??? God bless you all.
my attitude about is using frenchee super gro on tht challenge...i notice also there isnt much hair lost...but also...i have been slapping on mane n tail conditioner as a leave i dont know if thts it or not...

im using softee coconut grease too on my length after i wash and put on the mane n melts right in

but!! i do notice my hair stays hydrated for those 3days i reapply frenchee before i wash...and its already growing..

if things keep goin this good im may juss stick to the stanky grease
yep, I love grease of all kinds....frenchee's is also good for those who press their hair. I read that here somewhere...Anyhow, I am so happy I tried this stinky challenge. Good growing all! :grin:
LoL that's funny... this morning, I was just parting my hair, attempting to check out my new growth, and I felt like my scalp was a tad dry, so I was like "what the heck? why not put a little grease on there!" it's not like it ever did anything bad to my hair, my hair always had the same growth rate, the only problem is retaining length, so yeah, I pulled out my Palmer's Hair Success with Vitamin E that's SUPPOSED to speed hair growth and I applied it on there. I always loved that stuff, cuz it's not greasy like some other ones...

I guess I don't see why I SHOULDN'T use it... it works fine for me... I won't use it all the time though *haha* but yeah, when I used to use it, my mom would tell me to stop because it made my hair "nappy too fast"... :confused: Could that be that it DID increase hair growth? I don't know, cuz I wasn't paying attention to my hair back then... we'll see now! use your grease if it works for you girl!
I grease my scalp with Asha's Mane Attraction, even though it's not really grease...that stuff really does work...
Apart from the stinky challenge I love:love: to use Myhoneychild Sophia's old fashioned har grease on my scalp after my hair has been airdried. It contains all natural ingredients and it leaves my hair smelling yummy:lick:.soft and shiny. :yep:
I have been in love with grease all my life. I am going back to greasing my scalp good twice a week with BB Super Gro Lite, and I am going to buy some Sulfur 8 this weekend, since my BB is almost done. I haven't greased in a while, but I would love to go back to it. These are my past staples that I loved:

BB Super Gro Lite
Allways Super Grow
Allways Indian Hemp
Sulfur 8
Allways Castor Oil
Blue Magic

In fact, I think my hair grew a lot faster with grease, just not too gooped on my scalp or anything. This time, I'm gonna stay with my grease!
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Nice said:
Can some post a picture of Frenchee's?

I love grease! Not on my scalp but my ends love it! I use Softee on a regular basis but I'll use anything that is around, especially if it has a nice smell. I contribute my growth to daily washing followed by the vaseline challenge :yep:
I like grease also. Sometimes I put some on my scalp and sometimes I don't, but I really like the way that it leaves my hair feeling, especially on my ends. My fav's are:

Blue Magic (blue or green one)
Dark & Lovely Honey-Kissed Hairdress
Proclaim Grease (Bergamont Oil Added) From Sally's

Hmmm... I'm going to have to try that Frenche's when I get the chance to pick some up.:)
I stopped using grease when I went natural because I just assumed that it was what was preventing me from retaining length. Then, I found out about the stinky products, and found out that they have mineral oil and petroleum in them, so I had to get over it, and start using it again.

I only use it on my scalp, but so far so good! That glover's mane and frenchee's in the TRUTH. My hair is getting THICK. I can't even believe it! And where my hairline was damaged from just removing my braids, there are new hairs popping up! I kid you not. So I will stick with Glover's. Heck, I may even try the softee's with coconut oil on my ends. :)
I'm not on the stinky challenge, but sulfur 8 and glover's has always been a part of my regimen. I tried to move towards oils, but it wasn't happening.
I have never used grease, but couldn't get my hands on the M-T-G. So I decided to try other sulfur products. Are you all using the Sulfur 8 everyday? I tried the Glover's ointment (5% sulfur) and Sulfur 8 Lite (2% sulfur). The first day it wasn't too bad so I got kinda excited. I was applying the tiniest amount twice a day after I surged. Uggh! By Friday, I couldn't stand myself. I had to roll down the windows to keep from getting sick. (I didn't have classes so I decided to do a test-run before I tried the stinky and had to be around people). Maybe I did overkill, but my roots felt so soft around the braids. Just the smell, Lawd have mercy! I am going to have to find a balance because my hair felt so soft and moisturized.
How often are you using the SUlfer 8 or Frenchee's

I have a jar of Sulfur 8 at home and would love to try it on my daughters' hair (7 and 3).

Not sure if I trust the MTG on them.
I have Sulfur 8 and Glover's at home. I thought Glover's was a pre-poo treatment. Do you mix it in another grease for the growth you ladies are talking about.

Compare the two by their benefits: Sulfur 8-----Glover's (applied straight or mixed into another grease.

I remember once I had a problem w/ the hair at the nape of my neck. I put Glover's and some Queen Helene back there. By the end of the next day, my hair was eaten up to the middle of my ear. I don't know WHAT caused that to happen so that's why I'm inquiring about the Glover's application.
I've never used grease on my scalp, but I do use softee coconut or castrol oil grease on my ends or I'll mixed it with my gel to slick my hair down when I wear a bun, it leaves my hair soft and moisturized.
Palmer's Hair Success always kept my hair moisturized and made it grow. I don't know why, but it did.

BTW, my wash day on Sat. went really well. Details in my journal. :)
CarLiTa said:
LoL that's funny... this morning, I was just parting my hair, attempting to check out my new growth, and I felt like my scalp was a tad dry, so I was like "what the heck? why not put a little grease on there!" it's not like it ever did anything bad to my hair, my hair always had the same growth rate, the only problem is retaining length, so yeah, I pulled out my Palmer's Hair Success with Vitamin E that's SUPPOSED to speed hair growth and I applied it on there. I always loved that stuff, cuz it's not greasy like some other ones...

I guess I don't see why I SHOULDN'T use it... it works fine for me... I won't use it all the time though *haha* but yeah, when I used to use it, my mom would tell me to stop because it made my hair "nappy too fast"... :confused: Could that be that it DID increase hair growth? I don't know, cuz I wasn't paying attention to my hair back then... we'll see now! use your grease if it works for you girl!
bee said:
I have Sulfur 8 and Glover's at home. I thought Glover's was a pre-poo treatment. Do you mix it in another grease for the growth you ladies are talking about.

Compare the two by their benefits: Sulfur 8-----Glover's (applied straight or mixed into another grease.

I remember once I had a problem w/ the hair at the nape of my neck. I put Glover's and some Queen Helene back there. By the end of the next day, my hair was eaten up to the middle of my ear. I don't know WHAT caused that to happen so that's why I'm inquiring about the Glover's application.


there's a liquid Glover's treatment that you're supposed to wash out. Then there's a cream/grease. I bought the cream because it has 5% sulfur in it compared to 2.5% in the liquid, and the fact that you didn't wash it out.

As far at it "eating up" your hair, did you apply the liquid and just leave it on? Maybe that's what happen. If I'm not mistaken, the liquid also has SD 40 alcohol in it. That's a no no for my scalp. HTH!
@classimami713: Maybe you are right because I did leave it on my hair and to this day, the texture on the left side of my hair in that area, is more coarse than on the right side. I didn't know Glover's came in a cream and that the sulfur content was 5%? I will be purchasing that TODAY!

My daughter is in braids--do you think I can use that on her scalp w/o causing matting at the base of her braids?
I use the Glover's cream, not the oil (5% sulfur). With the braids, I haven't had any matting problems. In fact, the new growth feels really soft and moisturized. I surge twice a day and have cut the Glover's down to once a day to combat the smell. At the end of the week, I just wash it all out. I am definitely going to have to increase the washing with the hot weather coming because I would knock people out. I also use the Sulfur 8 lite which doesn't smell as much. That might be the staple for the summer.
SULFER 8!!:clap:
SULFER 8!!:clap:
SULFER 8!!:clap:
SULFER 8!!:clap:
SULFER 8!!:clap:
SULFER 8!!:clap:
SULFER 8!!:clap:
SULFER 8!!:clap:
I've been using the Sulfer 8 as one of my lubricants since I braided up on Saturday (April 30th) & the parts that were crazy tight are already loose!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
*pulling out my 'Grease' Soundtrack*
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bee said:
@classimami713: Maybe you are right because I did leave it on my hair and to this day, the texture on the left side of my hair in that area, is more coarse than on the right side. I didn't know Glover's came in a cream and that the sulfur content was 5%? I will be purchasing that TODAY!

My daughter is in braids--do you think I can use that on her scalp w/o causing matting at the base of her braids?

My hair is natural, and I haven't experiences any more matting than normal with G. Mane. So it would probably be okay. I actually started using mine when I still had my braids in. The only thing is, though, that she can't wash her hair like normal, so the smell may linger more.
Grease is the word for real! It works geat on my hair. I just dont like the oily effect afterwards. I need to stop being heavy with it :(
There's a grease my stylist used on my scalp yesterday and it was hella grand!!! I don't know the name of it but I told her I wanted some. It's ice blue in color but it tingles (in a good way) when you put it on your scalp. I gots to buy some!
I've been using some grease a lady makes and the stuff smells like thanksgiving dinner but I REALLY believe it is growing my hair over night. I was balding around my edges from wearing an instant wig and I promise you this grease grew my hair back in less than a week. GREASE is the word.
Hey ya'll....*looking around* where ya'll purchasin' the Glover's cream (or whatever it is that you leave in) from again?? NOT that I want to know...*looking around*
Leshia said:
Hey ya'll....*looking around* where ya'll purchasin' the Glover's cream (or whatever it is that you leave in) from again?? NOT that I want to know...*looking around*

why u shame :lol: gone and git u some :lol: