Got my weave hair! Can I color it? (pic)


Active Member
Got my hair finally! It's HC Gentle wave relaxed. But I think it's a bit too dark. Can I color it? If yes, do I do that before or after the wash/condition/seal process? And can I use color from the drug store to get color 2?

My install is Friday AM. My very first weave.. and have only applied color one time before on my mom's hair.

Would really appreciate specific instructions.
What do you mean the wash cond seal process? Are you doing all of that to your extentions before the install? IF so, just follow the directions on your color box. You can color the 100% human remy hair. I'm not sure about other kinds of hair.
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What do you mean the wash cond seal process? Are you doing all of that to your extentions before the install?

Yes, this will happen before the install. From what I have read, you should at least wash, cond and seal the weft before installing. I am wondering where in the process I should color - before or after initial wash & cond?
Here is a good video, I followed it to a tee and the hair came out perfect. I'm not that familiar w/the sealing process, but if you they type of hair that sheds alot then you should probably do that first since you can lose alot of hair in teh wash proces. Otherwise, you should color it first. The directions on color application kits instruct not to wash immediately before the dye.
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Color, wash and condition, then seal. Sealing should always be last. What kind of sealant are you using since it depends on their cure times.
You can color it. I bought Goddess weave and dyed it because it was too light. It was a tangled mess. So you can, but I wouldn't.
Color, wash and condition, then seal. Sealing should always be last. What kind of sealant are you using since it depends on their cure times.


Umm I was just going to go to Joann's and get some frayblock. I haven't even thoroughly researched that., crossing fingers that it is in stock...
Got my hair finally! It's HC Gentle wave relaxed. But I think it's a bit too dark. Can I color it? If yes, do I do that before or after the wash/condition/seal process? And can I use color from the drug store to get color 2?

My install is Friday AM. My very first weave.. and have only applied color one time before on my mom's hair.

Would really appreciate specific instructions.

05girl, I think frayblock will be ok but some weft glue or glue used for sealing turn white after water touches it so that is why sealing should be last. I do believe the hite color does go away when dried though.
05girl, I think frayblock will be ok but some weft glue or glue used for sealing turn white after water touches it so that is why sealing should be last. I do believe the hite color does go away when dried though.

Cool. I just saw a youtube vide by DonBellaDiva from BHM, I'll probably try to pick up Arleene's Fray Fusion.

Hopefully on Fri/Sat I'll have some pics for ya'll :spinning:
i would do a patch text you always take a risk when you color anything but virgin hair the hc gwr is not virgin if i am remember correctly