Got my new Pibbs 512-now how do I use it, lol?


New Member
Hi ladies,

Just got my new Pibbs 512 from after a month long drama of having to return a damaged dryer and base, blah, blah, blah. Now I have the replacement, and I want to make sure that it is working and that I know how to use it.

How long does it take to get to max heat? I've had it running for about 20 min and granted I'm not under it, but it doesn't feel as hot as I would expect. I stuck my head under it for a few minutes and it feels as if there is a fair amount of heat blowing when I was expecting more heat suction (does that make sense?) Does the light stay on all the time (in the "manual" I think it says the light goes off when the selected temp is reached-is that right?). I plan to roller set my hair Friday (hoping this cuts my 2.5+ hours of drying time with a GoldnHot) and I know that will be the best way to tell if something is wrong but given all of the return drama, I'm a little nervous. Any other usage tips would be appreciated. Thx!
bumping...and if this would be better in another thread, please let me know how to go about deleting and reposting this one...TIA
I do not have a Pibbs 512 but I own the 514 and in my experience the dryer gets to maximum heat temperature in about 5 to 8 minutes depending on the selected temperature.

Due to the fact that the Pibbs dryers have an upward airflow (like a vacuum) you will not feel the full effect of heat from the dryer unless you are sitting directly under it. Please remember to wear a hair net when drying your hair because there is a fan in the hood that any loose hair could get caught and tangled in :blush:.

Finally, it takes my even collar bone length hair about 45 to 50 minutes to dry at 55 degrees when I rollerset my hair. Unfortunately, I can't answer your question about the timing light on your dryer but I will say if your dryer doesn't do what the manual says it should do, then return it. Also, don't forget to mail back your warrantee card. I hope this information is useful to you.
thanks for responding. i will rollerset tomorrow and see what happens. i realized the manual they sent is for the 514 not the 512. does anyone with the 512 know if the light goes off once the temp is reached?
I bought the 514 and I love it. You will throw the GoldnHot out the window. It gets just hot enough on 50 degrees and dries my ear length hair in 30 minutes so you may be a little longer. Do wear the net or your hair will fly upward due to the fan. I've never seen the light go out on mine and it works fine. It doesn't get hot hot like you're probably use to with the other dryer, but it definitely does what it should.