Got my first ever Dominican Blowout today (w/pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!

Well, after being real intrigued about all of the raves that I've read about in regards to Dominican Blowouts on this board, today I finallly decided to try one out. Actually, my best friend had one done over the weekend and her hair came out lovely, so I said "The heck with it" and got mine done today.

The place I went to is a little spot in Miami. I actually forgot the name of it, but I will get it from her and edit this post later. I dropped my sister off to the university and proceeded to go to the salon. At this point, it was around 9:00 and when I drove by and saw that they were open, I was elated.

When i walked in, there were no patrons, so I told them that i wanted a wash, set and a blowout but only the roots. She was like "No problem, mami"

Well, I'll put it to you like this: It was 10:15 when I walked out of that joint and my hair was just a swingin and a bouncin'. My hair has never had this much body in my life! I didn't see what she used, but all she did was shampoo my hair, she then said "mami, you want treatment" I said yes. So I applies the treatment and I sit under the dryer with a plastic cap for 20 min. she then applies some substance to my hair and rolleret it in what seems like 5 min.

I then go under this crazy looking dryer for like 35 min and when she comes over and shuts it off, I'm like, my hair can't be dry yet. But it was!

As she's taking my rollers out, she's like, "Mami, u need perm" and I was like I know, but I explained to her how although my hair had been relaxed around a month ago, it didn't take and came out really underprocessed so all in all, my roots appear to look as though they have 5 months of newgrowth. Out of curiosity, I asked her if they did relaxers and she was like yea. Then I asked her which ones they used and she said, Affirm, Mizani, and one whose name i was not familiar with.

Well, I was preparing myself for the worst with the blow out (all the horror stories I've read about the unbearable heat!) but surprisingly, it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. i don't know, maybe I have a high threshold of pain.

The best part was when she was done and I asked her how much, she replied "Veinte". $20 for a hairdo that made me feel like a million bucks! You can't beat that with a bat!

Check it out at!/
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Watch it, now! Once you try a dom blow out, they're addicting :lol:

Your hair looks wonderful. I cannot believe your hair dried so quickly. Shoot, I would still be under that dryer rat nah!
I need sunglasses for the blinding shine :cool: Looks great, you and your hair are gorgeous. It stinks that none of my dominican relatives can't freaking blowdry nice to save their life :mad:
Thanks ladies! You really can't beat a nice CHEAP hairdo. Also, their customer service was great, and these women were super efficient. They even gave me a "cafecito" while I was getting my treatment. That thang was good even though, it wasn't helping with my comfort underneath the dryer. But hey, it was GOOD.
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Miss_Jetsetter said:
Thanks ladies! You really can't beat a nice CHEAP hairdo. Also, their customer service was great, and these women were super efficent. They even gave me a "cafecito" while I was getting my treatment. That thang was good even though, it wasn't helping with my comfort underneath the dryer. But hey, it was GOOD.
Yeah girl, they hooked you in :lachen:
webby said:
Yeah girl, they hooked you in :lachen:

Hey Webby, u ain't neva lied. I know I'll def be back next for a rollerset, minus the blowout. AND they have the nerve to open at 8:30 am and be open on Sundays. That's going to be my new SPOT!
It looks beautiful

I love the way my hair turns out and I just get a wrap most of the time.
It looks very pretty! I will be going to the Dominicans in a couple of weeks. I hope mine turns out as good as yours!
Looking good. I had my last blowout in Feb and loved the results and i'm with Webby they have reeled you in already :lol: .
Thanks a lot for all your kind words and compliments ladies.

Trust me, it's going to take a lot to resist the temptation of going back again. Im figuring that maybe if i just treat myself to it once a month, that should be alright and not too damaging. I generally wash and rollerset my hair once a week, so I'll probably keep that up and when the going gets tough with the newgrowth, I'll holler at them once a month for the roots only blowout.

Oh well, we'll see!
Girl, your hair looks so good and full of body!

Last week, when I got my hair done for the first time by a dominican stylist, I was just excited as you were. I am still excited! WOW your hair looks great!