Got a "hair buddy"?


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Got a \"hair buddy\"?

Hey, I'm transitioning and have a hair buddy, with whom I exchange encouragement and hair care ideas via PM. I'm curious, anyone has hair buddies on this board??
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

Yes, they are great to have. I have several on this site and two long-time ones with whom I correspond via email. I met them both at and Black Hair Super Growout...the original Yahoo! club.

Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

Beana's my hair twin on this board, we found out by accident when we found a lot of products worked the same on our hair.

Through a lot of her recommendations I've got it right with a lot of product buys.
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

I agree..great idea!!
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

Me too! Can I have a hair buddy even though I'm not transitioning...I NEED HELP TOO (in my whining voice)

What a great idea!
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

yep.. too bad there's a sea that divides us! LD, We could take Pjism to a whole different level lol!!!
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

I want a hair twin that has a great regime already (how selfish am I
) so I could finally come out of these braids!! Oh yes, if she could get my hair to grow
, I would be eternally grateful!
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

yep.. too bad there's a sea that divides us! LD, We could take Pjism to a whole different level lol!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl ain't that the truth.
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

I have a hair buddy. I think it is great becuase someitmes u need that extra push!
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

I don't have a hair buddy. If there's anyone tempted to dye their hair but know that they need to wait, I'll be your hair buddy!
I'm soooo tempted to get my hair streaked blond, but I know I need to wait until after my 2nd hair goal...

If there's anyone that stretches out their relaxers past 15 wks, I can be a hair bud also (well, I need one for encouragement)
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

I have a hair buddy and the funny thing is that she is natural and I'm relaxed but we still share great info.
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?

OH, I guess it was kind of a dumb question!
For some reason I guess I thought it had to be more formal than that.
Re: Got a \"hair buddy\"?


Did I give the impression I really wanted a hair buddy??