Goofy Hair Things you or others have done, LONG!


New Member
Okay, I may be alone on this poll but I thought it would give everyone a laugh

1. I am texturized and have been for 5 months now. I am also a no-poer(conditioning washer) and a big fan of Suave Coconut conditioner.

Anyhoo, I had been doing the Crown & Glory/bun method (when not in braids) and decided I needed some shampoo to mix with water in order to wash my hair when braided to get all the buildup out from all the oils I used when braided. Well I bought the Suave Shampoo (Coconut) and decided to put it in a smaller Suave conditioner bottle to make more space. (I use empty bottles for other concoctions
) Being the PJ that I am, I completely forgot about it and started using shikaikai(sp) to wash my braids and have since gotten a re-touch texturizer. I went to condition my hair and could not figure out why it was so hard since I was using my wonderful Suave!

Guess when I discovered that I was using Shampoo to condition my hair and not conditioner
? After the bottle was almost empty!

I've been studying too hard!

2. When my brother was a teenager and going through his jock/all the women love me stage, he would always use up our shampoo and conditioner 'cause all the girls would compliment how good his hair/head smelled. Well one day he decided that he would wash his hair with this cute little bottle of "red" stuff that smelled like strawberries. It turns out that my mother had bought this off brand "douche" that was fruit scented. Imagine his horror when he found out that the new "shampoo" that he was raving to us about was douche

3. My girlfriend (who has long, beautiful hair, relaxes one side of her hair and leaves the other natural
) ) decided that she needed to make her hair thicker so she asked her mom to assist her in putting in a cleft of hair. Good so far right? Well it was Friday and her mom had been drinking just a wee too much and she used too much glue to bond the hair in place! Mind you she only wanted it in for a day or so and it took her two weeks to get it out!

4. And lastly
! Some of you may remember the story of my best friend who had beautiful micro braids put in and when she went to give this guy a business card, a braid was wrapped around it as pretty as a bow!

P.S. It is obvious that I am trying to keep from working this Friday.
I remember when I parted my head from ear to ear and made a "bang." It was the biggest bang known to man. My mother made me go to bed at 6 o'clock.
I remember when I parted my head from ear to ear and made a "bang." It was the biggest bang known to man. My mother made me go to bed at 6 o'clock.

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You're making me crack UP @ work and I DO NOT have a dog under my desk either....
I wanted my natural haircolor back after dying it blue black for years. I went to a salon who said that they couldn't do that without stripping my hair - which was next to impossible with a relaxer...

Yeah? I'll show them....

I went to the BSS, bought some 40 volume cream developer, and went to work "getting my natural color back". 40 volume developer is one of the strignest formulations fo bleach you can find. I sumped the whole bottle on my head, sqeezed my eyes shut (the smell and the fumes are AWFUL) and held my nose and waited. I figured I'd rinse it out when my hair was back to it's "natural" color. I waited about 10 minutes. My hair was varying shades of platinum by the time I made my way back to a mirror. The very tips were a bright, brilliant, kelly green.

It looked really really bad so I decided I needed to relax my hair the very next day (I had a bunch of new growth) and that this would CERTAINLY help.
Yeah. My hair melted off in patches.

it was a lovely experience.

Wanna hear the most hysterical part? I did this MORE THAN ONE TIME in the course of my life. Now ya know what I mean by "daredevil:.

I did this too. My boss now wants to know what she can do to get the type of assignments that induce raucous laughter.

So funny. I did that.
tracy- your experience sounds painful...i would have been devastated! How did you fix it??? You've been through all the hair trials which makes you an expert imo.

Karonica- I am dying from laughing over here. Ear to Ear bangs!!! Oh NO!!! that reminds me of childhood to when your parents send you to bed early for misbehaving. Did you think they were cute? you know kids dont care what other people think.
Karonica and Tracy!

It is a wonder that I have a job! I am dying laughing and in walks someone (thankfully a friend) who is like "what are you laughing about?"

I got a visual and I couldn't hold it in
I'm sorry I missed these kids...

Cara - you know what, ma? I really wasn't devastated....
I was wearing a short haircut. I wanted to go shorter and my Mom didn't want me to...this was an excuse to get the "Jada" cut, instead of the "Halle" cut....
I felt I'd won a victory.....ah the joys of youth....

I fixed it by cutting most of it off (down to the shortest pieces I had after the relaxer) and conditioned it a lot (I was always a conditioner....) two months later I had the same length hair as before the mishap...

And then I did it again when I went to college a year or so later...this time I LEARNED my lesson tho...I relaxed it a WEEK after instead.

same deal - cutting and conditioning always fixes it for me....
I remember when I parted my head from ear to ear and made a "bang." It was the biggest bang known to man. My mother made me go to bed at 6 o'clock.

[/ QUOTE ]

You better stop before I get fired here from laughing.
I'm glad I saw this. Mine happened this morning. I’m heavy handed with my product usage. You know the “gotta coat every strand neurosis”. Well it always seems that I get to the point where I’ve used up about 85% of the product with just that last little bit left. What-to-do? Using it all up now would be overkill but it’s not enough for the next usage so I’ll just wait until I buy a new bottle. Sometimes if it’s not a staple product I may never get around to it so I’ll have half a dozen or more bottles of “stuff” with just that lil’ bit. I decided to be a kitchen chemist this morning. Yep I’m getting rid of all this stuff I thought. I’ll just combine EVERYTHING.

Oils, conditioners, treatments, leave-ins, activators and hair lotions. Hmmm my hair ought to be loving all this good stuff. I proceeded to do my bun, got dressed for work and went out to the garage to start the car.
I was just about to put the key in the ignition, when I’m struck by the unmistakable pungent smell of…. AMMONIA!!!
It didn’t take long to figure out that the smell was coming from hair. You know I ran in the house, strippin’ down all the way to my bedroom and dove for the shower.
I was already late for work, but I did a 30-minute Aubrey GPB deep conditioning treatment before I left. I should just called in sick cause I am still
The moral: Read Brooke- and know what the heck you're putting in your hair!
when I was younger, I was so frustrated with my split ends that I grab a chunck of hair and cut about 2 inches.

when I realized what I had done I was like wtf
so, I had to use all of my other hair to cover it up.
Garr and Karonica I hope you are going to help me get a new job! I am glad the system went down. I'm laughing so hard people are asking me, "What did I miss?"

Tracy, I feel for you. AAAWWW!!!

I can't take it! I just hope you didn't do damage to your hair!

Which brings to mind another hair fiasco

During the late eighties (think asymmetrical cuts) I decided that my hair was way too nappy for a regular "Bantu"
relaxer and I opted for a super since my hair had not been re-touched in about 6 weeks (BIG WOO)!

Well when I went to wash it, why was my hair broken off in the exact same pattern as high/low hair cut (Salt 'n Pepa) style!

I was mortified! I, like Tracy, ended up getting a tight hair cut out of it though, Thank God!
My friend Melodee used Nair to remove her weave tracks.

It removed her weave and her hair!

Her hair looked just like this when she was finished>>
My friend Melodee used Nair to remove her weave tracks.
It removed her weave and her hair!

Her hair looked just like this when she was finished>>

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Okay She WINS.

garr6982, Thanks for your
I think it's gonna be OK.