Goodness, why do I have to detangle this often?


New Member
O-M-G! I am transitioning (8th month) and it just clicked in my head that I can avoid some of these tangles that I've been just cutting out of my hair by detangling more often. I don't know why its just now clicking but I did a search and most women who posted said they detangle once or twice a week :look:. I usually detangle once a week (like last night) but if I wait that long, I can rub my hands on my head and shed hairs just fall out everywhere!:nono: Plus, I'm getting tangles galore now, so I'm guessing I have to detangle at least 2 maybe even 3 times a week to avoid this.

I hope everyone knows this may be the reason for so much shed hair. Is there anyone else that detangles this much? Plus, I thought hair was most fragile when wet? If so, why are so many women detangling in the shower? I know it seems easier (heck, I did it yesterday while my hair was damp, I couldn't imagine what fight me and my hair would get into if I tried to do it while dry:arguing: ) but which is the most correct way to detangle?
I'm in month 9 of my transition and wear spirals. They last for two weeks (which is when I get my hair done again). I don't comb or curl my hair those whole two weeks. I just use my fingers just to moisturize, detangle or fluff up my hair to refresh it.

When I go through my strands to moisturize well, I usually pull out a noticeable amount of hair. It doesn't bother me one bit because it always has a bulb on the end... meaning it's just shed hair that hasn't been combed out. I'm VERY pleased with my hair's health and growth and condition all together. I know that shedding is normal and that if hair isn't literally combed daily, what has shed will stay in the hair until it's combed out.

(Just my noviced $.02)
I'm in month 9 of my transition and wear spirals. They last for two weeks (which is when I get my hair done again). I don't comb or curl my hair those whole two weeks. I just use my fingers just to moisturize, detangle or fluff up my hair to refresh it.

When I go through my strands to moisturize well, I usually pull out a noticeable amount of hair. It doesn't bother me one bit because it always has a bulb on the end... meaning it's just shed hair that hasn't been combed out. I'm VERY pleased with my hair's health and growth and condition all together. I know that shedding is normal and that if hair isn't literally combed daily, what has shed will stay in the hair until it's combed out.

(Just my noviced $.02)
I appreciate your 2 cents! I have noticed considerable growth in the meantime so I guess I'm doing something right. But the thing that gets me is that when I first BC'd, I had little to no shedding (that I could see). I have a pic in my Fotki showing my hands after DCing & moisturizing and there is nothing there (unlike now!!!!!!!!!) :) Maybe there was no need to detangle as often due to the length? Its all confusing to me:nono: There could be some breakage mixed in (bulbs not attached to every single strand) and I don't know why. I have upped my protein slightly and I'm keeping the moisture on point.....
I'm trying to make it to 4 months. How did you make it to 8 months and what styles did you wear? I am not having tangle issues, yet.
I detangle 2x a week.

In all I lose about a cotton ball sized amount of hair in my brush every week.

You lose 40 - 100 hairs a day period. It's completely normal. It's how the human body works. There are hundreds of thousands of hairs on your head... all at different stages of the growth cycle. A bunch are going to come out each day just like a bunch are going to sprout up each day. :yep:

If you see good growth and you don't have any bald spots, you're most likely fine!

Detangling in the shower doesn't work for me. I detangle in small sections after rinsing my dc out. First with fingers, comb, then denman.
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I'm only six months post but all of my hair is highly textured because I texlax. I prefer to detangle 1 or 2 times a week but I have gone more than a week and the longer I go without detangle I will have cute curls, if I cowashed in the mean time, but I will always lose more hair when I detangle for the first time either way because it has been longer since I pulled all the shed hair out.

I keep my hair relatively clear my keeping my hair up and pulled back a lot when styling, airdrying, and sleeping. I also use a denman around the perimeter of my hair to restyle daily or every other day. I avoid the crown because it is my weak area and I manipulate it as little as possible. When I clear my hair out in the shower I clear the bottom few inches first and then clear from the top. I don't know why that works for me.

I'm always talking about the miracles of henna but it really has made my hair detangle easier. As soon as I rinse the henna out of my hair I can feel the hair fall away from the other hairs and release the tangles. I don't know why.
I'm trying to make it to 4 months. How did you make it to 8 months and what styles did you wear? I am not having tangle issues, yet.

Lots of wigs & braids! To start off I had a sew-in for a month, then I wore different wigs (lace and some not lace) off and on for about 2 months, then I had braids in for 2.5 months and now I'm back to wigs. I wear my own hair in between the wig wearing. For styles, check out my avatar. I did that style on a whim and now I loooovvvee it!:grin: I think a mix of styles satisfies my need to change up so often. So I had twisties & 2 strand twists in at that time.

Plus, I BC'd on 9/20/08 but fell back to relaxing on 1/1/09 due to me not having a range of styles that I felt I could wear with a TWA. Knowing how I felt then, keeps me from doing a BC now. I plan on making it another 3 more months before even thinking about BCing but I may just keep trimming every so often and be a long-term transitioner! I didn't start having tangle/knot issues until my 7-8 month post relaxer. Boy does it....:wallbash: Hopefully detangling more often will help. My hair is so much more managable when I detangle it and moisturize @ the same time (of course it would be, right?).

I hope that answers your question and I hope you make it to your goal!
I detangle 2x a week.

In all I lose about a cotton ball sized amount of hair in my brush every week.

You lose 40 - 100 hairs a day period. It's completely normal. It's how the human body works. There are hundreds of thousands of hairs on your head... all at different stages of the growth cycle. A bunch are going to come out each day just like a bunch are going to sprout up each day.:yep:

If you see good growth and you don't have any bald spots, you're most likely fine!

Detangling in the shower doesn't work for me. I detangle in small sections after rinsing my dc out. First with fingers, comb, then denman.

That is a good indicator, thanks for pointing that out. It just weirds me out that I didn't have this much before but hopefully detangling more often will stop the tangles/knots since someone pointed out thats the shed hair thats getting tangled. I need to get a denman. Usually when I see Youtube videos with sistahs using the denman, they usually have 3c or 4a texture. Does it work the same for 4b or Cnapp texture? Also, would it have the same effect on those that are transitioning and still have relaxed ends? I imagine it wouldn't....
I'm only six months post but all of my hair is highly textured because I texlax. I prefer to detangle 1 or 2 times a week but I have gone more than a week and the longer I go without detangle I will have cute curls, if I cowashed in the mean time, but I will always lose more hair when I detangle for the first time either way because it has been longer since I pulled all the shed hair out.

I keep my hair relatively clear my keeping my hair up and pulled back a lot when styling, airdrying, and sleeping. I also use a denman around the perimeter of my hair to restyle daily or every other day. I avoid the crown because it is my weak area and I manipulate it as little as possible. When I clear my hair out in the shower I clear the bottom few inches first and then clear from the top. I don't know why that works for me.

I'm always talking about the miracles of henna but it really has made my hair detangle easier. As soon as I rinse the henna out of my hair I can feel the hair fall away from the other hairs and release the tangles. I don't know why.[/quote]

I didn't know henna had that benefit but I've never tried it before. I think I will try it soon and see what happens. If it has the same effect on my hair, I will be :grin:. Thanks!