Are you sure you need to detangle your hair?


This is not a trend....
I have pretty thick 4a and a little 4b hair and I don't ever really detangle my hair. I just run warm/hot through my hair and it just kind of detangles itself with a little finger detangling I guess.

Hair stylist use to tell me you have to comb and detangle your hair before you wet it or else it will get even more tangled or even mat. But that's just not true for my hair. I have been doing this for a couple of years now and Ai'm disgusted with how much hair I use to lose from detangling compared to what I lose now. Also I find that cold water tangles my hair.

Has anyone experienced any of this, and are you sure you really need to detangle your hair?
Yea I don't comb my hair very often. I will detangle once a week and if I get a tangle a minute later it is there til the next time. My hair is to fine to comb.
I really need to detangle my hair. I have really fine, dense hair. I was doing the finger detangling once a week for a while and it just wasn't working for me. A lot of people like to minimize shedding. But with how much hair I have I'm usually trying to increase it, otherwise I get horrible tangles later on. But I have a friend whose hair seems similar to mine, except that her hair is a little bit thicker, but the way her strands are, she can easily detangle her hair when wet like you. So I think type factors in a lot.
Fine hair strands

4B natural hair

Hair that thinks that movies Cruel intentions and Mean girls were written about her

Yeah she would tangle and then become matted just for good measure in an effort to see me cry in fact she said that she wished a ninja would test her like that… This method would definitely not work for us unless she got saved, baptized in the River Jordan, and emerged born again as a new creature.
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going a week at most without detangling especially my NG (i'm relaxed) my hair will start curling, locking and matting on herself. Severe breakage and a lengthy session because my strands are fine.

It was the same when i was natural and got worse if i attempted small braids with my own hair or 2 strand twists for more than 2 weeks. Keeping my hair stretched/straight is really what works best for me and of course weekly DC and detangling.
I really need to detangle my hair. I have really fine, dense hair. I was doing the finger detangling once a week for a while and it just wasn't working for me. A lot of people like to minimize shedding. But with how much hair I have I'm usually trying to increase it, otherwise I get horrible tangles later on. But I have a friend whose hair seems similar to mine, except that her hair is a little bit thicker, but the way her strands are, she can easily detangle her hair when wet like you. So I think type factors in a lot.

this is me. i that finger detangling just wasn't getting it and i need to remove the shed hairs.
I have super fine hair, I always have and my mom used to buy products labeled "fine hair." My hair tangles more if it's cold, think a winter morning when the air in the house hasn't moved much all night and I put coconut oil on the wet hair. Yeah it's gonna tangle.

I have finger combed exclusively for a few months now, and it's really slowed down my breakage.
my hair SEEMED to do fine without in depth detangling but after spending more time examining it, i think it has contributed to vastly slowing down my retention. it is not something i think i could get away with.
Everyone needs to detangle their hair whether you use your fingers or a comb it's still detangling

Unless you looking for locs...
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I'm a fine haired 4a that tried finger detangling only. I also tried no detangling. I ended up with a bunch of knots. I started back detangling last weekend. I felt I didn't lose too much hair after not fully detangling for a good 6 months. What did I learn? I need to detangle at least once a week.
I usually detangle once a week with my fingers and follow up with a seamless comb. It works pretty well.

I used a paddle brush for the first time and I liked it. I didn't have too much breakage if any at all.

I only detangle once a week but I do feel it's necessary, whether you use your fingers, comb, brush, whatever can get those shed hairs out.
I finger detangle my hair once a month because I always keep it stretched (I wash my hair in medium tight braids, let it dry this way and style my hair on the braid out I'll get). I really feel I wouldn't need to detangle my hair more then that. So I do it once a month essentialy to avoid matting at the roots (even if, in fact I don't face that cause my hair is keeped stretchef during the month). And I'm a 4a fine haired girl exclusively finger detangling ^^ .
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I have pretty thick 4a and a little 4b hair and I don't ever really detangle my hair. I just run warm/hot through my hair and it just kind of detangles itself with a little finger detangling I guess.

Has anyone experienced any of this, and are you sure you really need to detangle your hair?

I noticed something similar when I lived in a place with high water pressure. The strong spray kind of blasted out my shed hairs (and gave a nice scalp massage too!) I still detangled, but it was made easier by the water.

I don't live there anymore though, so I detangle about once a week on average. I managed to go two weeks (with just some oiled finger detangling in between) recently, so I'm thinking of experimenting and seeing how long I can go without detangling. I hate all the manipulation.
Yeah I need to detangle...I went one week without detangling with a comb and by the end of the week I had about 6 or 7 nice sized locs in the middle of my hair...thank God I had my cowboy magic detangler around.
I definitely need to detangle but I only use a large tooth comb on wash days. On other days I use my finders. If I go more than a week without properly detangling I get matted hair. I also have to detangle in sections. It helps to reduce the knots, tangles and mats.