Good Weaves in Ft. Lauderdale/ Miami


New Member
Hello ladies, I was wondering if anyone knew of any great hairdressers in the Miami/ Ft. Lauderdale area. I have been looking and I have great leads, but i would like more - particularly someone who takes excellent care of my hair, but also does EXCELLENT weaves - (have had enough of weaves that look like really nice "wigs" or "really nice weaves" if you know what i meant..) im trying to get my hairline back but thicken up the middle of my hair so its not sooo flat. i have been massaging my scalp and taking my vitamins and drinking plenty water, but i need to give my hair some kind of break without feeling self concious.. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much ladies!
apparently i was being ridiculously (sp) over-charged. 600 for install - WITHOUT HAIR - bc i found she overcharged me for that too - until i found the place and ordered it myself for half the she had me waiting for 2 hours while she got honesty is a must. desperate!