Good News Regarding NTM


New Member
LHCF Sisters,

As you may recall, many of our sisters began to see NTM on clearance at various stores. Usually when you see something on clearance, that COULD mean that the product will be discontinued. Well, I am a huge fan of the NTM line. So, I decided to go to the "horse's mouth" to get the low down. Following is an excerpt from the long email they sent me:

Thank you for contacting Neutrogena®. It is always important to hear
from our consumers, and we appreciate the time you have taken to contact us. Our Neutrgena® Triple Moisture™ products are still being made.
End of excerpt.

So, we no longer have to worry. The bad news is that the particular stores that have it on clearnace may have decided to not carry NTM any more. Check with the store manager and ask him/her what is up?
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Thanks for posting this! I did go out and get a supply this weekend, just in case. I wasn't on sale everywhere, only certain stores.
I had just assumed that my local target was clearing it out because it was older stock, and they wanted to have the fresh, new product in. :look: