Good diet and regular exercise DOES aid hair growth!

I love this thread! *subscribing*

(Not related, but I never knew that "Pretty Women" was from the Sweeny Todd" musical. I'm up waaay too late watching last year's version with Johnny Depp. I love that song...from such a macabre musical...and I love working out to this song!!!) Ok, that was wierd...

Anyway, I have decided that I want to be pretty inside and out and in the past month have taken up running. I LOVE IT!!! I have noticed more hair growth, though I cannot prove it because I just BC last week and did not take root comparison photos. I will just keep taking pics to show as time passes.

Your growth is amazing!!! I can't wait to see pics when you get them.

I also notice this. When I was on a step team and exercising regularly in college, my hair grew like a weed! I'm getting back on my fitness tip (and taking prenatal vitamins and chlorella for growth) and it's working again! I'm getting great growth!
Butterfly,i just adore your hair. You really inspire me to grow my dyed hair to long lengths. Exercise and diet really do help. Can't wait to see your pics.
Thanks for this post. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! You are so right about a good diet and exercise. I just started dieting (first time in my life) and exercise and my scalp itched like crazy (yes, it was very clean):lachen: and I noticed a lot more new growth much faster than normal. On another good note, a good diet and exercise also makes you look years younger as time goes on. My grandmother used to tell me these things and I just thought - yeah right! Now, I know she's right... Looks like by this summer, we're all going to be pretty happy if we keep up this routine.:yep:
well i havent been working out but i have been drinking way more water and fruits so i hope that helps.
I am also going to join pinkstates winter challenge starting monday, I will do it during 4 months. I hope I get some good results. Congratulations and you have such beautiful hair.
WOW!!!!!! YOUR HAIR LOOKS GORGEOUS!!!! I slacked off on running this week, so I am coming back hard!! I am also going to add 5 f/v's to my diet in addition to the vitamins I am taking!
:band2:congrats your hair looks really heathy especially for hair with color you have to give it extra tlc :yep: remember those post relax pics
Butterfly08 you inspired me to get back to working out. Your hair is absolutely beautiful and it's grown soooooo much. I already increased my water intake and F/V intake. Now I just need to get into a regular workout routine. I'm off to checkout PinkSkate's challenge...Giddy-up!
Love it! Do you have any pictures from when you were SL? I would love to see the progression. :yep:

Yes. I'll do an update thread and I will show me with the SL hair. Actually I think I have one when it was above SL in 2005, when I truly whacked it off. :lol: So I'll start at the beginning from 4 years ago and then end with the updated pics. I only count from 2006 though because in 2005 I was cutting my hair like every month or so, seriously. :ohwell: I had an assymetrical cut, then very heavy layers, then a blunt bob, etc. etc. That was my year to experiment. Then in 2006 I got serious about growing my hair out.

Long story short, yes, I'll post it. :lol:
WOW!!! I don't think I've ever seen your hair this long!! CONGRATULATIONS! :congrats:

You know, the last time I saw your hair it was after your last chop, so I'm proud of ya'!! :yay: Wait until I tell my fiance!!

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I never actually did the winter challenge but now my new resolution is to be serious about it and do some serious diet and exercises to help my hair grow faster.