Good Books for Young Christian Wives


New Member
I will have some extra time on my hands now that DH is gone for the next 4 months. One of my desires over the time we're separated but communicating, is a stronger spiritual relationship with God, with him and with our marriage. I'm not necessarily a churchgoer, but I would not have a problem reading books. Recommendations are quite welcome.

Oh, and these don't have to just be about marriage but about life in conjunction with Christ as well.
Created to be His Help Meet and the companion journal. This book is changing my life. My opinion may differ to the writer on a few matters but, reading it and slowing down to 'do' and 'act' as the journal encourages, is like sitting down with a wise old lady who has been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and dyed it her favourite colour. God knows I needed this book.