Are nose piercings acceptable for a Christian young lady?

I had fun in that thread.:giggle:
:lol: Girl, both you and 'Wavy' were a mess. :giggle:

Nice & Wavy said:
"...a stoologist or sumthin"
...:lol: When Nice & Wavy posted that I was on the floor. :rofl:

We all need to laugh more. It's all pure ministry and it's healing to our souls for sure.

So in two days, we've gone from crushed ice to boo-boo charts. :lol:
So, after they killed the owner's son, they put him off of their land.

The parable is this: The homes are the bodies God has given to us and made while we were in our mother's wounds. The land is the earth which God has given us to be in charge of and the rules for the land and the home are the commandments of God. The servants are the martyred servants of God that have been given to us before the arrival of God's only son. Now, yes the owner (God) sent his only son to come down and tell the renters of the land and home to give the offerings that are due unto God (the owner) but they didn't want to listen because they wanted to rule and do things their way. They wanted to be the sole owners of the land and not renters.

The owner paid a big price, a huge sacrafice sending his only son down to talk to the renters, even after they had killed the other servants and beat many of them. Now that is the parable of how Jesus came down to earth to be a sacrafice to save the lost, those living on the land not doing what the owner (God) commanded and not being fruitful. There is no one else the owner could have sent or ever send that would be more revered or a bigger sacrafice than his son. His son was the ultimate sacrafice and why: because the owner knew that one day, the renters home would fall down and the renter would have no place to live. So, the renter would be sent off to the most horrible place in town where people were slaves to the main person of that land and his servants, a place that was far, far, far away from the owner and the warmth and love of the owner of his words could not be felt. But guess what, the owner didn't want that to happen. He loved the renters even though they did not listen to him and completely disobeyed everything they said, though he would've have "supplied all their needs according to his riches in glory if they would've listened". He didn't want to see them go off to this horrible place where the people would be slaves and abused day and night.

This place is hell and the person who controls that place is the enemy, Satan. God sent his only son down which was the ultimate sacrafice cause he cared enough that he didn't want to see us go there.

Now, your body is not yours. How would a owner react if he saw the home he built for you being ornated with permanent moldings and plasterings without his approval? If I were the owner and a renter just upped and small hole and naled a permanent fixture there, I would be upset. I mean, it is one thing to paint it a different color which can be easily removed but to do something permanent. I don't know about that but that is something you will have to fast and pray to God about and look to his holy word to see what is acceptable.:yep:

Wow thank you so much for taking the time to write out that analogy. While I can't say I understand it completely, I do have the general idea of me doing things physically to my body when it doesn't belong to me, but to God.
I recently have had some very random medical issues with my skin and other circumstances that have caused me to completely re-evaulate my reasoning for wanting to get the piercing.

I feel as if I don't even have a good enough reason to get the piercing. When I started to think about why I really wanted it all I could think of are superficial reasons such as making me more attractive to the opposite sex. Sad, I know. But that was only one of them. I also am starting to see no difference between nose and ear piercings. piercing is a piercing. Still have some major thinking to do. :wallbash:

Thanks to everyone for their opinions- love you all!