gonna henna NOW have quick questions!!!


New Member
If I want as little color release as possible I mix the henna and use it right away instead of it sitting all night, Right?

Will I still get all the shine, thickening and conditioning benifits from the henna if I use it right away instead of it sitting out all night?

Should it go on clean dry/wet hair or is it ok ifI havent washed in a couple of days and have mouse in my hair?

I'm doing 50% Henna and 50% indigo and I'm hoping for a dark brown. I will let it sit on my head for 3-5 hours depends how patient/tired I am.

I read all the huge Henna threads a few days ago but it has left my head spinning :eek: and I forgot to take notes or couldn't find info on the specific questions I listed above.

luzminerva said:
If I want as little color release as possible I mix the henna and use it right away instead of it sitting all night, Right?

Will I still get all the shine, thickening and conditioning benifits from the henna if I use it right away instead of it sitting out all night?

Should it go on clean dry/wet hair or is it ok ifI havent washed in a couple of days and have mouse in my hair?

I'm doing 50% Henna and 50% indigo and I'm hoping for a dark brown. I will let it sit on my head for 3-5 hours depends how patient/tired I am.

I read all the huge Henna threads a few days ago but it has left my head spinning :eek: and I forgot to take notes or couldn't find info on the specific questions I listed above.


I just got back into the game a few days ago after years of hair neglect and i did henna treatment on thursday. i mixed the henna and used it right away i added coconut oil, amla oil, EVOO and shakaikai powder. Before i started my hair was looking dry and brittle after it was so soft and shiny. i also rinsed with NTM conditioner. i think after a few more henna treatments my hair will be back in top notch condition. sorry can't help with the indigo :ohwell:
Hi!!!! It trned out wonderful. It was a HAM at first cuz I'm not used to the mud like consistency and I made it too thick so it was harder to work with but I know what to do now so next time will be faster and easier. It looks and feels wonderful.

So, you're sporting a "short and sexy" look too :lachen:. I can't wait till mine is chin length. I'm gonna start a challenge for the short and sexy gals. I just gotta put the ideas together. Any ideas on that?

What is your hair goal. When will you get a Fotki? I wanna see your short hair Cmon. :poke:. Dam mine is as short as it gets. I'm not looking forward to that in between length that has no shape before it reaches your chin :mad: .
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I did a henna treatment for the second time last night and I liked it better this time. The first time I did it on dry hair this time I did my regular pre-poo and poo and then I henned. I put it on right away. As the warm weather comes and I get more comformable with henna I will then let the color release more. I didn't use indigo just henna but I didn't see much color change. My one grey hair is copper/red. It looks good.
Ooooh, I think I'm gonna pre poo then no poo first. Was your hair wet/damp/dry when you put it on? Does it matter if it starts out on wet or dry hair? Not sure if you know these answers but thought I'd check.

That must be one SEXY grey hair :blondboob :lachen:
My hair was towel dried and I love the results. I don't think that it matter if it is wet or dry. Some does it on dry hair and some on wet hair.

luzminerva said:
Ooooh, I think I'm gonna pre poo then no poo first. Was your hair wet/damp/dry when you put it on? Does it matter if it starts out on wet or dry hair? Not sure if you know these answers but thought I'd check.

That must be one SEXY grey hair :blondboob :lachen: