Goldwell Kerasilk Products


New Member
Please post any rants or raves for the Goldwell Kerasilk shampoo and conditioner. I will probably use the shampoo this weekend and would appreciate your comments.


Excellent products, but VERY expensive. If you are willing to spend the cash, IMHO, you WON'T be disappointed! I rate hair lines more by their conditioners than shampoos... and both Goldwell's Kerasilk and Definition lines do EXACTLY as they say. The only small issue w/ Goldwell is that they don't smell particularily good, tho not necessarily bad either.....and the conditioners tend to be a bit more watery than you may be used to, so be careful when you initially open that bottle! LOL

HOWEVER, the proof of the pudding is in the eating....w/ Goldwell, seeing/feeling is believing!!!

LOL....let us know how it goes...if they knock you out or not. I'm quite certain that you'll be raving (in a good way) at the results!
Jamaraa, what do you think of Goldwell's Dry and Porous Conditioner?

Thanks for asking that question because I debated between the Kerasilk and the Dry and Poruous!

I've used both Kerasilk and Dry and Porous.....when I said the Definition line I meant the Dry and Porous conditioner, specifically. Sorry I didn't say that. That said, I loved both.

If I were deciding between Kerasilk and Dry/Porous, I would base it on how my hair felt right now. If your hair's really dry and in bad shape, go for the Dry/Porous....if it's in rather OK shape, but you want it at it's best, go for the Kerasilk, IMHO. I switch between both as I need. Either formula will last along time 'cuz you don't need to apply as much (it seems to me, that is) as w/ other brands of conditioner for the stated effects.

You give very good descriptions of products. I agree about the fragrance of the Kerasilk...smells lilke men's cologne to me ! But, yes it's a good one.
Supergirl...thank you! LOL....I'm hypercritical wrt conditioners. IMHO, that's how you REALLY tell if a line is worth it's salt...if the conditioners deliver as promised. If you shell out this much money, I think it'd BETTER work as promised! LOL

BTW, I forgot to mention that my hair isn't relaxed and I notice HUGE diffs when I use these. If someone is using them on relaxed hair, the effects will be even MORE dramatic, IMHO!

I LOVE your sig! LOL....if more sistahs took note of this, took it heart, and DEMANDED changes, you'd see ALOT more w/ very long hair...relaxed-unrelaxed-whatever, IMHO!
Thanks Jamaraa