Going to the Salon once per week...how do people afford it?


Well-Known Member
Ok...this is really like a rhetorical question...

I went to get my "retouch" (in quotes because girlfriend didn't smooth enough and it is probably texlaxed:wallbash:) and the salon was jumping off the chain! Most of her clients come in every week. I think I am the only one who comes every two months for the relaxer. Anyway...I'm sitting there doing the math...

She charges 40 for a wash and flatiron (the going rate I'd say)
40 x 4 =160 dollars a month, 200 if there are 5 weeks in the month (I guess ok if you are natural and come in for a flatiron)
add chemical service 160+65=225 dollars (200+65=265 if you get your relaxer every 6 weeks)

Ok so alot of people pay about 225 -265 dollars every 6 weeks or so to get their hair done??????? Maybe I am cheap but that just seems like sooo much money to me especially since we are in a tough spot economically right now. Obviously that hasn't effected salon sales.

I want to say...I WISH I had the money to go every week as my stylist is great but I'm sorry I just don't have 225 dollars to put in her pocket.

One Saturday she said she made almost 1000 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are people doing it?

If you go to the salon every week how do you make that happen???????
I fix that cost situation by going to the dominicans. Its about 25 a week ( tip included) so its very affordable for me.
I fix that cost situation by going to the dominicans. Its about 25 a week ( tip included) so its very affordable for me.


When you go to the Dominicans can you tell them to just rollerset blowdry and flatiron without the blowdryer? I'm scared to go (all that heat) but there is a spot across the street from my current stylist that I could research.
When I was relaxed and going to a salon every Saturday, it was my priority, so I skimped in other areas. As long as I could get my butt in that chair at 7:30 am, it was all good.
When I was relaxed and going to a salon every Saturday, it was my priority, so I skimped in other areas. As long as I could get my butt in that chair at 7:30 am, it was all good.

ITA...if it's important to you, you'll make the adjustments to go. I used to be like that until I found LHCF and started doing it myself. I always feel like saying "yikes" when I go in for my touch-up every 8-9 weeks, but then I remind myself that $70 every other month is nothing compared to what I used to spend.
I don't now, but when I used to go every week in HS it was 20 bucks max plus a 2 dollar tip if I felt generous :rolleyes:

That was a wash, dc, and blow @ a domincan salon. btw, the dominican salon is just like any other salon - you dont have to get a blow out; just tell them what you want. :)
I have heard that a lot of people are cutting back due to the economy. One of my friend's stylists have resorted to reduced prices or certain days just to try and maintain her customer base. As for me, he economy is not an issue regarding my hair since I d it myself. My hair and my bank account thanks me!!!
you and I both. . . I just don't see paying $10 for a 10 minute DC when I know for a fact, the whole container itself costs $8. Like the relaxer is $8, but you charge me $60. I understand you have a chair to pay for, but I just feel like if you were more efficient, you could get more butts in the seats, more clients asking specifically for you and then you could charge less. [/rant]

but I started my journey on the college student budget. . . so I just don't see how after running the numbers that it is worth it. lol like I can see if you are too busy to do it yourself. . . but I mean with the time you spend sitting in the chair you can do that at home for a quarter of the price lol
I fix that cost situation by going to the dominicans. Its about 25 a week ( tip included) so its very affordable for me.

Ditto.... thank God for the Dominicans... for a wash, set, blow roots, deep condition I pay about $21-$22 tip included. There's no way in hellll I'd be spending all that $ to go to the hairdresser weekly, even if I lived outside of NYC and my options are limited.... that's just way too much for my budget.


When you go to the Dominicans can you tell them to just rollerset blowdry and flatiron without the blowdryer? I'm scared to go (all that heat) but there is a spot across the street from my current stylist that I could research.

ShiShi, you don't really need the flat iron... just let them rollerset your hair and blow the roots only and then wrap it.... by the time you take down your wrap your hair should be pretty sleek, smooth, and yet bouncy b/c you only got your roots blown.
Tradeoffs - anybody who is going to the salon that frequently isn't suffering from PJism, probably isn't worrying about buying FHI tools, Pibbs, and all that other stuff we love so dearly. I know I wasn't buying anything for my hair when I did salons; and I'm just now starting to save some money by being a DIYer, because last year when I started I had to get the basic tools to use at home.
I agree with Soulie. Most women who go to the salon weekly or biweekly aren't buying products and tools for use at home.

But more importantly, we spend money and time on the things that are truly important to us whether we admit it or not. You can learn a person's priorities by looking at their bank statement and seeing how they spend $. Hair, has been and still is a big deal for black people so I'm not surprised that people spend a lot of money. And Shi, you didn't even add weaves and tracks and color into your calculations. Your numbers were conservative because you can barely get a shampoo/style for less than $65 where I live. When I did the math, I discovered that I save about $4000 by doing my hair at home, AFTER I spend money on products. So yeah, I don't think some people realize just how much they're spending...or they don't have LHCF and feel they have no choice.
Ditto.... thank God for the Dominicans... for a wash, set, blow roots, deep condition I pay about $21-$22 tip included. There's no way in hellll I'd be spending all that $ to go to the hairdresser weekly, even if I lived outside of NYC and my options are limited.... that's just way too much for my budget.

ShiShi, you don't really need the flat iron... just let them rollerset your hair and blow the roots only and then wrap it.... by the time you take down your wrap your hair should be pretty sleek, smooth, and yet bouncy b/c you only got your roots blown.

Do you bring a scarf then and leave the salon with your hair wrapped?
My stylist was about $30 when I would go every week. That wasn't bad, IMO. I later switch to biweekly just b/c. I also wasn't doing ANYTHING to my hair outside of the salon other than greasing my scalp once a week (which I still don't think is bad :giggle:).
I'm not so much worried about the cost but what would always drive me crazy about the salon is the time spent there and wasted.

Waiting to be seated, the stylist working on 2-3 people at a time, an hour under the dryer..just too much time wasted.
I don't go that often, maybe once or twice every month to keep it in check and most definately when I get my touch up. I went yesterday and almost chocked, it was close to 70 dollars. Excluding the tip....The ones who can afford it, go for it...
I go to the dominican salon is only 25 bucks!!!! And yes they will do whatever you ask for...if you only want rollerset or blow out the roots
As my hair is getting longer it is becoming a beast to manage. I only wash 1x per week and I have been debating on going 2x. If I do 2x per week I could possible afford to go...that's about 80 bucks...but the thought of sitting in the salon for a long time is just :wallbash:. I don't have that kind of time anymore.

I have a friend who pays her stylist a flat rate of 180 every 6 weeks and that includes everything...including relaxers, protein trtmts. Dc's and trims. I thought that was an excellent deal but she is not offering that anymore...

...and folks like to hang out in the salon all day even after they are done. What's up with THAT????????
Some people put their hair appts in their budget. They may cut back other places so they can get their hair done. It depends on what's important to you. If I stopped buying shoes I could probably get my hair done every week. :look: But it's really not that impt to me now. I'm capable of doing it myself and I don't trust everybody with my natural hair. But when I was relaxed my mom and I went to the salon every week or every two weeks without fail up until I graduated from HS. I guess it was just in the budget. We paid about $30 for a wash and set and $45 for a relaxer every 6 to 8 weeks. We didn't do anything to it at home though except tie it up at night. No washing, adding products, etc.
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When I was living in nyc i'd get wash and sets every week but the dominican salons are really dirt cheap out there. When my hair was longer I could get a wash and set for $10-$15 depending on the day and the spot.
Tradeoffs - anybody who is going to the salon that frequently isn't suffering from PJism, probably isn't worrying about buying FHI tools, Pibbs, and all that other stuff we love so dearly. I know I wasn't buying anything for my hair when I did salons; and I'm just now starting to save some money by being a DIYer, because last year when I started I had to get the basic tools to use at home.

Very true. I have a hard time relating though because I'm a die hard DIYER and I've never frequented salons. However, considering that 95% of my hair products and tools are very expensive, salon quality, (and a I'm PJ :look:) then I probably spend kind of close to it. :look:

Still, I can do my hair at my leisure and not have to sit around in a salon. My salon of choice does NOT double book so when it's my hair appointment, it's me alone, no juggling 5 other people. However, it's 3 hours away so I only go every few months. :ohwell:
When I used to go every week and it was about $45. I just built that expense into my budget like gas and food.
(Apologies for my well-intentioned concern)

Ditto DivineInspiration & Others. With complete respect I can only gasp at the prices that are being bandied about. I salute those who consciously decide salons are a priority but for others who use it as a seemingly affordable substitute for something else, I say go for the "something else." When I have to notify my bank I'll be traveling out of country to France or somewhere, some tellers get misty-eyed and talk about always wanting to go. Yet I've spent less than $4, 000 total in the 5 trips I've taken to Paris. All have been at least 9dys and I've stayed in nice centrally located hotels. But I don't visit the salon nor do I have a new car, cable or a cellphone. I use the public library for dvds and books, and exercise at the Y. I delight in saving money not that I'm poor. I'd like to buy an apt in Paris and in this economy there's a chance I may be able to do this if I can continue to be prudent. I certainly mean no offense-I simply I wish someone had explained this to me when I was younger and had a different relationship to money.
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^^^I feel you. This is why I am limiting my spending on services that do not provide a lasting benefit. (Except for my monthly pedis :look:). I mean you can go to the salon for 40 years, spend $45/week = $2340 a year or $93,600 after 40 years, and what do you have to show for it? According to some of the folks I *personally* see who do this, not even APL length hair. :nono: Maybe you've saved effort but certainly not time, because the time to drive there and back, then waiting to be served is probably more than if you just did it yourself.

$40 a week is a lot to spend IMO. I pay $20 (tip included) a week, if I dont do it myself. If it was $40, I would'nt go. It really depends on your budget. If someone wants to spend that much, you might have to cut back in other areas.
Ditto.... thank God for the Dominicans... for a wash, set, blow roots, deep condition I pay about $21-$22 tip included. There's no way in hellll I'd be spending all that $ to go to the hairdresser weekly, even if I lived outside of NYC and my options are limited.... that's just way too much for my budget.

ShiShi, you don't really need the flat iron... just let them rollerset your hair and blow the roots only and then wrap it.... by the time you take down your wrap your hair should be pretty sleek, smooth, and yet bouncy b/c you only got your roots blown.

Exactly. I live in Jersey and these dominican spots are EVERYWHERE. I can get everything done for 15-20 dollars plus a 5 dollar tip. I refuse to leave this area because I just think back to the days when I was in college far away and had to pay 30-60 dollars to get my hair done....never again :drunk:.

Shishi you dont need to flat iron. just blow out the roots and then wrap or pincurl your hair... it looks great every time.
I dont do anything to my own hair but I am still a pj. I will buy tons of shampoos/conditioners and deep conditioners for the dominicans to use on my hear cuz i refuse to let them use their cheap ish on me.
Lots of people budget for their hair care, mani's, pedi's, facials, make-up, clothes, shoes.

My former stylist (retired now) could easily walk out of the salon with $1,000 on a Saturday. Actually, depending on what kind of weave she was installing, she'd walk out on a Monday with at least $500.

Keeping your hair up, weave or your own hair, is expensive if you cannot DIY.

Once I sat down and added up what I was paying for weaves, it was an easy decision to stop having weaves installed once DH asked. My last weave install (over 1 year ago) was about $80 (a friend did it) and for the first time ever I used BSS hair (about $60).

Back when I was having my weaves done at the salon, I was spending a ridiculous amount of money. I can see how the hair industry reached $10 billion in annual sales.

I started with sew-ins
$200 install (every 12 weeks)
$196 wefted hair - Adorable Spanish Wavy #2 & #4 mixed with streaks of #8 every 2 inches on thin wefts
$35 W & S every 2 weeks (6 times per install)
$75 relaxer every 12 weeks
$681 every 12 weeks
I was able to reuse the wefts on two different installs so I saved about $400.

Then I found out about strand by strand aka fusion weave
$500 install (every 12 weeks)
$180 bulk hair - Adorable Spanish Wavy 6 ounces #2 & #4 mixed 2 ounces streaks in #8
$35 W & S every 2 weeks (6 times per install)
$75 relaxer every 12 weeks
$965 every 12 weeks (bulk hair was not reusable)

I don't intend to EVER have a weave installed again....since I can just buy a wig that looks great for well under $100.

If my stylist had not retired and moved out of state, I probably would still be weaving. Admittedly, my hair did grow while I was weaving but I did not ever take the time to care for it well under the weave. Had I taken more time with my own hair (like my stylist told me to do) I'd be BSL by now....like she was for all of those years. Hindsight is 20/20.