Going to the Salon Every Week

I actually enjoy doing my quirky treatments, pre-poos and tea rinses to my own hair. That said if I could afford the time I would go to the salon more often.
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How do you feel about someone who goes to the salon weekly just to get a shampoo/conditioner? I was talking to an associate and some how we got on the subject about shampooing your own hair and that's when she told me that she goes to the salon every single week to get this done. She has waist length hair and said that she doesn't know how to do it on her own so she pays someone to do it for her.

More power to her, but I could never do that in a million years. I'm far to finicky, and I enjoy/prefer pampering myself as opposed to having some one do it for me (that goes for eyebrows, pedis, manis, facials, etc-I just feel like no one can treat me as well as I can, especially when I can do it for free-with the exception of the cost of products and time).

OT: When people mention hair length, I really wish they would mention their height. I'm grazing 6 feet with a long torso, so when people say they are waist length and beyond...well..you get the idea.
I have a friend that does this. I kind of feel sorry for her she has no clue on how to care for or style her own hair....I would feel so helpless if that were me.
I don't see anything wrong with it. I've been a complete DIYer for over a year and I'm ready to go back to the salon, but I'm trying to save money. If you have a stylist you trust, it can be quite a relaxing experience.

I've been a diy'er for most of my life and I'm the go to person in my family for hair care and advice. If I knew a stylist who was good I'd go not because I can't do my own hair but because it's relaxing.
When my hair was cut into a short Halle Berry style I went every week faithfully. Once I grew it out I was able to cut my visits down to every other week. I do not like spending half my day in the salon thats one of the main reasons I became a DIYer.
Well.......on one thread we are all sworn off salons as they may sneakily put a relaxer in our hair, on another thread we all want to go every week...............just an observation.
Well.......on one thread we are all sworn off salons as they may sneakily put a relaxer in our hair, on another thread we all want to go every week...............just an observation.

In one of those threads, I noted that I don't believe all of these salon horror stories. I know plenty of good stylists who can do hair well. A lot of them seem to be "scissor happy," but a lot of us were not taking care of our ends/moisturizing between appointments before our HHJs began.
OOOOh chile that used to be ME! I was a weekly salon goer for years. I was a "GOOD" hair stylists dream client. I remember I had a standing Thursday eve appointment. Man knowing that I had that appt used to get me thru a bad week. lol The salon that I frequented @ the time I had a piano player and seved wine in the eves. They also had spa services. So I used to get a mani while I waited for my rollerset to dry. Good times!

Now the difference is that I KNEW how to wash and do my own hair. I just did not have the desire to do so at that time. I had done enough of that thru high school (so was my thinking then) But I agree with comments about a good "salon"shampoo. Also, I liked having "fresh" bouncy roller set hair. Back then I could never get my hair to look the same when I did it @ home. So I was hooked and my hair thrived.

I only go to the salon maybe a few times a year now. I enjoy doing it myself but I also miss those days.
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If I could afford to go every week. . .I would. I'm working toward being able to do that. i just HATE doing my own hair now. It's not fun anymore, its time consuming and when I'm at home, I can think of 50-11 other things that "need" to be done. DCing is so hard to do also, I have to sit there still for 45 minutes, kids running around tearing up the house, could be dusting something, or sweeping.
In this economy and with my past experiences with hair salons :nono:, but I wouldn't knock it if anyone else did it. There's a nice lady that lives down the street from my house that has beautiful BSL/MBL hair that she's had for as long as I can remember (I've known her since I was a little girl), and she goes to the beauty parlor religiously bi-weekly. If it works, then work it! LHDC :grin:.

P.S. I've met people that don't even OWN shampoo or conditioner bottles. They trust their beautician for all their hair care needs and must report to the beautician any nonsense they've attempted to do with their hair. Trust me, when you find a good hair dresser that actually does right by your hair, it gets like that for a lot of people.
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If you can afford it and that is what they want to do i say go for it. I hate sitting in the salon all day so i wouldn't do it. I saw this lady on oprah yesterday that wasn't willing to give up or at least wait 2 weeks to go to salon. She was in debt really bad. That is where i draw the line. I would throw it in a ponytail or bun and call it a day so i could save some money to pay down the debt.
If I was still relaxed and had a stylist I was comfortable with I would go every week for a shampoo, condition and style. As a natural, I wouldn't bother. I wear my hair pulled back 90% of the time so there's really no point. It's not like I'm getting a style.
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Trust and believe, if I could afford to have someone do my hair, nails, feet, skin and give me a massage once a week, I WOULD! My dad taught me how to change a tire years ago, I still call my SO or AAA everytime :yep:

It's not a matter of if I can but if I want too :rolleyes:
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Believe me, I was wondering the same thing. She's almost 30.

I'm sure she knows how to do it she just doesn't want to. Also for a lot of people it's not the washing and conditioning that's the hard part it's figuring out what to do with the hair afterward. I know people like this. Once they get to the styling part they don't know what to do or it never turns out right so they'd rather go to the salon.
In this economy and with my past experiences with hair salons :nono:, but I wouldn't knock it if anyone else did it. There's a nice lady that lives down the street from my house that has beautiful BSL/MBL hair that she's had for as long as I can remember (I've known her since I was a little girl), and she goes to the beauty parlor religiously bi-weekly. If it works, then work it! LHDC :grin:.

P.S. I've met people that don't even OWN shampoo or conditioner bottles. They trust their beautician for all their hair care needs and must report to the beautician any nonsense they've attempted to do with their hair. Trust me, when you find a good hair dresser that actually does right by your hair, it gets like that for a lot of people.

That is the truth. I love my stylist now, i wish i could go to her weekly.
I like the way the stylists can get my hair bone straight and silky. I personally can't stand being in a salon for 3 hours getting my hair done so I go maybe 2x a year. I like doing my own hair and I'm not anti-salon, but I would hate to be a slave to a salon.

BTW I know plenty of people that do not know how to wash their own hair, don't want to learn.

Sick and tired of my hair and about to start going to the Dominicans weekly for a rollerset. Deperately need a relaxer tho... 14 weeks post this weekend.. Hair is falling by the handful.. Was waiting till I was done with the first trmester of this pregnancy.. but I'm bout to throw in the towel and go this weekend (13 weeks preggo).. Dont think can handle looking a hot mess one more week.. SMH...

Sick and tired of my hair and about to start going to the Dominicans weekly for a rollerset. Deperately need a relaxer tho... 14 weeks post this weekend.. Hair is falling by the handful.. Was waiting till I was done with the first trmester of this pregnancy.. but I'm bout to throw in the towel and go this weekend (13 weeks preggo).. Dont think can handle looking a hot mess one more week.. SMH...

I didn't read this thread so I'm just responding to the title. But if I found a place to do it where I good get a quick appt, I would go every week. The only reason I didn't go every week when I did go because it just took up too much time.

Hope your appt goes well judy4all